I installed the game 4 days ago, ######### MATCHMAKING???!!!!!!



  • KiPi
    KiPi Member Posts: 43

    Survivor were supposed to need only 10 matches (if they are new or haven't played in a while) because they were collecting data beforehand.

    For killer it is 10 matches for each individual killer. But same as above, if you have played recently with a specific killer the system should have learned already about that.

    That's where most of the frustration comes from. They said that data was collected but people (especially streamer) who play a lot...like really a lot, should have quite the accurate rating, but the matching isn't accurate at all. That gives the impression that we got lied to - which set's people off. Additionally many have no fun playing because it's either too easy or too hard. I read a few exceptions where it seems to work, but well...overall it seems to be the minority by far.

    I read in a different thread, that the system is being looked at. Nothing more known currently, so all we can do is wait sadly.

  • xiangsu
    xiangsu Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2020

    I've been playing on ps4 for about 2 months now, and decided to get the game on pc to play with some friends. eventually i decided to play some killer and see if i could get up to where i was on ps4, where i'm currently rank 10. after 2 expectingly boring games, i figured maybe i'd start playing against somewhat higher ranks, like somewhere from 15-10. I hadn't even been playing that well so this just didn't make sense to me. After looking at their profiles, this was a 4 man swf, all with at least 1,000 hours in the game, one with 3,000. there is no reason a killer on their third game, after playing average games against people who just started playing, should be matched with this. Before this happened I believed, despite all of the other posts about all of the unbalanced games, that it could work at least most of the time. But after this, i'm not so sure.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Dont know if anyone has said this, but unfortunately its not just your mmr at play here. You also have the killers and the other survivors. Some assumptions here, but maybe the game takes the killers mmr, and tries to build a team that would be fair to play against. That would be my guess. So unfortunately its not entirely up to you, its up to everyone to play enough to get proper "mmr". I believe it takes at least a week if not more before we get more "balanced" matches. They claim the program have been running but considering it hasnt been trying to matchmake teams I believe thats where some of the weirder matches comes from.

    Again this is just speculation on my part. I cant recall having played a game that tried to implement mmr into its 4 year old game so for all I know this might be perfectly normale for the first while. And I would guess you not knowing the rankings of your team mates and the killer, would remove a lot of frustration from a lot of people. As some have said it seems to have been an ok match. I got a lot of similar results before the MMR so all I can say is, its not worse. Its just different xD.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I don’t see how this is supposed to work when I keep getting teamed up with idiots and ppl so new they won’t do anything other than hide on lockers until the birds come or stay still enough to attract the birds. Then they decide to follow you while you’re trying to disarm traps. I’m sure my MMR score sucks.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319


    man it must be a fun time to be the killer

    I think I'm gonna put the horizon port on hold and enjoy some day time killer queue and then swap back to horizon or survivor in a few hours before the non potato swf hit the queues

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I'd recommend on holding off on the Horizon PC port anyway. Reviews are not kind to it right now. Apparently, it is having major performance issues.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    All my survivor games since the MMR system introduction have been me (green rank) + grey ranks vs a red rank killer who stomps the entire team because I cannot do everything alone. Its not fun.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Same here. Maybe 1/5 matches gives me fantastic teammates, but the other 4/5 are newbies, or players who belong in newb levels just crouching in the most obvious hiding spots, or locker hopping, too afraid to even try save someone. I've had to completely redo my perks just to even have a chance to survive and as you say, there's only so much you can do alone before you're screwed over.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    My very first game of the new MMR system was me dying on my first hook while everyone else crouched around the edges, scared for their life.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    last night that started changing me, purple rank here, the matches started having some a bit closer together as well as the killers becoming purple and green mixes in ranks. I still got some reds though, but even earlier int he week the red kilelrs weren't always a death sentence. though those times they snowballed early off a couple people trying to save each other it usually was a 1 or 2 rank killer I think. The funny thing is rank never really meant a lot anyways before this week, although to some degree it's still not something to excuse some of the blatantly whack matchmaking recently. had some matches with a red or two, and a 20 or 2 myself recently on the team. It was weird, and ironically, sometimes the red was being tunneled first. Maybe the red killers recognized them and singled them out or something as a strategy. I dunno. I would have in their shoes to make it an easy game, so I don't blame them.

    once in a while I got the last gen or an exit gate from killers when I was the last alive, and got a hatch last night too from one. That helps keep you motivated lol. I feel sorry for some of the low ranking killers with just a perk or two that I've also seen lately though... if I had known some of those guys were gonna suddenly be so low I wouldn't have done some of the ######### I did like killing all the hooks in one game that turned out to be against a rank 20 with a souped up toolbox with sabo addons and the sabo perk. I've been doing some odd stuff after becoming bored or losing a couple or few games too badly in a row like even trying no mither injured builds and stuff. Keeps it fun still. Also, spine chill is your friend these days. Lots of meyers, spirits, and even at least a couple of ghost faces as well as some wraiths.

