Why do survivors gloat about hatch escapes?

So I've lost count the amount of times I've had a survivor message me "GG Ez" after they escaped through the hatch.

I rarely slug for the 4k, as I see a 3k as a win and once I downed the second to the last survivor I'm ready to move onto the next game.

I use to be a survivor main and I still don't get why some survivors feel the need gloat about getting a hatch escape. Whether through post game or making a lot of noise notifications/waiting till the killer is near before escaping through the hatch.

The killer has already won, when the last survivor escapes through the hatch it's due to RNG and the killer not bothering to slug for the 4k.

It would be the same as if the killer was only able to get a 1k, then proceeded to message the survivors of how easy the game was, how bad they are at the game (some killers actually do this). It would be silly, but so is being toxic about escaping through the hatch.

Granted when I play survivor and I got a team of potatoes, and I had to carry the game, I'll feel that earned the hatch. However, I won't gloat about it to the killer.

Also a survivor being toxic to a killer because they got the hatch, may encourage the killer to to slug for the 4k to prevent the survivor from being able to gloat about escaping through the hatch.

Comment your thoughts.



  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    I normaly just say gg ez when the guy is facecamping tunneling and that types of things, but if you are playng like an human, probably the survivals jsut want to inflate their ego

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Because their objective is to escape and by the power of hatch, they escaped. I agree it's stupid but any competitive game will create salty people.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Because hatch is a free win with the only requirement being that everyine else dies first. Because to quote family guy "Only dicks dont let babies win"

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    More killers whining about the hatch. If they find the hatch before you, they have a right to gloat. When everyone else dies, it's a race for the hatch. 1st 1 there gets to gloat. I've had many killers gloat when closing the hatch on a survivor who wanted it after other 3 escaped and the NOED them. They gloated by keeping them in the basement (killer was trapper and trapped the doors and windows of the shack) and kept them there, hooking them last second before the world collapsed. Your point is invalid as killers gloat over stupid things too so stop complaining, all of you.

    Hatch isn't getting "fixed" but the keys are being tweaked. Only fix the hatch needed was grabbing survivors as they jumped in by hatch campers in the beginning. Just all of you stop whining about losing cause no matter what. Survivors escaping means they still beat you. Get over it.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    I could kinda understand it if the match was a total sweatfest, or a by the skin of your teeth scenario. Where you kinda wanna be like, "YES, I LIVED!" Like I know a few times I've had a lucky hatch spawn or happen to find it first and am like "RNGesus was on my side today" in post game chat.

    But GGEZ? They're probably trying to get a rise out of you. It's totally RNG and luck dependent who finds it first. Nothing "EZ" about it. They're probably also the peeps that gotta locker hop or jump a window to let you know they found it, or wait til you find them before they bother to hop in.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Why would you even care? If one person escapes through hatch then the match clearly wasn’t ez and they’re just being a little #########, who cares.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I remember a Meg, I was playing demo on father's chapel, I did 10 hooks, they did 1 gen, I was breaking leftover pallets and not caring for the 4k, then Meg never left, I was looking for her, found her on the hatch teabagging, then at the endgame chat she said "gg ez baby killer" I just said "lol", she continued to say how garbage I was because I couldn't get the 4k, I really laughed hard and just left the chat.

    Some survivors want to boost their egos after being destroyed.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    You're not wrong, just like killers who do the same after 3 escape

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    So survivor survives like their objective specifies..... yet they haven't won? *key in sarcasm* That totally makes sense.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    3 escape? If I got it right.... After 3 survivors escape the killer want to boost their ego? How? I'm confused lol

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    @Kisagi1990 Who the hell are you? Sound like a whiny entitled Survivor main. My post was objective to both sides and I don't think you're a Dev so how the hell do you know what they're working/not working on?

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    You aren't able to piece that together? Sorry. Let me explain. I get killers all the time that like to gloat (especially Deathslinger) when 3 survivors escape but they kill just 1 after they escape and the killer acts like he killed the whole team. That explain enough for you or should I go deeper?

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    I know what they are working on cause they announced it. Sorry you couldnt piece that together either. And no. I play both. I honestly don't like playing survivor since 9/10 matches are face campers, lowkey campers, or tunnelers. And I fight for both sides. You people whine about the hatch, survivors whine about killers face camping and doing other scummy stuff. But tbh survivors are the only ones complaining about something unfair. You are complaining about a mechanic in the game that gives survivors their only way to escape killers who want to keep the game going till they get 4k. Just shut up and leave the hatch alone. Keys I understand but shut up about the hatch. It's not changing so get over it.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Or you can type it better for people like me who english is their second language.

    Take a chill pill.

