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The Nurse

KIKI_ Member Posts: 135
edited August 2020 in Bug Reporting

I investigated her bug section before committing to make this report. I personally don't agree with some of the approaches that some people have taken to report them. Loosely they lack effort (sometimes unreadable complains to be honest), and sometimes they are just a bit aggressive (like stating that u guys dont do your job etc, u get the idea).

I'm also aware that you are a team and as any dedicated team with a project, you have your goals and schedule with assigned priorities. Hell i can also picture that the person taking care of reading bug reports might not have the power to really do something about them due to your team objectives. That is all fine.

The thing is there are several reports stating her bugs (from quite sometime now), but none of them have been marked as seen, acknowledge or answered and therefore we have no way of knowing if u guys are aware of them. So personally, i'd be happy just by knowing that u guys are familiar with them (taking into account the frame stated above) so eventually they'll get fixed.


Platform: PC

Description: Sometimes if you charge your blink really fast after your first blink or fatigue stun, it will prevent you from blinking at all and spam the sound of you charging the blink as long as you press M2. It can also happen on rare occasions on your first blink (extremely weird but it happens). It might be something animation lock-dedicated server related (i wasn't able to reproduce this on a private lobby).

Steps to reproduce: As described above, on public matches.

EDIT: found a video on youtube where it shows. Min 11:05 to 11:25. As you can see, attacking stops it.

How often does this occur: Very rare.


Platform: PC

Description: DEADZONES. There are specific map areas where regardless of your position and how charged your blink might be, you wont be able to blink through them. There are other maps, but the most troublesome are Crotus Prenn Asylum Realm & Silent Hill School. It might be related to blink accuracy (which is another problem).

Midwich example:

Crotus Prenn Asylum example:

Steps to reproduce: As described above.

How often does this occur: Always.


Platform: PC

Description: Blink accuracy. There are several issues related to blink accuracy, the most notorious are blinking through floors despite not aiming (intending to) and not blink at all when apparently blinking into an object (excessive rounding down maybe?).

In the provided example I ended up in the basement despite looking diagonally upwards into an open area. It can happen in any map.

In this example, i should have been able to go to the next corridor with my second blink, however i remained at my start location (probably cause the blink aimed inside an object). I did hold it long enough to cover at least 10 meters (more than a second), so at least i should have ended in the next corridor. This happens a lot, more so in interior maps (objects more close to each other probably), but can also happen at certain loops (rounding down dramatically) so you have to overcharge your blinks.

Steps to reproduce: As shown. Regardless of match being public or private lobby.

How often does this occur: Always.


Platform: PC

Description: Unable to attack immediately after coming out of a blink, instead having a delay of roughly half a second before it can be performed. Lock in animation perhaps?

Steps to reproduce: None apparent. Happens randomly when trying to perform an attack directly after blinking.

How often does this occur: Quite often, many times in a single match.


Platform: PC

Description: Nurse will be unable to lunge after blinking, performing a basic attack instead. Sometimes it will lunge but shorter, quite weird. Might be related with the one mentioned above. Ping-animation lock bug?

Steps to reproduce: None apparent. Randomly after attempting to lunge out of a blink.

How often does this occur: Quite often, many times in a single match.


These bugs have been reported before, however they still persist. Once again, just knowing that you are aware of them and looking forward to eventually fix them would be enough. Cheers

Post edited by KIKI_ on
6 votes

Pending · Last Updated


  • EntitledBabySurv
    EntitledBabySurv Member Posts: 5


  • KIKI_
    KIKI_ Member Posts: 135

    - Updated, provided evidence of the first bug mentioned.

  • xenomorphfordbd5
    xenomorphfordbd5 Member Posts: 5

    This bug has been a thing ever since dedicated servers, I feel really bad for Nurse mains and people who want to play her, she's really frustrating to play with this bug still existing

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    They actually removed the blink accuracy since her Nerf / rework. They said it was working but almost not noticeable, now you have to overcharge your blinks every time while going through an object. Otherwise there is a high chance for you not to mvoe through it.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Thank you for taking the time to do this. I have experienced all the listed bugs.

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    As a nurse main I’ve experienced all of these bugs as well. Never experienced them prior to 4.0.0 update