Killer mains, do not complain about things that YOU cause



  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Lmao stop with the whataboutisims, the post is about killer camping and tunneling, not survivors using meta perks <3

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    And then these type of killers go complain about ds and bt

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    Agree with everything except that tbaggers are rare. More like half of all normal games, and all of the games where they escape.

  • Cutiaddu
    Cutiaddu Member Posts: 402

    You could also try to not complain about everything in the game, still having fun learning from your mistakes and taking dbd for what it is. A horror game and not competitive tom and jerry. But hey this is how I play

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It is their team. If someone gets a penalty in hockey, why would you make the other team have a disadvantage?

  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

    Lmao that is the truth, as killer I had someone DS me and unhook right in front of my face, he barely got any distance and when I got him I was called a "tunneler" even tho he just used DS and unhooked instead of running away.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    It's also funny that before i've even left the hook after 2 seconds, one unhooks the other, rinse and repeat. BT on the first, then DS on the other, then get called a camper / tunneler when you run out of second chances and hit the ground. If you're gonna be bold. at least accept the consequences for your stupid play.

  • Murd3rousClyd3
    Murd3rousClyd3 Member Posts: 71

    Ok, so I'm a killer main...

    I've played roughly 1800 hours as killer, to my 150 as survivor...

    And I'll tell you this... I don't mind decisive, or bt, or any meta perks a survivor may bring. After a 3 month break, I come back and find that I'm still facing survivors that are WELL below my skill level.

    I don't understand how killers are complaining. These killers that whine on here, must spend very little time playing, or they may have a learning disability... But it's ridiculous. In the 17 games since I came back, I've had survivors escape ONCE. And that was a 4 man swf, all rank 1...

    And ya know what? Kudos to them! If you work as a team, and play well, survivors SHOULD escape.

    Basically, what I'm saying is this... I'm a killer main, and I see ZERO reason to say this game is survivor sided. It's soooo killer sided, that if I'm playing against survivors, and they aren't being toxic... I will ALWAYS give the last survivor hatch.

    So these crybabies need to suck it up and practice as much as they whine. Lol

  • KillScreen
    KillScreen Member Posts: 166

    When i get tired of being spammed with mori i just use key. Easy life.

  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

    Again then just make it strictly anti-tunneling and not invincibility, wouldn't be that hard and everyone would be happy.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Killers tunnel and camp because survivors juke, tbag, flashlight and body block. Vicious circle of dbd

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    You do know the survivor meta perks are so strong that regardless of what the killer does they'd still run them because the synergy between them is good enough to run in most situations

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    That's why you always gotta mori the key user first 😂

  • drakonukaris
    drakonukaris Member Posts: 132

    Now I can say the same to you and ask you where you got your stats too, please don't speak out of your ass. In my experience back when matchmaking worked and I got rank 1 killers as a rank 1 survivor most of them never tunneled, I used to bait DS when I never even had it and was left alone... and that is how powerful DS is, you don't even need to have it to make killers ######### off often, just pretend you have it and don't even bother dropping and wasting pallets or looping in general when you put the fear of DS into their hearts.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    This post is asking for entitled killer mains to speak up 🤣

  • WhyMe
    WhyMe Member Posts: 2

    Well, I had to block from receiving random messages. I don't camp or tunnel. I hate it when it happens to me, like even when you don't camp or tunnel going against "skilled survivors" they leave mad rude messages saying how garbage and ######### trash I am. I played today going against some and it's hard when all they do is gen rush and run you around the map forever, then all 4 end up escaping. I can't really complain about the update, but they definitely made it much more difficult to play with killers they think your "good" with. It's just when you try to play fair without camping or tunneling. You just basically get your ass kicked. I think DS should be tweaked most definitely. I didn't camp nor tunnel today in my matches and still need up being DS 'ed by somebody and the ######### stun time was forever, she was already at the exit gates. I didn't ask for this update. I just find the game more unfair and challenging when I play both survivor and killer.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @Elcopollo I do not blame the killers for cmaping. I blame them for crying when survivors use counter-tools.

    @WhyMe you probably notice those survivors a lot, and its true they suck. However this does not justify killers doing whatever they want, your reply is just whataboutism.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2020

    My only complainment about ds and co. is, that you see them as killer in every single match, by at least 1 - often more - survivors.

    It is literally as would a survivor see every day - since months - only 1 killer in the matches - as would the others not exist and that is boring to be honest.