    I don't know your experiences but I have never heard of a killer liking a 1k.

    I couldn't agree more, hatch is just like ToD, a killer being able to find it first is like using the thorn armor to roll to you.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    A pity mechanic? No. It's the only way to keep killers from keeping everyone locked into the game till they get 4k. You cant find the hatch as a killer? Sucks for you. Get good.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266
    edited August 2020

    I dont really know. Rarely I get the urge to gloat bout escaping. However when I do, it just feels like apart of the survivor experience like I need to gloat for some reason even though it's not that big of a deal that I escaped.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    That one survivor technically completed their objective, but as a whole (the survivor team) did not.

    4k: Killer Wins

    3k: Killer Wins

    2k: Draw:

    1k: Survivor Team wins

    All four escape: Survivor Team wins

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    The survivor "team" technically doesnt win. But the individual does. You have to realize that we are all solo players who are forced to work as a team unless you are with friends. But! The objective is to survive for you. If you live you win. Simple as that. There is no team points. There is no team boost. Just point for you and you alone based on what you do in the match. 1 person escapes mean killer lost against that player. You won against 3, just not all.

    And no I wont take a chill pill. I'm sick of you killers saying how horrible the hatch is. Stop complaining. You are not entitled to the kills anymore then they are the escape. But the hatch HELPS a lot against campy killers. If you didnt get there first to close the hatch, boohoo. They beat you to it. Suck it up and move on. If they gloat, let them. Just play the damn game and stop complaining about how people survive

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I never said that hatch should disappear did I? But it is pity when survivors did nothing and get to escape, remember when survivors needed to do at least 2 gens for the hatch?

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Even if you're playing solo you're playing in a team.

    If the last survivor gets the hatch it doesn't mean the killer lost to that survivor, as the killer won that match by getting a 3k. The survivor getting the hatch just means that the killer couldn't be bothered to slug for the 4k.

    Getting the hatch is the equivalent to a killer getting a 1k.

    When I play survivor I'd rather get sacrificed after I ran the killer for a long time, giving my team mates plenty of time to repair the generators so that they can escape. In my view that's a win, as the killer was only able to get a 1k. However, if I got the hatch, I wouldn't class it as a win as the killer won the match.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    You dont get it. When you survive, you don't get bonus points for every survivor who makes it out. Granted you do lose points in game for a survivor getting hooked but only the first 2 times they are hooked and as soon as they are unhooked, every survivor gets their points back. Point is, every survivor, no matter if they are playing with friends or alone, is a solo player. Look at how the games are scored and you will learn how wrong you are. You do not get points as a team. You are scored solo.

    I never said you said the hatch should disappear, did I? And how do you know they did nothing? Did they stand there all game? Did the crows fly around their heads or lockers? No? Oh. I guess they did something now didnt they? They either tried to save their teammates or attempted gens. Either way they did something so your argument is invalid. If you try and fail 1 way, there is always a backup and unfortunately the backup here, you guys complain about.

    Guys I've heard every point there possibly is on this subject. And there is a very good reason why the hatch is still here and working as is. Because it's not the hatch. Keys maybe. I mean its ridiculous how 2 different keys can open it and both are fairly common. But still. All that needs done is to raise the rarity of the keys. And in turn allow only 1 kind of mori and make that extra rare. Just stop blaming the hatch for your incompetence as a killer. Take this from someone who loves killer way more then survivor. I side with the hatch because I'm smart enough to find it first. So I'm sure you guys can too cause believe me when I say I'm not as bright as I seem.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    And what about a killer that did nothing but facecamp a hook surv during the EGC? This is widely accepted in this forum.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I just gloat to it when.the killer was being a toxic jerk with tunnelling and/or camping tbh

    Other wise most of the time it was a close game

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    "Why do survivors gloat about hatch escapes?"

    Cause the only way they can get out is with a key or not playing and hatch escaping. I enjoy it.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    If a survivor feels the need to BM for jumping into a hole, i presume they feel they won something? A win is subjective in this case, which is why you see so many "what do you consider a win?" posts.

    I mean if you want to argue semantics that's cool I guess, I merely answered your question dude.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited August 2020

    I've played game for two years with around 2k hours in the game (on both sides), I know how blood points are rewarded. I've got to the point where I don't care about blood points or emblems. For example if I get a 3k or more as killer I class that as a win, regardless of my emblem score.

    As I mentioned in my main post, if I get a team of potatoes and I had to carry the game, I'll feel like I earned the hatch. However, whilst I escaped I didn't escape because I beat the killer, I escaped due to RNG and the killer not bothering to slug for the 4k.

    If the killer really cared about securing that 4k the killer would slug for the 4k.

