Camping, because you stacked luck offering. Sorry I’m not dumb



  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited August 2020

    You're facecamping them because they have a higher chance to kobe than usual, oh no. Maybe they just wanted the achievement for unhooking yourself 100 times, maybe they were just goofing around and brought the Unbreakable/DS as insurance in case the killer decided to be an asshat (which, you proved them right so, I guess the insurance was needed). Sometimes you just want to kobe, cuz it's fun and it doesn't happen often, but most killers get up in arms, "I don't have to respect your 4%" and get toxic as hell about it. (No, you don't have to respect the 4%, but that also doesn't mean you gotta be an ######### about it)

    If they all had the same build I'm not too sure they were overly worried about escaping, or even gen rushing, as everyone keeps trying to justify. They probably just wanted to have a higher chance to kobe, which even with stacked purple luck and slippery meat isn't a 100% Guarantee. But yes, I'm sure the peeps who all brought Slippery Meat were going for the win. You can just feel it in your bones.

    Do you know how long it took to unhook myself 100 times while stacking luck and bringing Slippery Meat? A hell of a long time and a LOT of games, because you don't kobe every game with that build, you just don't. It's not a guaranteed free self-unhook like Deliverance.

    Like seriously. Facecamping over luck offerings and Slippery Meat. How low can you go?

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Okay, that's you though? You weren't screwing him out of anything? It's a very rare chance of happening, especially under those circumstances. Do you know how rare it is to get to endgame without being hooked once, and managing to kobe with the hatch right near by? It's was an insane amount of RNG luck, if he was really that worried about his 4k he could've waited to see if you kobied, downed you and hooked you again and then gone after the fourth person. Like no the killer doesn't have to respect it, but he should've known it was a possibility based off it being your first hook, he obviously wasn't worried about it, why were you?

    If he had slugged you then went to find the last person would you have felt the same way? You still woulda been close enough to possibly crawl out and escape through hatch when the other person died. Would you have done the same thing?

    It sounds like he dominated that match anyway if the hatch appeared in front of you, aka your team didn't have enough gens done anyway for it to have already appeared. So why the pity? It's his own fault for not securing the 4k.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    edited August 2020

    Imagine if the last gen in a game had 4% chance to just instantly regress by 50% if not being worked on for X seconds.

    Would such a mechanic feel like a "fun" interactive game-play element?

    If I told you "well as a team you should have know it was a possibility and always kept someone running in to "tap" it to avoid the rare chance it happened.

    -No I do not think its fun that as a killer you must slug a player then play hide and seek for who knows how long with the 4th survivor.

    -No as a survivor I do not think its fun to be slugged for who knows how long, until the match ends.

    So as a survivor (and as I said this is my personal take on it) when a killer doesn't want to be bothered with slugging because its a poor design to avoid a random hatch escape, and I as a survivor do not want a free pity escape thanks to a RNG 4% button press, shall let myself die.

    So you are correct I wasn't "screwing" him out of anything...the game was.

    EDIT: Also to address the part about "your team must have been playing bad for this to happen" yes that just goes further towards my point. The team did poorly and the killer was doing very well, so to have a 4% button decide to offer a free escape for no reason involving skill on my part I fail to see how this is good game design.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    Thats the chance of at least 1 of the attempts being successful. I know each individual attempt isnt affected by the others, but you can still do the math to determine your likeliness overall. If you have a 16% chance of success and 6 attempts at that 16%... It ends up being a 64.87% that at least 1 of your 6 attempts will be successful.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I have to imagine that it was solos and not SWF. (Though they likely co-ordinated offerings in pre-match chat)

    If it was a SWF they would have all DC'd at the same time or nobody would.

    If it was a SWF they would have gen rushed while you camped your only hook to second stage (the kobe attempt in your scenario screwed over the team).

    You just punished Solos for not playing SWF and for not running the basic meta build... Congrats, I guess?

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620

    I know that SWF can be very toxic sometimes, but you need to stop assuming that EVERYTHING SWF do is some kind of machiavelic play to piss off the killer. I sometimes run meme builds with my friends just to play around and have some fun, and killers get so upset. I once got heavily flamed by a Huntress solely because all of us were playing as Steve. Fun fact: we didn't even get to play that match because one of my friends' internet connection failed in the loading screen and the match got cancelled before even happening. We still got insane ammounts of hate from that person, for some reason (including slurs, hate speech, the good ol' combo you know). Of course we reported them but we were like ??? because we weren't even going full tryhard, we just think Steve is funny and his screams sound extremely dumb so we decided to play as him. In fact we faced quite a few killers after that, all of us playing Steve, and most times we all got killed or got a 1/2 man escape.

    SWF can be VERY toxic but I feel that people sometimes bark at the wrong tree tbh. Regarding this specific situation, yeah you can camp if you want, you're the killer and if you feel it's worth it suit yourself. Idk why you got so fired up about it though.

  • Zevlow
    Zevlow Member Posts: 16

    Whats SWF? Also, while it's annoying, camping is a play style: like it or not. Though it can be obsessive to do it to everyone due to one person. Personal opinion, games like these need a obsessive play area and a enjoyment area. But I'm new so take this as a grain of salt. Or sand. Your choice.