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Anyone got Tips on playing Plague on Controller?

Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

Im playing Plague on Controller, I have no issue playing her on Mouse/Keyboard.

But Im thinking of writing her off as not very good to play on a controller.

That being unless someone got tips worth using.

Best Answers

  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49
    Answer ✓

    I love playing Plague on PS4. Simply put get really good at tracking survivors movement while spraying your vile purge on survivors in chase it’s difficult but you’ll get the hang of it. Then try learning to aim a little higher from afar to get knock downs with Corrupt. More technically speaking you need to aim higher than you think with Plague. The Vomit sprays from the bottom of screen so you need to aim higher than say huntress would. Also learn to blanket whole loops with damage as Plague. I can’t explain really much I apologize. These tips are just some groundwork for you. Good Luck!