The best solution devs can do with the toxicity would be to remove the final chat from the match. By doing they can also remove the report for insults because it will no longer be necessary.
Change my mind.
Yes, I'll gladly change your mind, if they remove it from pc, then they have to do something about Xbox/Ps4, it still will be a problem for consoles 🤷
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Steam profile comments.
Steam dms.
Ps4/Xbox dms.
Hardcore tunneling
Toxicity will still exist in this game with or without an endgame chat.
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you can remove the end game chat yourself just click the close button.
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You're right, but I'm sure it will at least eliminate a percentage of toxicity in the community. Although the Steam thing could be solved by putting the profile in private.
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I was waiting for an answer like this. I do not feel comfortable having doubts about what they have said in the chat about me.
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But what if I want my profile on public? The amount of times I've been accused of hacking because of a private profile is absurd and I've met some amazing people through my profile being on public.
However people will always find a way to be toxic.
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I mean some lucky people have a good time in the end game chat, if it's toxic, you're free to skip it and go in another game.
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you can close it, its a arrow symbol right, click on this... i mean when u have so hard problem with them, and need remove it then do it :)
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you forgot sandbagging
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i hear that once the crossplay system is up and running end chat will be on console too
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When I see a problem like this, I always ignore it. But it can go to the point of ruining the gaming experience to the point of being annoying.
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If they have no evidence of hacks and cheats in the game, nothing will happen to you.
"However people will always find a way to be toxic."
I couldn't disagree with this. But if the final chat is deleted the game will be less toxic.
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I play on the switch. Literally no way to contact anyone on there. For the most part, switch is a pretty non toxic place to play DBD but there are definitely BM moments. We see the same players around all the time, though, so there is definitely a revenge culture going on LMAOOOO
Killers smack on hook, tunnel and camp, shake their head, target specific players, etc. Survivors also BM BM tbagging, clicking, pointing, etc. But if you actually want to trash talk someone, you have to go out of your way to, like, join a discord or something LOL
Outside of those relatively rare moments, I feel like the switch has one of the healthiest cultures around DBD. I am perfectly comfortable playing dozens of games in a row without equipping DS, because most of the killers I run into there either dont tunnel... or their switch dropped on the frames they could see you after you got unhooked LMFAO
Anyways, I quite enjoy the post game chat. I've had more positive than negative moments in there so far. Only have run into a couple of cocky, snotty nurse mains so far LOL
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Hide the chat if you don't wanna deal with it. You can auto hide it if it really bothers you by going in the gameusersettingsini.
I like to chat after game and would hate to see it removed.
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I play on switch too and it's deifnitely the least toxic of the platforms (maybe next to mobile but idk).
I know nothing will happen but getting five comments in a row of "-rep ez hacks reported lagging #########" is pretty disheartening to see and can actually ruin your reputation; I've had someone literally say "I was gonna say gg but I checked your profile and no you're a #########".
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Oh word? If you're red or purple rank I wonder if we've ever played together LOL
My favorite thing about switch is that the playerbase is small enough that you can constantly run into the same players over and over again. I lowkey feel like that helps cut out the toxicity, too- you rarely feel the need to take out anything on a random cause you know you're gonna see that !&@&#* survivor who did you dirty on another game and he WILL be dealt with LOL
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just a reminder that a button to disable it exists
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Oh no I should've clarified.
I play on switch too SOMETIMES, with my main account on PC. But when cross-progression releases I'll probably be playing on it more.
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i mean the end chat is a good way to discuss strategy what went wrong what people was doing and make new friends too, why they would remove something like that just because you cant ignore a random ######### being toxic ? its more your fault than anyone else
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Or you know just close the chat box.
Fun fact: If you close the chat box for one match, you never have to re-close it again. It stays closed.
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Noone cares about those expect the ones looking for swf, thus you can delete those comments or put them on friends only.
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Idk you'd be surprised how many survivors have said that lol
I don't like deleting comments for personal reasons and like I've said, I've met great friends by it being on public. I don't want to lose the chance to meet people because of some people.
But again, people will always find a way to be toxic. Removing endgame chat won't change that. Just close it if you have an issue.
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Close chat, bc I like the way it is atm so I can 💩 on peeps
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If you press that button, the chat box goes away and won't reopen until you choose to do so yourself.
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You dont actually know these people, they aren't a part of your life. What they say in a game chat should not matter to you.
People take this game way too seriously.
What they say doesn't matter and you shouldnt let it affect you. Just play the game and have fun and don't take it personally. Its not real life. Just a game.
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Just leave the game immediately, after the match ends, you can’t see the game chat if you were never around to see what happened
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With such a radical point of view on the chat I don't know if I can change your mind.
But what about the people who actually enjoy the chat feature? Just take it away from them? That alone should be reason enough to keep it. Just allow people to opt out of the chat if they dislike it that much; I see no reason to take it away from the other people that do.
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Chat isn't the problem of toxic players (both sides). Removing it wont do anything. Also, if you're annoyed by the content of the chat box, then don't open it. It's that simple!