PlayStation/Xbox cosmetic equality

I would first of like to say I love this game and the direction it's heading toward and I have seen the game grow a lot since the early days as I first had this on pc back when the original 4 survivors and 3 killers was the full package and even then the game was great buggy and glitchy but great despite flaw. I understand some things can't be done due to rights and regulations which we as a community should try help by being calm about topics like this for example bill which sadly as far as we know not happening which is a shame as it also comes with a decent amount of cosmetics for other survivors too. I do however wish we had a few things pc players do have which we currently don't and seeing as Devs said a pillar of the new direction toward the future of the game was transparency I would like to also be as respectful and true to my side aswell. I would like to mainly see the charity case on console I understand you guys said it was an issue due to "not being able to get the full profits of the money to charity due to Sony/Microsoft wanting a cut" I would like to ask you do release it and whatever the cut they wish to take increase the price to match and I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind we atleast have the option to purchase it as overwatch just released 1 skin for charity for £12 which yes is overpriced but people bought it as it's for charity and it gives them a new cosmetic. I also realised you wanted "one community" as another pillar and currently from console players I have spoke to they feel almost less important than pc players due to this pack not being there and also the pbe which I am aware just can't happen or at this time for sure anyway. I have my own annoyance but it's more personal than anything which is that I main Feng Mind on console however the gold Feng Min exclusive is not available nor has it ever been people feel this way about other things such as legacy because people feel console players never had the chance to grind for a cool cosmetic that maybe would have but we never got the chance. I feel having "one community" is going to be hard if console side is limited in content compared to pc and I feel the divide even through things such as trophies on ps4 don't have reach rank 10,5,1 for killer and survivor however steam does this may be petty but I feel having differences makes it divide us even if just a little ... I don't want this becoming a rant or people flaming me down for wanting equality between platforms but anything released on pc if not locked behind laws rights and regulations I think console players should be given a chance somehow to unlock the cosmetics by serious grinding or extreme hardworking or dedication to the game and would LOVE to be able to feel we aren't just "casual console players who don't deserve legacy cause you didn't grind" even though I am on the game day in day out on console and probably have more hours and would have been more than capable of given the choice/chance to work through the old bloodweb system but as I said we weren't allowed to even try work for it we were just locked out.


  • deadbydaylightfan
    deadbydaylightfan Member Posts: 262
    I agree with what you say but the reason there is barriers is 1. Unlike pc console items and updates have a certification process which takes time so they release it on steam first because it takes less time and they don’t want them to wait which I agree with 2. The dev team have a console team for the console 3. The reason bill isn’t there is because valve said no and reason console can’t do legacy skins is because they would have to do it again for pc or it would be unfair I’m a console player myself but I see why we can’t get these things but adleast the game can be play tested by somebody with the orb so they can find the bugs and then we get a less buggy update 
  • KHeartsSora
    KHeartsSora Member Posts: 12
    Most of what you said didn't have anything to do with what I said :S not trying to be a dick but I didn't complain about rate of updates or delay between content at all that part I'm sure most should understand and I really don't mind a delay in content and bill I explained in my post it's blocked behind regulations and right holding... Legacy no pc players had a chance in the past to get legacy console players haven't ever has a chance to get it or how about they make it so legacy is for reaching a very high devotion level in this new system they are using in ptb where you have to play a hell of a lot and have it for both platforms if you wish but either way console should of had a chance just like pc.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    They have already explained everything. Let it go

  • KHeartsSora
    KHeartsSora Member Posts: 12
    But that's the thing they haven't otherwise I wouldn't be making this post you are the exact type of person I said in my post I didn't want to run into where you just disregard it and just not listen when my points have proof and points to back it up.
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Paragraph much?

  • KHeartsSora
    KHeartsSora Member Posts: 12
    Sorry for explaining in detail so Devs and people understand forgot that detail and proof of factual information may be a tad over the top for immersed p3 toxic Claudette mains
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    That was an impressive wall of text.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited June 2018

    @KHeartsSora said:
    But that's the thing they haven't otherwise I wouldn't be making this post you are the exact type of person I said in my post I didn't want to run into where you just disregard it and just not listen when my points have proof and points to back it up.

    Or are misinformed? What if you missed the part of the live streams where they have said "no", or explained why console can't get the other cosmetics, "as much as they would like to"?

    Just a thought

  • KHeartsSora
    KHeartsSora Member Posts: 12
    They haven't I look at all dev streams I explained they said they can't give charity cause cause sony and Microsoft want a cut of the money and I am saying let them have a cut and just increase the pack cost so it ends up being the same amount as pc with added fee due to Sony and Microsoft cuts... XD I give up on these forums already.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @KHeartsSora said:
    They haven't I look at all dev streams I explained they said they can't give charity cause cause sony and Microsoft want a cut of the money and I am saying let them have a cut and just increase the pack cost so it ends up being the same amount as pc with added fee due to Sony and Microsoft cuts... XD I give up on these forums already.

    Do you think they haven't thought abut that or haven't tried? It's not a simple as the toddler mathematics you have suggested -.-