Killer mains, do not complain about things that YOU cause

slunder Member Posts: 247

Killer mains tend to complain about survivor meta when they are the ones that cause it to happen in the first place. This also applies to some survivors, but mostly it is just killers that do this. This does not apply to every killer player.

Here is what they do: they camp and tunnel a survivor to death and then, in such a way that it is impossible for that survivor to escape without decisive strike. Then, the fun build survivor that just wanted to have fun realizes that he does not stand a chance because the killers he goes against will camp and tunnel if they are losing. He used decisive strike and borrowed time, and then the killer mains ask why they get decisive strike to be used unfairly.

But think of it: most survivors run decisive strike and borrowed time to counter tunnelers and campers, not to be a dickhead. Maybe a side effect from decisive is that the survivor that was tunneled last game ends up using DS for countering this, but he ends up using it after 59 seconds. So, this is my message: killer mains, if you ever camp or tunnel, fine, it is in the game, but stop bitching when you realize survivors are using counter perks. Survivors do not want to lose instantly without being able to do anything, which is why they run the perk. I, myself, used to avoid meta perks, but really, after getting those free wins strats killers, I decided to switch to use borrowed or decisive.

If you do not tunnel or camp, then you complaints are legit and you deserve to argue. However, if you are a killer main that tunnels and then cry about survivors using counter-play, then you are just entitled to your victory.

****This post can also be applied to survivors that are t-bagging and stuff like that and then complain about camping, but they are more rare, so yea.****



  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Not likely...

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I think it should deactivate when another Survivor gets hooked, when you work on a gen for 15 seconds, or when you are fully healed. It should also deactivate in the EndGame or be on a half timer.

    However, I think it should NOT be on a timer in chase. Just like how Deep Wounds doesn't go down in a chase, neither should DS. You are obviously still being tunneled.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited August 2020

    You didn’t disprove my statement though. You’re saying DS rewards bad plays, but if I get smacked through a pallet or from across the map, how is that a “bad play”? I can show you a clip of me getting smacked from about 4 ft away and around a corner. It’s such a broad statement to say.

    edit: typo

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It was not the Killer's fault that the Survivor got farmed, why punish them?

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Well, if this was a poll I would vote for all the most popular perks are fine in their current form.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    This post is very understandable. Both sides just want security in matches that's why they bring the perks they bring so theres no need to complain.

  • BabyEverything
    BabyEverything Member Posts: 25

    just stay away from red ranks, its a bunch of sweats giving their life as if the game meant something more than a game

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    If you’re talking about the clip I think you’re talking about then you just need to git gud.

    That Leatherface clearly transformed into a Nurse, learned how to blink, and got gud, now it’s your turn 😉

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Because, survivors shouldn't be rewarded for being hooked, and going down in a chase.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    The good old times, when DS not even had a cooldown and you could use it whenever you wanted.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Listen, I despise tunneling, but what is the killers objective? To kill, and tunneling is the most efficient way to kill, nobody complains about DS for being an anti tunnel perk.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    You're either dodging the argument, or being negligent.

    Killers have been pissy about reworked DS for a long time now because it rewards survivors with godmode for 60 seconds, not with tunneling protection.

    The amount of times that DS actually has saved someone from being tunneled versus someone just using it to have 60 seconds of godmode to do whatever they want is extremely small; It's honestly just because it's the way the poorly designed perk works, not because survivors are trying to abuse it. It needs to be changed, imo, so that only one survivor can have it active at a time or so it deactivates when you touch a generator instead of the ridiculous invincibility it currently gives. Only then will people not complain about it, as it's been a balance issue since it's existence.

    Also, if the survivor is being farmed it's the survivor's fault and not the killers, you can't expect them to give sympathy (although I personally tunnel anyone who does farms their team, just for the fun of it).

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    I dont tunnel, it's the survivors who unhook near me.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Would you rather DS be like it used to, and useable on ANY pickup instead of 60s after hook?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Ruin got changed becaus "it was unfun for new survivors" not because it did too much. It does just as much (if not more) than it used to.

    Because now people dont do bones for ruin.

  • RockoRango
    RockoRango Member Posts: 554

    Uh, lol? The only problem with DS is that it doesn't just stop tunneling, it gives you god mode. Even if you don't tunnel, a whole team can abuse DS to constantly unhook each other, do gens, and force the killer to eat multiple strikes just for playing the game effectively. And who are you to say that it's MY play-style that makes DS a necessity? Unless you've played against me, you have no clue.

    Second of all, I never gave a percentage or a made-up fact: It's EXTREMELY well known, both by good survivors and killers, that DS hardly saves anyone from genuinely being tunneled over just giving people free godmode to do objectives or try to taunt the killer. If I need to give you a statistics lesson just to prove that to you, I can safely assume you haven't played this game enough to understand how much the perk affects matches. And neither did I say every DS is unjustified, I said that the perk is so poorly designed that it's used moreso for 60 seconds of "screw you, I have godmode due to my big skill" more than being genuinely tunneled. If the perk was actually well designed to counter tunneling, we wouldn't have this issue in the first place.

