Desicive strike need a buff



  • axem
    axem Member Posts: 11

    That really goes both ways tho because ranked is so ######### bad or camping killers can just chill, like i know ds can be annoying but i'd say just being forced to tank hook stages cuz of allies or a scummy killer is worse because i couldn't even play the game anymore after the first chase.

  • Unfun_Tunnel
    Unfun_Tunnel Member Posts: 51

    I don't waste my time reading this. Decisive must be nerfed. Survivors are carried by it. You literally suck at the game? No problem, here's your minute of immortality. Bad players shouldn't be rewarded and good players should be rewarded but without the possibility of using it in lockers. You should somehow fill the ds bar to activate it. I don't have an actual idea, but this perk is just wrong.

  • Only1alt
    Only1alt Member Posts: 18
  • yeetdaubeny
    yeetdaubeny Member Posts: 4

    Bruh, are you ######### stupid, the old version was so easily abusable and the new version gets rid of one the biggest issues in the game in tunneling.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    new one just as abusable as the old one and it just makes the killer tunnel you more till your dead why i don't use it.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Either you're incredibly bad at the game or incredibly bad at trolling, but you're making yourself look like a clown either way. Think before you post people, don't be like OP.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Scummy allies can at least be fixed by playing in swf. There is nothing a killer can do against people who abuse DS. Unless they play PH :P

  • Thelastsurvivour
    Thelastsurvivour Member Posts: 5

    But wouldn't that make things worse? Let's say the killer finds you immediately. They chase you, down you, hook you. Now a survivours comes along with borrowed time. The killer tunnels you, smacks you twice, you're back on the hook. Making it so you have to do a gen first by your bare hands and without anyone else makes it an unviable perk. A useless perk. It won't be used.

  • Thelastsurvivour
    Thelastsurvivour Member Posts: 5

    But you can just avoid the killer. Watch anyone who's good and they can run the killer for 4 gens. Noob3 can run killers for 5. I get Ur point but seriously, just think what you said there.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited August 2020

    Not everyone is no0b3 with 3 banned DBD accounts and 948393849384 hours in DBD.

    "Ur point is invalid. Think about what you said there"

  • Thelastsurvivour
    Thelastsurvivour Member Posts: 5

    I disagree. I play both killer and survivours. Ds doesn't make me tunnel harder cuz chances are every survivours has ds. Whoever you play against must love game throwing too since tunneling one survivour for ages let's the generators get completed.

  • Thelastsurvivour
    Thelastsurvivour Member Posts: 5

    I realise that but just me watching those kinds of people play has made me better at the game and I'm a casual. I can now run killers for 3 gens then just get downed after one is completes

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    If you're running killers for that long, the killers were terrible.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    It doesnt need a buff and it doesnt need a nerf, it need a small tweak that would turn it off when survivor is fully healed or when survivor touch a generator.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    no i mean person that ds me i normally go after them because i know that don't have ds anymore tunnel them out of the game after that

  • zacattak48
    zacattak48 Member Posts: 100

    You aren't understanding the whole point of ds. Dont expect to use ds in a match. Just by one person bringing it it does it's job. Ds gives the killer the incentive to not pick you up . If they do then they get stunned. If anything ds needs a nerf.

    Its silly to be punished as killer for downing too quickly. You can hook one person. Then hook another. Then another. And back to the original person you hooked and pick them up at 59 seconds.

    Ds should become unactive after you have been hooked and another survivor that has it becomes hooked. The point of ds is anti tunnel. If your not being tunneled i.e. someone else is hooked it isnt tunneling.

  • DrunkenXSMonkey8456
    DrunkenXSMonkey8456 Member Posts: 53

    Firstly, I understand your English and formatting is fairly poor, it's part of the reason I didn't read it all. Regardless.

    I know the changes fairly well. And from a killer perspective I can understand any anger towards it however, personally there are only two situations I hate this perk:

    First is when multiple survivors in a match have it. It wastes so much time it can easily cost you the game.

    The second situation is when it's endgame. You basically can't stop the survivor if they get unhooked unless you have a mori or are executioner.

    Now for context. Im a mid rank survivor and killer. Im not a pro level player but I know the game well. At high levels where every second counts as killer. This perk sucks ass, and with multiple survivors taking it. You'll likely lose enough survivors that getting more than 2 kills is impossible against a good swf.

    Personally I think behv needs to do something about multiple perks, not a hard limit maybe a penalty to the perks themselves idk.