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    The new matchmaking is atrocious. I have over 1800 hours in-game and was matched with someone who had less than an hour in-game the other day. I'm absolutely steamrolling new players and it's just not fun. Hopefully they fix the matchmaking system because right now there's a lot of problems with it. It was far from perfect before, but it was better than this mess.

    All I can say is give it time to be fixed, or push through that initial "trial by fire". It sucks, I know. The new player experience has been awful since launch, to be honest. The game needs proper tutorials and to give players information on how perks/addons are affecting them, etc.

    Don't give up, though. DBD can be a fun experience when things actually work!

    Also, ignore any trolls telling you the matchmaking is working. It's not. It's very clearly busted.

  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311

    Returning to Xbox, it’s been hell. Nothing but potato survivors. If you enjoy stomping survivors not even having to utilize your powers or even mind game because all they do is hold w and self care in the corner of the map, then sure, but it’s just so sad seeing a poor little meg running away passing 5 pallets.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    You know. You can still get your point across and not pretend to be a brand new player. You're about as bad as parents who pretend their children said something wise and intelligent when 99% of the time, they didn't.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    My first match was pretty much the same, but thankfully I had Deliverance so I somehow managed to escape, but they all still did nothing. Ended up doing 3 Gens solo. I don't blame them of course. New players don't understand the game at all, so I hold nothing against them. I even tried to signal them to come help but they just wouldn't move. First match I did as killer I was GF and the whole team just hid in a single corner together. It got so bad I had to message them to ask them to at least do gens. It's just lose/lose right now because if you let the new players win, they go against stronger killers, but make them lose and you're just stomping them so hard into the ground they don't understand how to counter anything.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Today was generally a fairly even day with the new MMR. But there were 2 game as the picture shows. New killers against 3 red rank that finished in DC after 3/4 gen done. No hooks.

  • Magnafiend
    Magnafiend Member Posts: 20

    If you like the basic concept of the game, it's worth pushing through the god awful new player experience in the end. It's going to suck, but eventually you'll start to get the hang of it. Just know you're probably going to lose..... a lot.... especially with matchmaking the way it is. If you're playing on PC, get some friends together, do some customs to just mess about on the maps, or if you like playing survivor just jump into a lobby with a 3 or 4 man group and just experiment and try to learn.

    Also check out some youtube videos and how-to's for beginners (PainReliever has some REALLY good tutorials and in depth breakdowns). The game's learning curve is steep (almost vertical honestly) but if you don't really care much about being 'good' and can have a good time even when things are looking grim, just keep at it and you'll get there.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    I'd rather deal witht hat than sweat squads honestly. It would bore me after a while, but I'd have some fun with it for a little while at least. And feel motivated to get some rift challenges done with them being realistically achievable in reasonable amounts of time and/or effort. I'm afraid to destroy mmr tooe arly though, before the rest of the rift is released. But I'm also afraid to wait too long, in case they screwed something up and fix it without ever telling us about it losing my opportunity at fun matches and easy rift challenges even if I don't play killers much until the rest of the rift is available to breeze through on probably the last rift I'll buy.

  • BaschFonRonsenburg
    BaschFonRonsenburg Member Posts: 311

    Yeah it was laughable at first. I played three matches yesterday as legion and didn’t feral frenzy a single time, still gave hatch to the last guy and they never finished a single gen. They just don’t know how to play, and if I was a betting man I’d say half of them don’t even know about the tutorial.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Ranks literally don't do anything anymore in the new MMR system..

    ..but its still a good designation for how much a player plays DbD. A rank 20-17 player has either 1) Taken a long break and used rank reset to fall that low or 2) are a completely new player who've not managed to get out of the grey ranks yet.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    This is like day 3 of the system supposedly being in place??? I forget what day it actually started.

    But I'm sitting here with 2300+ hours as a rank 2 survivor (Morid out of rank 1, thank god)

    And I just played against a Baby Myers. And that's not an assumption. He was rank 20, had NO perks, and tried to chase me around Ormond in TIER 1, I assumed he had scratched mirror or something but he finally hit tier 2 as we were opening the exit gates. No one got downed. No one got hooked.

    Every survivor was red ranks except for 1 who was in purple. There's no reason any of us should have been playing that killer. He has to have just bought the game to not know how to play Myers correctly.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    I'll take them off your hands, 2 hooks each, and then letting them all go to hopefully not spoil the mmr too quickly while rift challenges disappear like cells in biden's brain.

  • BoraZOR
    BoraZOR Member Posts: 4

    From my experience I can understand your position. I'm main killer and I experienced to play vs red ranks a lot when I was rank 12-8 killer. What can I say It's that even if is frustrating you will learn a lot about both micro (looping, chasing) and macro (decision making) game.

    I've had a lot of frustrating moments but then I learned and today I can handle better red ranks, even if they still often wins (I'm actually rank 4 killer).