    I honestly think you're trolling, as I've played red ranks on both sides and everyone uses DS. If someone doesn't, then it makes sense to tunnel someone off the hook if they do a stupid play and the game will be over much sooner as a result; You're right about it being needed to stop tunneling. However, DS is hated because it is ALSO so poorly designed that it has WAY more power than just stopping tunneling. It's a necessary evil, but it could be easily changed to be a fair anti-tunnel perk with one or two simple changes to how it works.

    Your bias against killers also makes me laugh in general, when I have not said anything about DS being abused by survivors but rather the perk itself being flawed.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @Pipefish well if they complain about BT then they do not like tunneling.

    @Maperson campers and tunnelers can also get a kill they did not deserve.

    @TWiXT well decisive and borrowed are useless if the other survivors d ogens, so this is out of the discussion. I never said killers were scummy for tunneling, killers are meant to kill, but they should not blame perks for their failures if they use starts that are not fun.

    @Immerschläfrig I almost never get this kind of survivors. It is funny how you show the 20% of cases where survivors are toxic while leaving the 80% cases of survivors that do not want to get tunneled behind.

    @mistar_z it can also force the killer to use startegies that require more skill than tunneling.

    @vector if DS is canceled by jumping into a locker, its an easy tunnel into slugging. You like to show the tip of the iceburg that shows the toxic DS survivors, but as a killer player, I can tell you that it is very rare to get this kind of survivors. Rank 4 at it between.

    @Sadsnacks you should not be trashtalked honestly, it is in the game and a valid strat. My problem is when killers come and complain about decisive and borrowed.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @2ndBusiestmusicnerd well if killers complain about borrowed time, they are tunnelers. If the survivor is an aggressive hook rusher, it gives you the opportunity to start a chase immediately after.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I don't think borrowed time is OP, it's actually a very healthy perk to prevent tunneling and I think it should be basekit for survivors.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @2ndBusiestmusicnerd oh, yea. Killer complaints about decisive are partially valid, but it pisses me off to think that these killers are using toxic survivors as an excuse to complain and get rid of a perk that counters tunnelers.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    The difference between DS and BT is that DS actually punishes killers that don't tunnel and instead of being an anti tunnel perk, it's a 60 seconds of immortality perk. BT can't be abused like DS and is just a fun, healthy anti tunnel perk.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @2ndBusiestmusicnerd you know what? I think I will stop using decisive and switch it up for borrowed time.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    @slunder Good choice, BT has become a staple in my builds, since it punishes campers and tunnelers very well without being too op like DS. I'm glad I could help you mate :).

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @2ndBusiestmusicnerd your welcome! I already banned exhaustion perks that do not require skill (dead hard, lithe and balanced landing), but this will complete the list!

    @Maperson they did down you once, but the game is designed so that you go down from 1 to 3 times in a match, so this excuse is dumb.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @Maperson yes you are at fault for getting downed, no I never shamed the killer for killing, I just think it should be fixed. Also, saying that killers should not have to get 3 downs on a survivors also means that moris are fair and balance, which is false.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    98% of the time I get hit by DS is not because I tunneled someone. I usually eat a DS when someone who I hooked comes to me BECAUSE they have DS. Too many times I hook survivor A and I leave. I down survivor B and then survivor A makes a save before I even get to walk away because they have 60 seconds of immunity. Then I get called a camper and a tunneler because they came to me.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    Ah yes, that's killers' fault that survivors use crutch perks. And it's survivors' fault that killers use crutch perks.


  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @EvilJoshy I have to agree for the part that it should only be an anti tunnel perk, however you tend to notice more the times that you got hit unfairly due to humans remembering more unfair experiences.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    I usually eat a lot of DS more than anything to be effective in the chases ... the curious thing that one realizes is that the DS usually have those who are bad at playing, when a survivor is good it is even rare that he has it (no they need it).

    Well nail me a DS or come to me to give you a hit with BT and you can consider yourself in the lobby, I really hate that people abuse perks.

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    if I am running a mori and I see someone with DS I mori them after first hook since I personally find this perk toxic.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    i guess i should give survivors a free pass especially when they perfrom a a terrible play. i guess.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I’m more of a killer main but play survivor just as much and I don’t see why people run ds

    i feel like if you are good at the game you don’t need it just run the killer around until they either see they can’t catch up or until the game is over and you walk out the door

    If you are solo I can understand the reason behind wanting ds but if you are a swf you don’t need it you have coms just call out you are being tunneled and may not be able to run the killer so someone can try and take aggro

    But yeah that’s just my two cents about it as in swf especially high ranks it’s not used cuz someone got tunneled it’s used cuz they have immunity to go stack on gens for 60 seconds or force it by locker hopping or plain body blocking so you have to hit them down and if they have unbreakable with it you have to take a stun

    Other may not agree but this is just my opinion until it’s an actual anti tunnel perk I just find it scummy to use in swf and with unbreakable