    Anyway this post is about people being toxic due to escaping through hatch, which in my opinion there's nothing to gloat about getting the hatch. Gloating about getting the hatch, will mostly likely encourage that killer to slug for the 4k to prevent the last survivor from being able to gloat about their "hatch escape win".

    EDIT: I'm a competitive person, my goal whether playing survivor or killer is to prevent the other side from winning. If I escape through the hatch I don't class that as winning as the killer got a 3k, therefore winning the match overall.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Let me explain the difference between camping and camping on the EGC, camping when there are still gens is a douchy thing because the killer still has to patrol gens, camping during the EGC, what do you expect killers to do? There are no gens left to patrol

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2020

    Doesn't actually matter what YOU believe. That's like saying you won in smash bros because you got the most kills but you were the loser. How many kills doesnt matter. The fact is, everyone is a solo player with a solo point system. Meaning if a survivor escapes, you still lost against that survivor. Just because you've played a long time doesnt change how the game work. Ok so in YOUR mind, you believe the actual game mechanics dont matter. Well congrats to you. Didn't know you were a DbD god who can change them to suit your beliefs in your matches.

    And also for the record, if killers cared about the 4k, they would ######### about the hatch. Oh wait!

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    That's like saying "Let me explain the difference between douche and douche."

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    That makes you sound way too entitled, can you Idk, take your entitlement out? You said that you are a killer main but the fact that you don't agree with that shows that you are not a killer main since that is a common thing to do to at least get a 1K.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    And I'm not a douche. Though I guess I might be since every match I've had in the last year as a killer has been a 3k or 4k. Only time I ever face camp in EGC is when everyone else has escaped or if they are the last survivor. Plain and simple.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Just minor gloating that's all. Human behaviour. I don't message killers giving them stick ever! However I do always make lots of noise to wind the killer up on a hatch escape. It doesn't work against spirit though 🤣

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    After thousands of hours in this game I have the answer. People like to blame survivor mains or killer mains, but both sides have toxicity. The answer is that some people just enjoy making others suffer. They will find any means to make that happen. A 4 man escape isn't enough for them they need to rub it in your face and make you feel bad. Oh, you got a 4k instead? You are a baby killer scumbag I looped you that one time gg ez.

    The question then becomes have you ever seen a normal person act this way? I bet not. These people have issues. It's best to just say nothing and move on. All they want is attention and if you engage you are just feeding their pathetic attempts to make themselves feel valuable for even a second.

    Seriously. Just say gg. They will get more pissed at that than anything you could say. Don't let them win by getting upset from some dumbass writing ez.

    So that's my opinion on this. Ignore the haters. You do you. There is always going to be someone talking #########. It's how you handle the criticism that defines you.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    I love getting a message from a survivor who got the hatch when their team only got one or no gens done. Like they out skilled me because they found hatch before me.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Meg hides in corner all game. Meg lets all survivors die on hook. Meg camps hatch with left behind. Meg escapes through hatch. Meg won?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Question, why are you acting like god almighty with the third eye sharing infinite knowledge?

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Tell them: yeah, you can have entitys anus hole.

    Also, the hatch has boring design. Devs could make it a sacrificial altar where survivor would need to sacrifice their hand or 1 perk slot (it would be locked for 1 game), only then survivor would be free..

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    Somebody has been watching a lot of YouTube videos and needs to come back to reality.

    Because I'm 1 of the few legit people who doesnt need scummy tactics or toxic behavior to get what I want. You guys complaining about the hatch or saying a survivor didnt win with hatch is in the highest level of toxicity here. I'm the only person who actually defends both sides when everyone wants to complain about 1 side or the other. So I'm pretty sure i have the right.

    Your idea is boring and actually gives the killer even more of an advantage making it more killer sided. If that was implemented i would hands down quit DBD.

    If you lose a pip for not killing 1 survivors, you aren't doing it right. None of those things should disappear. Keys should only have 1 that can open hatch and make that 1 more rare. NOED is fine. Yea it's a pain in the rear but then you just need to learn to dodge. And again leave the hatch alone. No matter what you do not deserve that last kill. Hatch needs to keep its spawn as is.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I like how you dodged my first comment. Aren't you the person who thinks Myers needs a nerf?

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    Lol I didnt dodge it. It just wasnt anything I found even worth talking about. And yes I do. Myers is bs, legitimately. And I will 100% stand by that. He has scummy tactics, plain and simple

  • HatchIsMyMercy
    HatchIsMyMercy Member Posts: 219

    I've never got anything toxic from people who escaped through hatch, actually, now that I think about it... most people in my games escape through the hatch because I let them go.