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Franklin’s Demise, Impossible to Pick Up Item

I assume this isn’t exactly a “bug” but it is certainly an exploit of some kind.

If the killer hits a player holding an item, and the killer is using Franklin’s Demise, the survivor drops the item.

Now, if the item is dropped in a spot where there is an upright pallet, and the pallet is dropped, the item is now impossible to retrieve if the killer never destroys the pallet. I have had 5 matches in a row where the killer refuses to destroy a pallet because my item is under it. The killer wouldn’t even break the shack pallet, we just stayed there staring until exactly 2 seconds after my item was consumed, THEN he broke it.

I don’t know if this isn’t a concern of yours, but I hope this exploitation of Franklin’s Demise, to deny the item the moment it is dropped, is to be fixed somehow. Such as being able to change which input picks up an item, such as being the same button to manually drop the item. Or to force the item on top of the pallet, similar to forcing the Trapper’s traps above certain terrain.

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