    Besides that, I see them as beginner perks, like noed for killers. If you use them as beginner, its good and helps you learn the game. If you use them after you have pass the beginner status... Well then I think you are carried by those perks and not your skills. Honest answer, sorry.

  • OddProvidence
    OddProvidence Member Posts: 45

    Yeah no, this literally tells me that you straight up face camped in the basement the whole game and then got salty when they outplayed you and DS’d you. You deserved to get DS’d 100%.

  • WhyMe
    WhyMe Member Posts: 2

    @slunder well killers can't neccessary do what they want. It's just they simply camp and tunnel because of survivors who are "skilled". What can you actually do when you getting gen rushed and ran around the map until 3-4 gens are done within minutes??? You'll just be taking a hard L, especially if they carrying borrowed time and decisive. Either way killer can't do anything about it unless their camping or tunneling.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't tunnel or camp unless somebody crosses me (like obviously having DS and trying to get me to chase them and then hopping into a locker.) Yet still survivors will constantly pull dickhead maneuvers in my games. Not all of them, but it's very very often since so many survivors run those perks. It's almost every single game. I don't even like to be that dramatic person that says "EVERY SINGLE TIME BLAH BLAH" or anything, but it is quite literally almost every single game I play killer that I get a survivor trying to pull some scumbag play with a second chance perk (DS in a locker/Unbreakable into a pallet stun/etc.) So tell me, why do they use those perks in that way even when I don't intentionally play like a jerk? I'm not too sure it has anything to do with "countering" a playstyle they can visibly see they aren't going up against. Pretty sure it has more to do with the fact that people just love to run OP things, like Unbreakable+DS, the classic "smol PP" build. Or, the killer equivalent, mori anybody they can off first hook + NOED.

    It's just kinda illogical to title this post "killer mains, do not complain about things that you cause." I could just as easily point the finger at survivors and say "survivors you cause killers to play like this because of your gen rushing and abusing god loops" or something. That doesn't make it any more or less the survivors' fault. It's just individually up to each player how they're going to play. Personally, I don't run "OP" things usually. I try to avoid NOED and DS primarily because everybody hates those, but they just don't really interest me anyway because I like other perks a little better.

    That being said though, if we're going to be pointing fingers and placing blame here, then I gotta say that even though by default I play killer decently to the survivors (not being a jerk) I won't hesitate to pull a complete 180 if somebody does try to pull that crap on me. If somebody wants to act like they're invulnerable in front of me because of their perk, I'll show them exactly how they aren't. At that point, it will be their fault for bringing the camping and tunneling upon themselves. Then I can say "survivor mains, do not complain about things that you cause." :)

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    It's a cycle, neither side really "started" the fight, but one person or a team thought something would be fun since it gives a bigger chance at escaping or killing a lot of players, and so they started using it. A lot. And so in response, the people on the other side started complaining because they were being "forced" to use perks they didn't really want to use.

    The reality of it is that no one is actually forced to use anything. Everyone has just become so accustomed to their high kill or high escape games that they view it as the norm. Many veteran killers and survivors alike have gotten complacent in their meta. They feel trapped because they think they have to escape, they have to get as many or more kills as last game. And the fact that these perks make it much more difficult, or at least mentally dissuade players from trying to do normal things in the game, they feel they can't get out.

    Honestly, while frustrating, it's also a little funny when a killer decides to leave me on the ground because they think I have DS, when I've only ever run the perk like three games ever, and all three of those games I've never been able to use it.

    Ya guys all countered yourselves, you expect every player to come in with a perk list, that instead of thinking around the perks, you just don't want to deal with them, so you run the same perks you always run that counter them. There's no growth in that, sadly. Which is why the meta has been pretty stagnant since it was established. No one wants to try something new anymore, except those of us who don't really care about perks or rank.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    as far as I know, those perks are ran mostly because of how abusable/powerful they are. let's go over those, shall we?

    DS: 60 seconds of basically invincibility. a survivor shouldn't be able to complete a gen because they were allowed to get off a killers shoulder

    DH: I don't have too many problems with it, though it does reward being (essentially) caught in a chase

    Adrenaline: free health state that they don't have to earn. if it only activated if you completed at least one gens worth that game I'd be fine with it

    BT: survivor gets hooked, they get unhooked in front of the killer, they get rewarded for their teammates poor actions.

