Is it just me, or is the pig OP?

krayzie Member Posts: 9
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

IMO the pig is ridiculously op.

Most of the killers have 1 or 2 abilities some being more powerful than others. Huntress has 1 pretty bad ability so she rarely gets used in higher levels where as killers like nurse and trapper are still used with their 1 because it is a powerful ability.

So why does the pig have 3 all of which are what i'd consider powerful abilities. The no terror radius thing is hard as it is, but then she also has a charge attack that is nearly impossible to dodge ( i was on the opposite side of a 3 meter loop, she charged at me did a hairpin U turn around it and caught me before i could get to the pallet.) which makes it more powerful than the stalk abilities of ghost/shape because it is like being instantly exposed but you make injured sounds too and only takes a few seconds to charge up. But then on top of all that it can put a trap on your head that takes 2 seconds but sends you into a frenzy running around the map trying to get it off, wasting a few minutes each time and potentially taking you out of the game instantly.

I run around about rank 2 survivor and I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a pig lose to 5 gens, thankfully you don't see a heap of them because it isn't one of the free killers but it almost feels like a P2W thing with how powerful it is.

I even thought maybe its just me and there is someone that is good at dodging the attacks but then I googled it and the only thing i could find was a low rank messing with another low rank.


  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Why better not interpret it instead of complaining to the pig? This way you will understand why nobody considers her OP and why she is one of the weakest killers in the game.

  • Cinnabon488
    Cinnabon488 Member Posts: 64

    Bruh pig is by no means OP. She's a very average killer.

  • seffard
    seffard Member Posts: 40

    If pig is op then I dont wanna know what you think of the strong killers.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    As someone who mains Pig, she is far from the strongest. She's low A tier / High B tier.

  • ToxicAsf
    ToxicAsf Member Posts: 25

    "Most of the killers have 1 or 2 abilities some being more powerful than others. Huntress has 1 pretty bad ability so she rarely gets used in higher levels where as killers like nurse and trapper are still used with their 1 because it is a powerful ability." im sorry????

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    pig is bad like 3rd worst after legion and clown

  • honestscript
    honestscript Member Posts: 259

    She's not op, either you just need to get used to playing against her or you need to learn to adapt to her.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    Freddy have a few words for you.

    Pig if anything needs a slight buff.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    You forgot she also has the biggest weakness and easiest counter out of all the killer roster: if the survivor boops her on the snoot, they receive invulnerability for the rest of the match and a free escape.

    ...No but for real. This has to be a troll post. Pig is the weakest killer. Absolutely weaker than clown, and arguably weaker than legion. She can cancel her TR, sure, but it takes her so long to crouch a whole gen could be done before she does. Her lunge can end chases quick.... if it didn't announce it the second she started charging it up, and tell the survivor exactly where she was at in her charge, and if she had any visibility while crouched to charge her lunge.

    Her party hats are just for memes. They do literally nothing except force a survivor to play with her jigsaw boxes for 10 or 15 seconds, one to four times a match.

  • krayzie
    krayzie Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2020

    obviously not a shared opinion all tho would be good to see some actual footage of someone looping this thing at high levels

    Post edited by krayzie on
  • krayzie
    krayzie Member Posts: 9

    or even a video at a high level where they've found her easy where it hasn't been a cornfield map

  • TM1982
    TM1982 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2020

    I'm super late to the party, but I absolutely agree with op. I hate playing against the pig—I spend the game running around to her jigsaw things to get the hat off, and every time I do that, the pig ends up at one of them (usually the one that actually gets the hat off) and then she downs me again. I honestly don't see how she ISN'T considered OP.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    It's just you. I've gonna go bit by bit.

    1. Did you just say Huntress has a weak power? And is rarely used? She is literally the most played killer in the game at red ranks according to the dev's own stats.
    2. Trapper's power is... very far from being powerful. I mean, once you know the trap spots, you're good. If you have Small Game, Detective's Hunch, a map, or just good eyes, then Trapper is an M1 killer with no power.
    3. Pig's powers are far from powerful. Her stealth is mediocre as her TR is 32m, so she can't use Whispers to detect a survivor and crouch without using Monitor. You can't patrol because you move at 90% speed, so you need to choose a good time to crouch.
    4. Her Ambush is probably her best tool. It's also easy to counter. Either A) Pre-drop the pallet or B) run away when she crouches.
    5. The Trap is an annoyance at best. Just 99 gens and you're good to go. If she has Ruin then fine, you might have to run around for a bit. Here's the issue; it's complete RNG. You might get it on your last attempt or your first. The Pig has 0 input on this, which is why this power is so infuriating for Pig players.
    6. Even if the Trap is active, you have 2 minutes and 30 secs. That's enough time to get the trap off. The only time the thing ever really kills you is if the Pig is running Tampered Timer and Crate of Gears and harasses you a few times. Even then, it's complete RNG in its effectiveness. Doubly so as a gen needs to pop before the trap is even active, meaning your teammates would be the ones screwing you over there.
  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
    edited December 2020

    Huntress is very strong and used all the time. All you need to do is watch one Umbra video to see how strong she can be.

    Unlike most stealth killers, Pig is VERY slow when she is stealthed (slower than survivors). So Pigs need to be very selective of when they use their stealth as they could waste a lot of time if it doesn't work.

    Her dash is hard to avoid, but not impossible. Just pay attention to her movements and don't move too far in one direction in case she jukes you. You can also just avoid it altogether. If you see her crouching, just run away from the loop and find a new one.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    To anyone reading this thread. This is an old thread that doesn't need commented on anymore. The original thread creator hasn't appeared here since August 7th so there's no point in replying.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Pig is weak

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Pig is not OP. Doctor is.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Lunge is only really good for anti loop at LOS breakers.

    If the survivor can see you they can simply make a break for a further vault or pallet.

    Traps are a nice slowdown tool but they are controlled by the survivors and heavily RNG dependant. They also have been nerfed a few times massively weakening her endgame potential.

    Her stealth is also middle of the road. She can control when she becomes undetectable but unlike Ghostface she moves slower, and unlike Micheal she crouches low making it hard to identify players on maps with tall grass.

    Pig is a solid mid-high killer. A decent enough skill ceiling that is more about player knowledge than mechanical skill. A smart killer can do VERY well with Pig if they spread their pressure correctly. But she still takes time to learn survivor habits, when you should or shouldn't use stealth or when the best time to start using beartraps is.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868