    Just my thoughts.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347

    Guess what? The survivors consider everything you listed a "nerf".

    Not sure how is it a nerf, it should of have never existed. Insta-heal and crap like that, LOL!

    They don't even know what a nerf is.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    2017 Dbd was so incredibly dumb that i had to drop the game for a year and a half before even thinking about coming back to it. Still not super impressed but at least they are making a playable game.

  • CEO_Of_Jane
    CEO_Of_Jane Member Posts: 72

    Here’s my view: it should either be able to be used whenever we want once OR it should be able to be used twice with a 60 second cool down

  • ghostfacemain
    ghostfacemain Member Posts: 6

    Bruh you sound like an entitled killer like go somewhere. You wack killers go around tunnelling hardcore for eboni moris but cry about a locker tech? Just get good. I get wrecked all the time playing killer but guess what? I dont care cause IT'S A VIDEO GAME. The fact that you're that tight over ds is really annoying, its 1 stun for 5 seconds. You don't like it? Slug. Slugging not working? Use a stealth killer. That's not working? Use 1 hit killers. That's not working? Use hex totems. That's not working? Use perks to slow the game down. I named a few choices that you can do instead of crying about 5 seconds of stun

  • Ichorious
    Ichorious Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2020

    60 seconds is already a lot of time of invulnerability, and if get downed in that time frame, that’s still enough for your team to either finish or almost finish a couple gens or for them to pick you up, or you get picked up and use decisive.

    I think MAYBE this 4v1 game could actually be balanced if survivor perks were used defensively, but sometimes they’re used aggressively, that’s what makes them so strong because the survivors without perks are already aggressive by doing gens and killer defending the gens. I believe the reason being meta perks on survivor are so strong because they add on to the aggressive strength, and slowdown perks are so strong on killers is because they are adding to the defensive strength.

    at first glance DS seems like it would be a defensive, anti-tunneling perk, and most people are completely fine with that, but when people use it aggressively is what makes a lot of killers hate this perk. DS takes away map pressure of hooks, and with unbreakable, it takes away their map pressure of slugging too. Patrolling gens is all they have left, and that leaves a lot of killers defenseless, especially on big maps with slow moving killers.

    If they do decide to change DS, it shouldn’t be buffed or nerfed, but it should be reworked into something defensive.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited August 2020

    If you don't know how much of a problem DS can be then you clearly don't play enough killer. All the suggestions you mentioned have built in counters. Some dont require the survivors to bring anything at all. Everything the killer brings to the table has a counter. Survivor on the other hand, not so much.

    Slug=unbreakable, soul guard, "get help" then someone insta revives

    Stealth= spine chill or just move your camera while working on a gen.

    1 hit killers=Survivors who know how to loop and route don't have a problem with one shots.

    Hex= If I have to explain the counter for Hex perks your even newer than I thought

    Slow down perks=only go so far.

    You tell me to git gud while your defending the most OP and broken perk in the survivor arsenal. If DS were removed you know how many survivors would suddenly fall out of red ranks? DS may have been created with good intentions but survivors abuse the living piss out of it. Anything that encourages you to interact with the killer is ass backwards.

  • _orpheus_
    _orpheus_ Member Posts: 33

    i still get to use it like 50% of the time but if you’re not getting to use *don't run the perk*

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    its a 1 minute god mode..... "USELESS"

  • Cinnabon488
    Cinnabon488 Member Posts: 64

    If you have time to fully heal then you're not actually being tunneled. And trust me actual tunneling is chasing down one survivor until death won't let you heal. Also 2017 dbd was worse than now so wth are you talking about?

  • 1stHipster
    1stHipster Member Posts: 7

    Right decisive strike in its current state is perfect the only thing I would do is change it so it doesn’t time out but instead deactivated every time you either heal one health state or progress a generator by 15% or unhook another survivor ds is an anti tunnel perk and if you have time to do any of those actions your not being tunneled.

  • spy198
    spy198 Member Posts: 9

    This just sounds like a dumb killer main complaing about ds in general yes it is annoying when a survivor ds you but its also annoying when a killer uses nurses and is a slugger how about this you hate ds be smart and leave the survivor on the ground for a minute or dont tunnel im both a survivor and killer player and i like where ds is at

  • PinkxKhaleesi
    PinkxKhaleesi Member Posts: 2

    I mean while I agree that the OP has to be either trolling or not really thinking things through (ds is totally fine the way it is imo.. No need for a buff or a nerf) I find it funny you are posting a clip of Vinc3ntVega who is clearly finding these guys memeing with DS hilarious. He also brings DS alot as survivor as his thing is to double tapp killers with DS and head on so there's no way he believes it needs nerfed and it's clearly the guy who made this clip that's mad about it lol.

