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Multiple Oni bugs

AuzEll Member Posts: 1

I don't know if we're allowed to put multiple bugs in one report but since these are all related to Oni I'm doing it anyways. I mainly play Oni so I think I can accurately determine the frequency of these bugs.

1: PC - Oni's camera spazzing out when Demon Striking a survivor.

Demon Strike a survivor -> Camera spins rapidly in random directions for a split second before calming down. This bug is pretty consistent and doesn't really need video evidence. Just play Oni right now and you'll find it straight away.

2: PC - Oni sometimes fills up his power gauge via the passive recharge (which isn't supposed to happen) preventing him from being able to activate blood fury unless he M1's a healthy survivor first.

Happens around once every 4 games.

NOT MY FOOTAGE. UPLOADED BY 'Umbra'. Around 4:50 is when it happens.

3: PC - Hooking a survivor sometimes causes the game to be held hostage

Sometimes when hooking a survivor, regardless of what state they're in, they will bug out on the hook and cause the game to be held hostage. The survivor's hook timer will not decrease, they cannot attempt escape or struggle and they won't even be sacrificed if it's their last hook. They also can't be unhooked by other survivors and if all other survivors escape or die the game will still continue. This bug also prevents the killer from using his power and doing other actions such as vaulting windows. This leaves the killer no choice but to disconnect and since the DC penalties are back I hope that justifies my frustration with this bug. I've only experienced this bug with Oni.

NOT MY FOOTAGE. UPLOADED BY 'Scott Jund'. Around 3:16 is when it happens. This was uploaded 7 months ago but the bug is still in the game.

This happens around once every 8 games currently.

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