SWF should incur an MMR multiplier for every person in the group (once MMR is working)

It doesn't matter much right now, but once the MMR is in a better place I think that for every person in a swf group, their rating should incur a multiplier. I think it's only fair considering that they all pretty much get a free 5th perk slot (comms) as well as multiplying the strength of their own perks ten-fold because they can coordinate their usage.
Groups like this should only go against skilled killers that can handle this sort of thing.
If you are a low MMR group, this will not effect you as much since it is a multiplier.
This isn't a bad suggestion. It all but ensures they will be going up against MUCH better Killers who can handle it and will enjoy the challenge.
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Not every SWF team is a sweat squad, so all this would do is punish the more casual players.
It needs to search for a killer with a rating closer to the highest-rated survivor in the team, rather than the "average" it's supposed to. Nothing more, nothing less.
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No, not all of them are Sweat Squads but they DO have and advantage outside the game and they are all hoping to be and practicing to be Sweat Squads. This is a good suggestion, and I hope they implement it.
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Thus punishing casual players who happen to have a friend that's good at the game
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You're saying all groups want to be the best? So we're not allowed to play for fun? How narrow-minded of you.
As opposed to OP's idea of punishing casual groups just because they want to play with friends?
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If they were JUST playing for fun they could do that in a Custom Game. They are playing AGAINST everyone one else, competing for Rank and earning blood points in a way that stacks advantages to them. Clearly that is about something more than just fun since they can do that anytime.
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I don't have four mates who own the game, just my sister who I play with on occasion and sometimes my brother in law. If I did I'd be playing custom game every time. So, how would that work for me?
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Round up more people; I did. I started for me with just me and another guy. We found three more people who wanted to play and did tons of custom games. We still do. We have a night for it. If you are going to argue that SWF deserves all its perks for everyone just because you can't round up some more mates to play with you, I think you are really reaching. You know as well as I do what we are talking about. The OP here made a simple (good) suggestion that the more people who are SWF in a match the slightly higher the Killer's rating should be. This would offset the advantage gained from getting comms. Trying to argue against ANY balancing against the free stuff you are getting by doing SWF is unethical and a bit dishonest.
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If they were casual players, they wouldn't have that high of an MMR rating separately, so the multiplier wouldn't greatly affect them. Regardless of how casual they are, they are communicating over mics which greatly rebalances the game in their favor, so it is still completely fair.
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If you are playing for fun your MMR is likely not that high compared to highly competitive swf who run optimal builds every game. A multiplier would not effect you as much, even though you are still getting the benefit of a free 5th perk slot and better coordination.