    Unbreakable: I have no issues, but the obvious synergy with DS is an issue

    OoO: the survivor should not be able to see the killer at almost all times and have the ability to tell their team if they use comms.

    did I miss any?

  • CogHead
    CogHead Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2020

    As a player who plays killer and survivor equally, I understand both sides of the argument.

    Survivor: Yes, tunnelling and camping killers suck. But I for one hardly encounter them. In all honesty, using DS on a killer is just going to make them tunnel you harder.

    Killer: Please, only tunnel or camp if you have to. Enduring toxic survivors in the post-game chat is better than getting zero kills to a genrush SWF. It also sucks when you get hit with a random DS from literally 50 seconds ago.

    There's literally no winning this argument.

  • emmmygirl
    emmmygirl Member Posts: 3

    Everbody complains about the DS perk and tunneling doesn't give a fair chance of escaping it doesn't make the game fun the only reason I've been using DS is because 99% of the games I play the killer is a tunneler so yea..

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    I'll say this

    Hey Survivors, stop bitching if you clicky clicky/t-bag/bully the Killer and then get camped/tunneled

  • emmmygirl
    emmmygirl Member Posts: 3

    What?!? If your with high rank survivors you should be a hight rank killer people are matched with there ranks so you should be good enough not to camp I myself as a rank 1 survivor have played against killers that were just as good and was able to kill all survivors no camping or tunneling so also I play killer sometimes I'm rank 18 killer cause I don't play it alot bit I can still kill all survivors without camping or tunneling and I don't use so called clutch perks soo

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Ah, the tired and mythical "gen rushing" excuse. For the last time . . . there is no such thing as gen rushing! You do not need to do totems, chests, heal, or even unhook to power the exit gates. You have to do gens and 5 of them at that. If they get done "too fast", it is because you are playing a killer that is weak or you engaged in a chase too long or you need to up your skills. There are plenty of killers and builds that are powerful enough to keep gens from getting done and there are wealth of slowdown perks. You can even combine slowdown perks or addons to increase the effectiveness.

    If a team of survivors finishes 5 gens, it's because that's how the game is designed. It's not "gen rushing."

    And don't reply with "well then I have to camp or tunnel." You do NOT. There are plenty of killers who get 4Ks, 3Ks, etc. without doing either of those things. They are NOT required to complete your objectives.

    Enough already.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989

    Let's make something clear. If you constantly complain about tunneling and camping, it's most likely because you think that the killer should forgive you for making bad plays, like unhooking in front of the killer. You would be making much more of a good usage of your time by rushing gens instead of being altruistic in the wrong time.

  • bredbeddle
    bredbeddle Member Posts: 103

    It's not the fault of the killers if the meta is a certain way. Instead of wearing the king's pajamas and expecting killers to adhere to your guidelines instead of the game's, give an actual productive suggestion.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @bredbeddle I never told the killers they are bad, I said that they should accept that they are counter perks.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    I.... I REALLY hope you're trolling. Tunneling and Camping thrive BECAUSE of these perks, not in spite of them. Your bias is obvious, but I'll still at least try to explain.

    In the case of DS, the original form was HEAVILY abused, so much so that killers began dribbling to avoid it because EVERY Survivor ran it, and it NEVER RAN OUT. That is to say, it was usable every time you got downed. To avoid the hassle, camping became worse in the mid to upper ranks specifically to avoid having to down someone with the perk more than once to avoid the hassle. Tunneling was then made far more common to try and weed out those Survivors that were confirms to be running DS, ostensibly making the match that much easier for the killer.

    Borrow time falls into that same problematic area, for the same reasons. The The difference being that either you tunnel them until you hit them twice to down them and get them back on a hook still having to fight DS once you have, but also trying to protect each survivor that you've hooked from being rescued by someone with borrowed time to prevent this whole scenario in the first place. The whole thing wastes the killers time while the rest of the team is working gens.

    Especially when you have an SWF team that's on comms with two or more people running borrowed time, and the whole team running decisive strike, That's cause for anyone to want to complain because it's obnoxious to try and go up against.

    Until the devs adjust generator times to slow things down, or add an appropriately lengthy second objective outside of totems You're not likely to see anyone stop complaining about the overuse of these perks. That's just reality.

  • paulukla
    paulukla Member Posts: 1

    I can tunnel I can camp survivor's sometimes I don't care, why because it's a game, have the perks to counter me.