  • whiteixal
    whiteixal Member Posts: 23

    it's honestly not worth taking shitt like this seriously when there's obviously survivors abusing with the very thing people ask for the buff

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    DS is nothing but extra 3/5 seconds of chase time.

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    I don't know why people say that DbD isn't balanced in the sense that survivors have an advantage. It's a pretty balanced game. The only problem that I think with it is survivors can gen rush you and there's nothing you can do about it, you just have to pray that all three survivors you aren't chasing for a couple minutes are on the same gen so you don't go from 5 gens with 0 hooks to 2 gens with only one hook and a wasted pop.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Always assign someone as the obsession even if no perk calls for it.

    killer doesn’t know if DS exists and doesn’t have a green light to tunnel people, simple way to let people feel safer about mixing up perks and keep killer from knowing too much

    @Peanits pls do something like this

  • myres_min557
    myres_min557 Member Posts: 13

    ds is one of the best perks in the game it 100% does not need a buff. ds can be such a game changer like dead hard, i have gone from shouldve having at least a 3k to everyone getting out just because of one perk thats strong, even on its own. with other perks like unbreakable its even better. i dont get why youd think that ds needs a buff, like holy crap just no.

    one more thing, why would you be complaining that one of the best survivor perks needs a buff when theres really bad perks that no one ever uses?

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    I have to give a solid disagree with the "deactivate when another survivor gets hooked" argument.

    Why? I've seen so so so many situations where the person just unhooked goes down immediately, or the rescuer goes down immediately.

    This would effectively invalidate DS, giving you the ability to rehook that person again with no repercussion. That's still tunnelling.

    If anything, DS should deactivate when the survivor performs an interaction.

    An interaction is: Touch gen/totem/gate switch/healing another survivor/being full-healed yourself/unhooking/locker/flashlight/pallet drop.

    And to further balance it during EGC, enable the timer when all gens are done for 20/25/30 seconds. Easy fix to everything.

    If you're not doing gens/healing/unhooking/totems/etc - You're clearly not being tunnelled.

  • 1stHipster
    1stHipster Member Posts: 7

    Firstly no need for insult this is a civil world there’s no need for that second I understand nurse can be frustrating to go against I have play both sides though you are right in which I main killer but I believe there shouldn’t be single perk that “guarantees” a second chance in its current state when ds is active survivors try pull dumbest things because they know they have a time frame where the killer can’t touch them now there are a few that do use with its intended purpose but then there are the troll who for 60 seconds there nothing the killer can do it sucks on the killer end because for example I might not be trying to tunnel but the players who just got off the hook hopping in out locker for my attention so I pull them out and take the ds you see the issue?

    it needs to be toned down just a tiny bit E.g. performing certain actions deactivate the perk as if the have time to perform them they’re NOT BEING TUNNELED and there is no need for the ANTI-TUNNEL perk but that’s just what I think based on personal experience

  • 1stHipster
    1stHipster Member Posts: 7

    gonna try and be quick meant to put this the post but it didn’t fit I disagree with your disagree if you unhook someone and have ds and they also have it that half of the survivors that can’t be hooked meaning if the killer is trying to avoid ds they have to go hunt what is probably an immersed blenndete (is that how you spell it)

  • ghostfacemain
    ghostfacemain Member Posts: 6

    Bruh i just hit rank 2 last night an been playing without the meta perks or a swf. 🤦 Ds isn't hard to counter you just spend too much time chasing. I've been playing since console release. Thats more then enough to know about the game. I mained doctor when he was nothing and now he top tier. You just crying to much, and can't counter ds. You won't win every game bub, this game isn't meant to be played 24/7 either bub. The devs even said to go outside an play or do something besides sit on the game all day. Cry harder

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    You’re some kind of intoxicated if you think this game was balanced in 2017.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I stopped taking you seriously when you said Doctor is top tier.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    DS is fine it counters tunneling, also its still very useful its just not your playstyle, I have it on me so I can punish tunneling.

  • ghostfacemain
    ghostfacemain Member Posts: 6