Remove unbreakable



  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    "even in equal values, negative emotions will have a stronger impact"

    Did you skip this part?

    assuming the amount of negative emotions from a killer player are equal the amount of good emotions for survivors, then yes, the killer should be prioritized. HOWEVER you miss a key part of my original comment (I think, its been half a year lmao). Unbreakable isn't causing these emotions on such a scale. its when its paired with a certain other perk that it causes issues. You see, Unbreakable is a one time use, meaning they get up once and thats that. so when a slugger sees this perk used ingame, I don't think the match is completely ruined for them like it is when survivors are successfully slugged. they just need to down them once more. it happening to all 4 survivors STILL isn't a match completely ruined, since they have a chance (albeit a low one) of doing that again. When survivors are successfully slugged, they cant do anything for the rest of that game but crawl and pray that they find hatch while its open, the killer lets them go, or that one of them has a counter. essentially, they lose the ability to play the game. Unbreakable is supposed to counter that because it gets rid of those negative emotions while keeping the killers negativity relatively low.

    But that brings us to the actual issue. DS. when paired with DS, unbreakable loses its biggest counter: being picked up. when paired with unbreakable, DS loses its biggest "counter" (if you can call it that since it still buys you/your teammates time): being slugged. With this there is really no way to avoid getting the killer player screwed over and no matter the outcome, grants the survivor a retry. Since this only is happening to one survivor, they get positive emotions sure, but the killer likely gets more negative emotions, which you can see the issue with using the negativity bias. the issue with unbreakable doesn't lie with unbreakable, it lies with the DS combo. so we need to fix DS, and then the only actual issue with unbreakable goes away.

    Tl;dr: Unbreakable doesn't cause enough negative killer emotions to be worth nerfing, but when paired with DS it does. So fix DS and unbreakable loses the only issue it really had.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    yes, DS counters a playstyle, but it also counters playing killer by punishing things like downing someone making cocky plays. thats the issue with it. Unbreakable counters a playstyle and thats all. it counters slugging, the playstyle that may as well prevent the survivor from playing, by forcing the killer to down them again to get the desired result. Could it be considered a second chance perk? maybe, but not in my eyes.

    The only time unbreakable can be used is when slugging is happening (either game wide or to go do something else) so a fair bit of time is needed to use the perk. And it makes up for you getting downed by punishing the killer for slugging, which I might have stated why is probably bad for game health in my original comment (its been a half a year, I don't remember it perfectly).

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    my guy its used so often because people get sick of being slugged or when its paired with DS (in which case unbreakable isnt the issue). that doesn't make it top tier.

    Distortion counters Aura reading perks, something a large majority of the killer playbase uses, so why isn't it top tier then huh? by your logic, if it counters something strong it should be top tier.

    Its used to combat against one killer strat that isn't guaranteed to even happen in your match. I'd say thats not very top tier. useful, certainly, but not top.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    ReMoVe WhAtEvEr MaKeS mE lOsE

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Ok so the survs aren't having fun so we have a terribly unbalanced perk that makes the game unfun for killers by punishing killing everybody too well.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    He killed everybody, he is good, but then crutch perks let the survs win

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    yes it is now a risk to kill many survivors quickly!

    Such a balanced game!

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Ah I see now!

    "If you weren't so good and killed everyone too quickly you would've won!"

    Don't kill everyone too quickly or too slowly and don't you dare use any tactics like camping or slugging!

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    Because even 1 DS in a game is absolutely ######### devastating. It's a free heal, a 5 second stun, a wasted chase and a 20 second headstart for the surv

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    This is not a viable play style if you aren't god of dbd or playing garbage survs.

    The fact I have to explain this to you is a testament to your understanding of killer gameplay.

  • Smol_person
    Smol_person Member Posts: 8

    I agree with the statement that you should be able to use whatever perk you want I think that some perks are a bit too strong to be used together so the best way I could think of this working would be like how exhaustion perks work where you can use multiple but you only really need one of them to be effective.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    "I slugged 4 guys and they unbreakabled" - This is exactly the reason why unbreakable exists.. to prevent killers to slug. It isn't sweaty, it isn't OP, it isn't being removed. Either hook people or deal with the fact that someones going to unbreakable.

  • Equalizerg
    Equalizerg Member Posts: 6

    Extremely simple: Don't slug. If you win by slugging you dont deserve a win.

  • NuKeD
    NuKeD Member Posts: 227

    i love how half of these guys commenting are entitled survivor mains...

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    Lol, the devs have bent over backwards for years now to make this game the easiest possible version for killers and they still feel compelled to play toxic as all get out and blame the survs for their behavior. It is pathetic. And now breakable doors cause boatloads of dead ends that survivors have zero control over, DS was nerfed again for like the third time. I have said it before but seriously, the whiny killers up in this forum will not be satisfied until there are zero survivors, just a bunch of NPC's so they can get that 4k every game with no effort. You know survivor want to play this game too, but the devs make it more and more ridiculous for them every patch trying to appease 20% of their players. It is going to kill off this already declining game.