    And by the way, winning against low ranks survivors is not funny at all.

    So just don't give up and take the loss as an improving moment.


  • Madahala_
    Madahala_ Member Posts: 10

    yea my case happened but my friend is suffering

  • Madahala_
    Madahala_ Member Posts: 10

    im gonna tell u my ranking plan that would make the game better: 100 rank/xp would be given to players, being bronze medals worth -10 to high ranks and -5 to below 17, silver giving 0 to high ranks and 5 to below 17, and the gold giving 10 and red 20 to whosoever wins it. that way, a full iridescent match would be much more rewarding, and 2 matches at most would mean rank up. i think it would be much more dynamic and fair working alongside the new mmr system

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Oh, I played against you yesterday I think. sorry about that.

  • Human
    Human Member Posts: 40

    Multiple moderators have stated that it's not working and they are fixing it. Soon TM

  • Madahala_
    Madahala_ Member Posts: 10

    i liked the match tho, just complaining for my friend, he doesnt speak english. were brazilian

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    It looks like the match was made for a duel between you and the killer.

  • SoulFeature
    SoulFeature Member Posts: 7
  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    They're in uncharted waters. I really wish they would just spend the money to bring specialists in to advise and set it up if possible.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Hahaha. I know the feeling. I played a game last night where i kited the killer around the entire map until all the gens were done. Killer didn't even bother to camp and I died on first hook. Nobody came for me. Was incredibly annoying.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    The entire MMR system they tried to build is obviously an out-of-season April Fool's joke.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Nothing is perfect the first go round...

    I hope the Devs are working at it though... Cause I doubt the playerbase can handle much more

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2020

    not every single lobby, but most of them are. Take it from somebody that has spent close to an hour too many times quickly browsing profiles dodging lobbies because of that harsh truth. mmr ceilings will only make it worse in time knowing not a single one of them will ever be potato again nor will a rando int he lobby ever be. I guess ina fe wmonths they might do something about swf finally once the kilelrs have had enough time to hit their mmr ceiling, and face the fact their lobbies and experiences are all ######### and had been for a while by then lol. Cause a lot of them will start losing interest. and daily quests aren't gonna make any of them wanna play killer again lol. they'll be sitting on three dailies forever.

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    Sometimes "We're working on it" is enough. The lack of solid communication is what's driving a lot of people nuts about this. Not everyone reads the forums, the Q&As, the patch notes, etc. so the information should be in-game. The whole player base should know what's going on, and they don't. That's a big problem.

  • NeaMainNoob
    NeaMainNoob Member Posts: 21

    OK so What I am definitely not a fan of the MMR system it is absurd for newer players in between R 20 and 15. My sister for example just started playing (R 17) and is pretty good for a newer player but she is facing insanely good players which means she is getting annihilated and barely getting blood points I don't really like this tbh

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    MandyTalks stated they're looking into everything right now regarding it. We can only hope a fix comes soon, but I'm sorry your sister is having a hard time. I think the best thing is to just hold off on having her play until the MMR is fixed, or seeing if she can play with friends to be able to increase their chances of being able to enjoy the game more.

  • TastyGuava
    TastyGuava Member Posts: 6

    Players with 1,000 hours, 4,000 hours, against a killer with 40 hours only on survivor. This new matchmaking system really isn't working at all. I've gotten killers who can't play at all and want to get off because of how poorly matched survivors are with killers.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    How do disconnects factor in? Anyone said anything about that?

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    DBD devs are terrible at balancing their game, because no other dev would allow the very top players (I talk about our red ranks "1") to stomp new players (I talk about 20-15 ranks). We can debate about the middle players - ranks 15-5, ok, but the top should never meet the bottom. Yes, its a free slaughter for red rank veterans. xD

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227

    i wonder why im rank 1 killer with many many hours dont get such teams against me since the update.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    It's behaviours grand plan to alienate their new potential player base, cutting off any new prospective revenue streams to stop any new content development in it's tracks in order to turn existing players away and deter new players from even bothering to buy in to dbd so that we end up with a legendary empty lobby simulator.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    To me it seems to be an issue of the newer player being matched with and against players whom have put a lot of time into this game

    If they found a way to make that not happen then we'd be good until those players get used to playing this game (getting perks, Items, Addons and Offerings)

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I wonder if they could’ve sectioned it off a bit by either using player hours as a base start or even rank as a starting point for the MMR to start its mapping

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    I honestly just hate this game now. The MMR was being changed when I started and this "fix" has only made it worse. I get matched against all red ranks every game. I'm only a rank 10 killer. I straight up DCed from my last match because they finished 4 gens in under 3 minutes. I didn't even have one hook yet and had only hit one guy. This game is the biggest load of a**t I've ever seen and incredibly biased towards the survivors who, btw, are some of the most toxic pos I've ever seen in a game community. F*** this game. I'm out. It's hot garbage. Let it die.