Reverse Beartraps Don’t Do Their Job.

I’ve outright seen downed survivors with beartraps crawl through the exit gates and live, and for some reason,  jumping through hatch with a beartrap on your head provides no effect. 

I’m sick and tired of a non-replenishable utility not being useful. It’s supposed to prevent progression, and it can’t even do that very well. Let alone prevent escape as it’s supposed to. 

They’re not as impactful on the match as they are supposed to be. Survivors need to DIE when they try to leave, instant kill, no acceptions. It’s annoying to use traps that have the functionality of a dehydrated tortoise. 

Please guys, just show oinkers a little love and save us the frustrations. 


  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    Bear traps are not guaranteed kills, if survivors have the will to survive they will escape them just like the films.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    Escaping through the Exit Gates is supposed to kill the survivors wearing them. If they don't it's clearly a bug.

    I agree that the Pig should be able to replenish her stock of RBT. This would also make her own unique perk Hangman's Trick more useful to her (by reducing the time for a new RBT to spawn), not just primarily benefit the Trapper.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited September 2018

    Bear traps are not guaranteed kills, if survivors have the will to survive they will escape them just like the films.

    Hey, except for the fact that the only way to disarm them, through a “game”. Dude seriously do you ever play killer? 100% of your posts are demands for killer nerfs. The only way to get the traps off, is through the jigsaw boxes, in the movies did they just walk out with the trap on their head and live happily ever after?  Come on now, please be reasonable. 

    It’s supposed to kill you if you don’t disarm it, why the hell should you just be able to waltz out? 

    Don’t take this the wrong way, as I don’t mean to be a jerk, but DO NOT come to the forums wanting nerfs if you DO NOT have experience with both sides. It’s infuriating that you’ll defend whatever makes things easy for you, as opposed to fair. 

    Thats not fair to every killer main in the game. There is already an extremely low population of killers because they just aren’t fun to play for most people because of how stressful it is. Please be more considerate here. 
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    CoolAKn said:

    Escaping through the Exit Gates is supposed to kill the survivors wearing them. If they don't it's clearly a bug.

    I agree that the Pig should be able to replenish her stock of RBT. This would also make her own unique perk Hangman's Trick more useful to her (by reducing the time for a new RBT to spawn), not just primarily benefit the Trapper.

    Thank you lord babeh Jesus I’ve found a man with common sense! BLESSED BE. 
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    CoolAKn said:

    Escaping through the Exit Gates is supposed to kill the survivors wearing them. If they don't it's clearly a bug.

    I agree that the Pig should be able to replenish her stock of RBT. This would also make her own unique perk Hangman's Trick more useful to her (by reducing the time for a new RBT to spawn), not just primarily benefit the Trapper.

    But seriously. That’s a good idea. I agree and hope this is fixed soon. Can’t wait to watch the next guy that tries to leave. :) 
  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Killmaster said:

    Bear traps are not guaranteed kills, if survivors have the will to survive they will escape them just like the films.

    Hey, except for the fact that the only way to disarm them, through a “game”. Dude seriously do you ever play killer? 100% of your posts are demands for killer nerfs. The only way to get the traps off, is through the jigsaw boxes, in the movies did they just walk out with the trap on their head and live happily ever after?  Come on now, please be reasonable. 

    It’s supposed to kill you if you don’t disarm it, why the hell should you just be able to waltz out? 

    Don’t take this the wrong way, as I don’t mean to be a jerk, but DO NOT come to the forums wanting nerfs if you DO NOT have experience with both sides. It’s infuriating that you’ll defend whatever makes things easy for you, as opposed to fair. 

    Thats not fair to every killer main in the game. There is already an extremely low population of killers because they just aren’t fun to play for most people because of how stressful it is. Please be more considerate here. 

