Leatherface chainsaw is OP and no skill required

I played a few disgusted games against cannibal yesterday.

I used to say, Leatherface was always OP. OK, he was slow, unable to teleport or unable to break loop like doctor can, but when he chasing someone for short distance and no window there means no chance for survivors. And this is the root cause of the problem.

No counterplay agains the chainsaw. Billy also have chainsaw, nevertheless you still have some options to avoid it - like a windows, objects, trees or just turn right or left.

After the latest patch, its much worse. We started chase under the pier. I've jumped over the window, get a boost (lithe) and I ran in direction of small wooden shack (almost across the map). And the killer was able to chainsaw around the window, following me and chainsaw me 2m near that wooden shack. #########? Under single run.

His chainsaw hitbox is still 2m wide and when he bump into the object, he can still proceed without any penalty. You cannot use lockers, barrels, scrap. Nothing work like counterplay, because he can swinging over objects (over the textures of barrels or iron scrap) without bumping, slowing down...

And Franklin's Demise perk? Is it joke that timer runs when you are in dying state or on the hook? Do you know how many purple things I lost due to slug or hook camping? Why there are no offering or perk to block killer addons for survivors? Why the DEVs hate survivors so much?


  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    -"Message sent by a survivor main"

  • Ebisek
    Ebisek Member Posts: 106

    His main power, yes.

    He is not S tier, but avoiding chainsaw without window T-walls is imposible. He should be reworked another way for more fun. Not just stay away for 30meters otherwise you ll be erased.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    You said you play against. So how can you say that it takes no skill? Play AS him and see if you get the same "ez" results

    "but when he chasing someone for short distance and no window there" which is like 5% of all cases

    Btw counterplay is hugging walls. Even corner jukes sometimes work because Bubba needs to slightly look away from the wall to not hit it. The hitbox is quite big

    Your fail on the Lithe example: you ran into open field. He can counter 3 second speed bursts now. You either have to use pallets or windows to dodge him and the longer he swings, the longer the cooldown/tantrum will be when he misses, giving you time to get away and make him need to catch up first, before you run the next tile.

    After bump he can still proceed? No? After the rework, the tantrum is even worse.

    And Franklins tier 3 is 90 seconds. That would be 75% of your hook state. I barely hang on a hook much longer than 10 seconds these days and recovering takes 30 seconds after slug. Plenty of time to get the item back. Besiders the fact that Franklins is a rare perk to use and survivors are not depending on items in the first place

    So regarding all these points, maybe you need some skill to play against Bubba. He is strong in chases but no travelling speed, so he needs to be good in chases.

  • Ebisek
    Ebisek Member Posts: 106

    Locker is joke, right?

    When he bump into the locker, he is still swinging (jump out is easy way to die) and when stop, he is able to instantly pick you from the locker or hit you on your 3rd step

    Wasting pallets to create pallet vacuum? For his better swinging?

    Imagine swamp map, 2 pallets in the middle and only pieces of scrap and barrels, small hill and two windows under pier. and main building.

    or Mother's Dwelling , Rotten Fields... Yes, its big map, hard for map control, nevertheless when someone drop the pallets in the edges, its a finished match for survivors. And its also not only my fault. My last games = 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 2k (rank 20 bubba). With rank 3 survivals.

    This thread is about his chainsaw, not about base speed (like many people here argue, bla bla but his speed is slow, baby killer). HIS CHAINSAW IS NOT FUN and no skill required.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited August 2020

    his power now requires negligeable skill, yes.

    I don't like the Franklin's Demise change either.

    Leatherface was never OP, and windows will still always be your best friend against this killer.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    So am I reading this right? You are claiming a killer that punishes mistakes that you made (being caught in the open) is op? Okie dokie. Gonna move on. Nice try

  • chris7765
    chris7765 Member Posts: 1

    I 100% agree with on this man I know pain bro these other guys clearly don't play against him enough I feel his chainsaw is too easy to use and down survivors and sure maybe sometimes he'll bump into something but its not enough. there really is no counter play because even when valuting windows he'll still somehow hit me.

  • theplaggg
    theplaggg Member Posts: 267

    You might think he's op because he sucks to play against.

    You're basically forced to spam windows and drop pallets early the whole game while the chainsaw hitboxes are sometimes questionable.

    I know he is not op but still would like to see him get nerfed tbh. Such an annoying killer