Why MMR doesn't make sense for Dead by Daylight

soggydoggy Member Posts: 6
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

We've all played games of DbD where our heart is pounding through our chest as we frantically look around and see Bubba pass within two feet, chortling a demented chant. The clammy hands at the end of a good match and having to take a step outside and get a breath of fresh air before we dive back into our computers to be hunted again. The thrill of the game is what makes Dead by Daylight interesting. It has elegant mechanics, which creates the space for an incredible game of psychology.

I have played DbD on and off for the past two years I have enjoyed seeing each killer express themselves differently, maybe have a favorite follower who they let live, while they ruthlessly chase down their friends. It is the psychology of trying to outsmart the killer with a group strangers or friends that keeps pulling me back to the game. It's all of the different play styles that make it so interesting, which is why it is sad to see this changing.

Dead by Daylight is not Overwatch, It doesn't feel like it should be a game where people are there to just push metas. It feels like a game where the killers should be having fun, and the survivors should be haunted by the thrill of the chase. The pyshcological horror and gripping nature of the game has begun to dissolve as MMR has been developed and it is beginning to feel much more mechanical in nature.

Lately, rather than being satisfied with a good loss, I am more likely to be frustrated with my team mates for not pulling their weight. The killers are patrol camping more regularly and simply trying to force a meta. The simple mechanics which once were a stage for people to preform are now just becoming that, simple mechanics.

I personally liked the rank match making system. I felt it made more sense for the play style of the game, where players who played a lot would play together, and vice a versa. At the end of the day the drive to ' JUST WIN! ' wasn't so strong before MMR and the thrill is what drove people back for more.

I am hoping that bEHAVIOUR has a chance to reconsider the nature of their game, and understand that this incredible concept they have developed and curated is going to dissolve. What once made it unique will soon be replaced with the same frustrated toxic community that wanders the halls of every other competitive game, where players will be pointing fingers and slandering each other post game rather than thanking each other for experience.

The air of being trapped in a horror movie has gone to be replaced by it's straight to DVD squeal. I hope to come back to Dead by daylight soon, but while it remains competitive, I will have to go elsewhere to enjoy my time.
