I'm confused on the Scenario with OoO

Shenanigan Member Posts: 208
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

What do you exactly *do* in Object of Obsession matches? I've only been in one, but I never really knew what to do in those scenarios? It shows my aura and the user's aura but it's risky to do so on their part, but doing said risky play gives the user information on my whereabouts.

What do you guys do in a OoO scenario? Do you counter them in someway or do you have some sort of tactic or do you ride it out and see what happens from there?


  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I take from your post that you are relatively new to the game. My apologies if I am mistaken here.

    When you see someone running OoO you should consider them being in a swf group. Meaning the object user will tell the rest of the team which killer you chose, where you are and what you´re doing at all times.

    This puts you at a massive disadvantage and unless you play Killers like Spirit or Nurse ( since both have lethality and mobility) you have no reasonable option to counter this.

    Many people resort to hardcore tunneling the Object user out of the game as a form of petty revenge. Will be a city match for everyone involved though.

    So yeah, make up your own mind whether you want do DC/Afk, tunnel the object, ignore the object or try to play a normal match where the odds are tremendously stacked against you.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Ah I see I've been playing the game since last year, but it was up until now when I first went up against OoO, so I was a little new to that during the match and I was confused (even up until now) But thank you for explaining that to me

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Play as normally as possible, and keep in mind that one survivor is significantly less likely to be nearby you because he/she almost always knows where you are. Use that to your advantage, and when you build up pressure, either through slugging, staying near multiple hooked survivors, or whatever else, try to identify where the OoO user is.

    The main takeaway: Your job is to use the knowledge from OoO to prevent the obsession from doing any altruistic actions.

    There's little you can do about keeping an OoO user off gens unless you just want to chase that survivor for as long as that might take, so always take into account that there usually comes a time in a match where teammates are more important than gens.

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    Your job is to tunnel and camp the OoO user.

    Eventually people will learn to stop using it.

    Collect all of the salt after.