  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147

    Killers absolutely can win without tunnelling, slugging & proxy camping. It’s on very RARE occasion I slug and that’s due to survivors swarming around the downed survivor with flashlights or some unbeknown reason.

    If you want to play like that - fine - but don’t make excuses and act like you have to play a certain way at a certain rank, because you don’t.

  • Psychobeastz
    Psychobeastz Member Posts: 164

    I have to say this idea is very compelling and makes a lot more sense. I play both sides evenly, but I can agree that if they do this idea I would not mind DS being 30 seconds longer or what not. Not mad at the perk or anything just saying that it needs to be looked at or adjusted fairly. Having a survivor abusing it by jumping in a locker and having the hoot of their life is just plain idiotic.

  • Psychobeastz
    Psychobeastz Member Posts: 164

    This discussion is very open minded and I like it. Of course its up to community members and the people who play to take a note of this or just do whatever they want. I usually avoid the negative threads, but I felt curious about this one. Hopefully this post can reach out to those that understand that this game is not in a healthy state (no offense but the mmr is quite devastating).

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    It's what you have to do at high MMR.

    IDK if you have any experience playing against high MMR survivors.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677


    I got called a tunneler after deliberately going out of my way to stay as far as possible from the hooked survivor and then they ran right into me on the other side of the map and so I downed them again.


  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    I feel both sides are to blame really tbagging flash clicking toxic swf give survivors a bad name while camping and tunneling killers give legitimate killers a bad name. Tunneling and camping may be legitimate strategies but not always good killers. Don't need to Camp or tunnel they can get 4ks without trying and as a survivor main who does play killer those type of survivors aren't good they're bullying killers that aren't as good as them. If the devs really want to balance the game so it's fair for everyone they should start banning toxic players, because toxicity feeds into toxicity and the more they let it fester and grow the toxicity will be 1 million times worst than league or any other online multiplayer game

  • DeepBeep101
    DeepBeep101 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2020

    We use all the perks like NOED, Insidious, Enduring+spirit fury, blood warden, Franklin's, lightborn, unrelenting, STBL, death bound, BBQ, iron grasp, sloppy butcher, bloodhound, forced penance,overcharge, monitor, nurses, thanatophobia, ruin, devour, dying light, Huntress lullaby, remember me, iron maiden, MYC, surveillance, retribution, and whatever else because they work. We tunnel, camp, and slug because it works. You guys have self care, adrenaline, hope, dead hard, sprint burst, deliverance, distortion, AMN, and all that for a good reason to. This game is balanced. For every NOED, there is Hope. For every Hex, there is small game. For every camper, there is deliverance. For every tunneler, there is Decisive. Own up to the fact that you aren't the best at the game.YOU survivor mains complain. Not us killers doing our job of KILLING...

    Post edited by DeepBeep101 on
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2020

    Survivors on those forums have usually a hard time to understand killers, some you can call even out right ignorant, but calm down man :).

    Screaming helps nobody^^.

  • baseballfan4877
    baseballfan4877 Member Posts: 364

    yeah killer strategies really cause all survivors to run DS unbreakable.. and not the fact that they are stupid broken... yeah blame killers. Lmao. entitled survivors jfc.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Maybe killers should just accept that BT & DS are part of the game. A bit like how survivors accept that camping & tunnelling are part of the game too....

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I fail to see how this contributed to the conversation at all, who cares which side you main, your entire post was all subjective opinions and not facts. Quit posturing for kudos.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Anyone that disagrees with me is entitled. 😞Out of the two sides, the killers' way of playing is policed the most. They literally can't even run the character they want to play without stigma. I literally see it all the time in these threads.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I agree with this. Your post sums up my issue with this entire community as a whole. Killers are shamed for doing anything short of breathing, but no one approaches them in good faith and make useful suggestions or ask for the developers to make changes that make these sort of plays not needed. Not that we're obligated to follow said rules anyway. Even the people responding to this proves your point. It's exhausting and needs to stop.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Well here's where MMR causes problems for me. People can't play fun builds anymore because they are either getting sweaty or baby teams.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Why were you back in the basement if you weren't camping or tunneling? There's other survivors to go get, ds did its job and so did bt 😉

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    I don't think that many people tunnel and camp. I also don't see a whole lot of DS anymore. DS was annoying as hell when it was still super common, especially given the unbreakable combo thing. But now it's mostly fine.