    You are the one arguing for a guaranteed kill after one chase, pig gameplay is 90% tunneling anyways I really don't care if someone can crawl out the exit gate, if you let that person get that far its on you. I'd argue they should even bring back deadharding out the exit with beartraps on back as-well, anything to make the game endgame tunnel chase fair.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited September 2018
    Are you serious? No I’m not! I want survivors who are trying to run through the exit, or escaping through hatch, to die like they are supposed to if they have a trap on their head. That’s what is supposed to happen! 

    You getting out with a trap on is not FAIR. Pig gameplay is 90% Tunneling? You must be a rank 20. Tunneling doesn’t exist. If you can’t lose the killer, that is your fault, if you are wounded and are prioritized as the easiest target, that’s your fault, literally bypassing an ability that the pig has is the stupidest argument. You are clearly biased and shouldn’t be on the balance feedback forum. 
  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Are you serious? No I’m not! I want survivors who are trying to run through the exit, or escaping through hatch, to die like they are supposed to if they have a trap on their head. That’s what is supposed to happen! 

    I did a little research on the crawl escapes, did they crawl through the exits or did you RBT them inside the gates. Supposedly if you RBT them there they can crawl out otherwise they will die normally.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Are you serious? No I’m not! I want survivors who are trying to run through the exit, or escaping through hatch, to die like they are supposed to if they have a trap on their head. That’s what is supposed to happen! 

    I did a little research on the crawl escapes, did they crawl through the exits or did you RBT them inside the gates. Supposedly if you RBT them there they can crawl out otherwise they will die normally.

    I downed them and they can literally crawl out. Even if I put a trap on their head at the exit. It should kill them. Pig can only use 4 traps and literally that’s the worst design decision they could have possibly made for her. She’s the only killer that can’t replenish equipment. Those traps need to have serious impact if I can only use 4.  
  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446
    edited September 2018

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    She’s the only killer that can’t replenish equipment.


  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Madjura said:

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    She’s the only killer that can’t replenish equipment.


    Yes she is. I’m aware that she cannot replenish equipment. Myers doesn’t have equipment. He stands there and breathes heavily until he’s ready to go into a full on sprint. 

    Worst argument. 
  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Wait... they aren't just cool headgear?

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited September 2018
    MandyTalk said:

    I've not seen any reports that the RBT's are bugged - do you have video evidence of this that you can show me?

    The RBT's will not activate if they are put on after the activation point (the pillars in the exit area), or if the killer puts the trap on earlier and then carries them passed the activation area - these are the only times that a survivor can leave through the exit gates with a RBT on their heads. This is by design and is not a bug.

    Alright then, well if that’s the case, the only bugs I’ve experienced, were traps not able to be placed despite having 4, and a survivor leaving with the trap still on his head, but that player told me that he didn’t have one on. 

    And for clarification, regarding what I said about being able to crawl out, I meant if they can already escape in a dying state, I feel that the bear trap should prevent that even if placed at gates, especially because pig has to wait and wipe the blood off the weapon before having control again. 

    I believe I have footage of that survivor leaving through the exit with the trap on. It was placed mid match and the timer wasn’t starting. Like I said he messaged me and said the trap wasn’t showing up for him, which means he saw the icon on his survivor status in the lower left corner of the screen, but it seemed to delete itself.  It’ll take some time for me to sort through my footage. But if I haven’t deleted it then I will upload the link in this thread. 

    Either way its unfortunate that pig cannot utilize the reverse beartrap in this manner. Poor thing can’t even restock them.  

    And dont get me wrong, so far I am loving your game. I just want to contribute to improvement through feedback. It’s been a long time since I’ve fallen in love with a game as much as I have with Dead by Daylight. 
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    MandyTalk said:

    I've not seen any reports that the RBT's are bugged - do you have video evidence of this that you can show me?

    The RBT's will not activate if they are put on after the activation point (the pillars in the exit area), or if the killer puts the trap on earlier and then carries them passed the activation area - these are the only times that a survivor can leave through the exit gates with a RBT on their heads. This is by design and is not a bug.

