Toxic survivors make me to stay away from DBD

I love this game a lot, and I play mostly killers, I have only 150 hrs and today I got my rank 5. The problem is whenever I get looped or pallet stunned, whenever survs manage to bodyblock me, and etc. They write “easy” and “baby killer” in the postgame chat, and teabag and flashlight click ingame. And whenever I finish my game, I simply text “gg, gl next”, every single time. I just don’t understand why survs are so toxic and mean, and it makes me feel like quitting DBD. I don’t know what to do about it or how to change my mindset for the game :(
The best advice I can give is learn to move on. No matter if you play good or bad there is always the chance that someone will complain or be mean about it. Become a better killer, try to learn how to improve and outplay those type of survivors. To help you understand how to improve and at the same time keep a better mindset about what to do about those type of survivors go and watch Otzdarva. Nice guy, very good killer and always doing his best no matter how hard some games can be or toxic survivors become.
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This is very annoying. Its something that needs work. I'm sure many noobies are harassed often, who knows the percentage of those that stay. You can't block freedom of speech (except if you take off chat) unfortunately, you never know if theyre mean until they act like it. I know people can look up a killer's profile and can identify toxic ones. Maybe we can add something in-game that can reflect toxic ... Prestige skins identify those a lv'd up character. All i'm trying to say is what if the game add an aura around the killer to show how his recent games have been. Red for 4k last game, white, non for no kills, slight aura for 2 k. For survivors, a little tattoo somewhere ? Anyone care to add?
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You gotta remember that you're the killer. You are in control. If they are ruining your fun you can turn things around by hooking him and face camp him. They will stop having fun.
Practice a S rank killer. If you see 4 ppl with flashlight in lobby bring him (not wraith or hag) with mori. Usually they are so busy trying to stay alive against a S rank killer that they even forget to tea bag. If they do... well... i find the mori animation really, really, really fun.
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Well you're playing an online multiplayer game so it's not because the community has a toxic side. It's because some people are toxic. Just grow thicker skin if you're playing any online multiplayer game. Or just don't play any online game idk.
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Seriously this isn't a rare occurrence in the world.