Give killers points in Sacrifice instead of Brutality when a survivor disconnects.

That's it. That's the suggestion.

Why do killers get quitter bonuses in brutality? Survivors get altruism if their teammates quit, because that's the category they'd miss out on the most. Killers should get sacrifice points, because those are the points the killer is missing out on the most. And as for emblem progress, all players should get a bonus towards the appropriate emblem - if three survivors disconnect and the fourth gets the hatch, the killer depips. If your teammates disconnect, you're likely to die quickly as a result. As much as I don't care for rank, others do. Why are the remaining players punished for the quitters' mistakes?

And as for the disconnect penalty, re-implement it. Players are disconnecting with zero penalty on a regular basis, and it's killing everyone else's enjoyment of the game. Punish these people harder. And as for the system not being able to tell the difference between a rage quit and a genuine internet outage, don't make me laugh. SURELY there's a way to tell whether or not someone has pressed the "leave match" button.

The lack of punishment means players can get away with whatever they like. Is it a killer they don't like? DC. Are they the first to be hit/downed? DC. Do they not like being outplayed? DC. Are the survivors teabagging and clicking flashlights? DC. Do you really not see how this is a serious problem?

There is no excuse for the appalling state the game is in right now. The MMR system is pairing new players with veterans, and ruining everyone's enjoyment of the game because they either get really easy matches or get absolutely stomped on with very little middle ground. The lack of DC penalty is making matches boring when people disconnect - especially when the wait times can still be upwards of ten minutes.


  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,780

    I think it's too early to judge MMR, but I 100% agree about the rest. I like the idea of giving the bonus to Sacrifice instead, reverting the DC penalty removal, and better accounting for DCs in emblems.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 920
    edited August 2020

    There used to be a way to tell if a DC was intentional or not. If you heard the "Death noise" (The "DOING!" sound effect) it was 100% intentional, while if they pulled the plug, lost connection, or crashed the DC would be silent. For some reason all DC's are "Silent" with the current patch.

    Ideally I'd rather have DC husks. Change "leave match" to Forfeit, your survivor flops into Dying State, and you're unable to leave the lobby and forced to spectate your "husk" until the killer hooks it, moris it (Which can be done base-kit. Don't like the concept of a killer getting a mori for free? Don't DC then!), or it just bleeds out over the usual 4 minutes.

    No more Tactical Disconnects to give the hatch, and the "Lmao I DC'd so you technically didn't kill me, GGEZ baby killer" excuse won't fly since you can't leave until the killer kills your husk or it bleeds out. You can still "hard-DC" by force-closing the game to bypass having to watch the killer kill you, but this means you won't be around to BM the killer in post-game chat either. (And the husk thing still happens, so the killer STILL gets to hook/mori your ass, just you won't be around to see it!)

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    that could ruin their mmr, making future matches unfun when 1 or 2 kills becomes a "good match" while most of their rift challenges still haven't even unlocked yet let alone been finished. No and/or pass. The satisfaction of knowing you just made somebody feel how you usually feel when playing killer is reward enough. I'd take some bloodpoints though. Keep the sacrifice since most rift challenges wouldn't be impacted by not getting it credited as one.