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Why did splinters stopped being added with each new killer?

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

In case you don't know, up until the Pig each killer had a specific splinter that could be obtained by players who did not have that killer to play them for 1 game.

But after the Pig no more splinters have been added. In fact they've been disabled as a whole.

Giving new players a chance to try out new killers is a great way to peak player interest and let them buy a killer that they know they will enjoy.

So why were the splinters removed?

Best Answer


  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    They clogged the Bloodweb for killers. I also suspect that close to no one was using them to actually try a killer out. I've also, from seeing people post about it, learned that they were pretty buggy.