    Unfortunately I have lost the footage. Under XB1 big reports though there is a user who reported survivors escaping on foot through exits with the bear trap on. Sorry I lost it. 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I've seen it where very rarely someone could go out but that was the dead hard exploit. The hatch isn't supposed to kill them with a bear trap on. As @MandyTalk said, if you do it inside the gates or at the entrance like some pigs do they get out just fine. Some Pigs also try and carry them through to grief them and then the person gets out.

  • Rozenlied
    Rozenlied Member Posts: 22

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Killmaster said:

    Bear traps are not guaranteed kills, if survivors have the will to survive they will escape them just like the films.

    Hey, except for the fact that the only way to disarm them, through a “game”. Dude seriously do you ever play killer? 100% of your posts are demands for killer nerfs. The only way to get the traps off, is through the jigsaw boxes, in the movies did they just walk out with the trap on their head and live happily ever after?  Come on now, please be reasonable. 

    It’s supposed to kill you if you don’t disarm it, why the hell should you just be able to waltz out? 

    Don’t take this the wrong way, as I don’t mean to be a jerk, but DO NOT come to the forums wanting nerfs if you DO NOT have experience with both sides. It’s infuriating that you’ll defend whatever makes things easy for you, as opposed to fair. 

    Thats not fair to every killer main in the game. There is already an extremely low population of killers because they just aren’t fun to play for most people because of how stressful it is. Please be more considerate here. 

    That Killmaster dude is salty about everything about killers. One of his recent posts said that Franklin's Demise is OP (???) and the game is unplayable for survivors because of it.

  • Rozenlied
    Rozenlied Member Posts: 22

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Are you serious? No I’m not! I want survivors who are trying to run through the exit, or escaping through hatch, to die like they are supposed to if they have a trap on their head. That’s what is supposed to happen! 

    You getting out with a trap on is not FAIR. Pig gameplay is 90% Tunneling? You must be a rank 20. Tunneling doesn’t exist. If you can’t lose the killer, that is your fault, if you are wounded and are prioritized as the easiest target, that’s your fault, literally bypassing an ability that the pig has is the stupidest argument. You are clearly biased and shouldn’t be on the balance feedback forum. 

    inb4 Pig gets cucked by Survivors removing the RBT in their first Jigsaw Box

    happens to me a lot
    one of the reasons I don't play her so often

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    I could be wrong, but I believe the RBT has to be activated, so if it is placed after the last gen is done then the survivir can still escape.

    If this not the case, then I'll report the bug, because I have video of me escaping with an inactive RBT that was placed just outside the exit gates.

    Also, the hatch is a free escape, RBT or not.  This should really be changed.
  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    Let me tell you what I hate about the Pig's Traps and how I think they don't work.

    First, since it's all based on RNG, a Survivor with an RBT on their head might get it off in about 15 seconds within getting unhooked since Billy Boxes might spawn right next to the hook ("we've learned from our Hex Totem spawns", have we, BHVR?) and the first box they check might be the one holding their key.

    Second, the rules for how and when the Traps work sometimes feel like it's just basically "maybe they will trigger and maybe they won't".
    Survivors can do 4 gens, you can put a trap on one of them and then watch as that person gets up, isn't being chased and yet his trap doesn't activate - and it remains inactive even if he's the last Survivor alive.

    Even if you read all the rules for how the Traps activate, you will still find yourself playing a match and blinking at an inactive trap indicator while thinking "why did this trap not activate yet!?".

    Third, the second part to the "maybe they will trigger..." rule is "...but does it matter?" - Survivors get 2 and a half minutes to take the trap off and this is even after the trap is activated. If you want to waste an Addon slot for Tampered Timer (although, to be fair, the Pig has garbage addons - half of which actually don't work at all and have never been fixed - so "waste" is a bit of a stretch) all you've done is cut the timer down to a whopping 2 minutes.

    Btw, guys, in case you're wondering, it takes less than a minute and a half for a Survivor to complete a generator without any benefits from stuff like Great Skill Checks, Toolboxes and Perks that enhance repair speed.

    In my opinion, a basic and decent QOL change in favor of the Pig would be if searching Billy Boxes would at least actually inflict the Injured state (the animation certainly suggestes this is what's happening!) and the Broken or Mangled state for a certain amount of time (nothing crazy, just 60 seconds).
    Another one is to rework the Addon that disables Survivors' ability to see Billy Boxes when their trap isn't active and to make that effect just a base thing.

    Another change (unrelated for the traps) would be to make the Pig's red stain go away quicker when she crouches (takes about 3 seconds for the heartbeat to go away, but 6 seconds for the red stain - why is that? just 'cuz).
    I also wouldn't mind them boosting up the crouching speed.

    But yeah, right now Pig's Traps = EZ LIFE (for the Survivor).
    Don't expect any of this to change any time soon - Freddy is the Killer they'll be working on next and who knows how long it'll take them before BHVR looks at Pig again and says "Pig is fine".

    @Killmaster said:
    Bear traps are not guaranteed kills, if survivors have the will to survive they will escape them just like the films.

    I'd just like to point something out regarding this.
    I watched almost all the Saw movies (all except the most recent ones, I believe Saw 3D and whatever the newer one is called - some people might love the franchise, but I don't. Still, I watched most of it.) and I'd like to point out that in the movies about 97% of Jigsaw's victims die horribly to whatever trap or test Jigsaw subjects them to... the other 2% are Jigsaw's Disciples - and even one of those also later dies to Jigsaw's pointless games. There's maybe one person shown to have survived Jigsaw's games and she was in no mood to even say "gg ez".
    Watch CinemaSins' "Everything Wrong with Saw" clips on YouTube for some laughs about that.

    In other words, if the game was really true to the Saw movies then Survivors would spawn already trapped in all manner of grisly contraptions, have an impossible time limit to complete some horrible

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    Oh and PS - the same Billy Box always holds the key for a specific Survivor's Traps, regardless of whether it's the first trap or another one. Once they find their box, it's always the same box for them in that match.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    I’ve outright seen downed survivors with beartraps crawl through the exit gates and live, and for some reason,  jumping through hatch with a beartrap on your head provides no effect. 

    I’m sick and tired of a non-replenishable utility not being useful. It’s supposed to prevent progression, and it can’t even do that very well. Let alone prevent escape as it’s supposed to. 

    They’re not as impactful on the match as they are supposed to be. Survivors need to DIE when they try to leave, instant kill, no acceptions. It’s annoying to use traps that have the functionality of a dehydrated tortoise. 

    Please guys, just show oinkers a little love and save us the frustrations. 

    Not all killers are meant to be viable.
    Not my words, thats the devs wording :wink:

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited September 2018

    @Rozenlied said:

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Are you serious? No I’m not! I want survivors who are trying to run through the exit, or escaping through hatch, to die like they are supposed to if they have a trap on their head. That’s what is supposed to happen! 

    You getting out with a trap on is not FAIR. Pig gameplay is 90% Tunneling? You must be a rank 20. Tunneling doesn’t exist. If you can’t lose the killer, that is your fault, if you are wounded and are prioritized as the easiest target, that’s your fault, literally bypassing an ability that the pig has is the stupidest argument. You are clearly biased and shouldn’t be on the balance feedback forum. 

    inb4 Pig gets cucked by Survivors removing the RBT in their first Jigsaw Box

    happens to me a lot
    one of the reasons I don't play her so often

    I feel you since when I'm pig the boxes are always practically on top of hooks or right next to them. The survivors almost always get them off on 1st box. When I'm playing I'm usually dead most of the time due to trap exploding. This is after trying 2-4 boxes and the pig will camp that last one knowing it's the one I need, especially if others got their's off.