Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Cross-platform/Cross-friends (Share your experiences here) 💜

Member Posts: 2,340
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


The ranking system is FLAWLESS so far:

I also saw a Legacy Wraith in my last match. Everybody in my SWF group were awe’d by this.

The Killers also seem way more fun to go against.

So far, so good.

How’s your cross-play/cross-friends experience so far? 💜

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I saw a lot of complaints about facing PC killers/survivors. I just faced a Legacy Wraith that destroyed me and my group, but it was so fun lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    That matchmaking simply.. It looks beautifull..

  • Member Posts: 169

    this game needed crossplay for a long time, and we didn't even realize it

    I played a game when MMR was active where I was rank 4 and there were 2 rank 19s and 2 rank 20s, now I'm the one being destroyed lol

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Ofc Wraith is fun. I can loop him around killer shack connected to a window or a pallet for 6 gens. Why I dont get Wraith every game?

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    I just need to see a legacy Dweet in one of my games and my life will be complete 😍

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Lol I hear that. I wonder if the newly added characters have legacy variations as well?

  • Member Posts: 273

    Killer queues are instant, which is a blessing on its own.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I just forget that those people with the globe next to their name don't see chat. (i.e. i like to say when i need to open an exit so everyone knows). else it is fine so far.

  • Member Posts: 2,632




    That's my crossplay experience.

    Also, why hasn't the mountain glitch been fixed yet?

  • Member Posts: 14

    hoenstly i want to like it but hoenstly, i hate it at the moment - bring back the mmr or reset everyone to rank 20 and work from there becasue at the moment im getting on level ranks but from pc and I am super struggling to get hits and hooks because they will greed pallets - fine but I cant turn as sharp as they can and then when im like okay - boom 360 - they can use 2 pallets for 3 gens even if I am trying to split pressure ive only managed to get like 5 kills over 15 matches.

    I am a surviour main and the 20 matches I have played so far - escaped twice , because the killers can take corners sharper in chase so i am getting chased down sooner and if i try to 360 , its like nope youve been hit.

    I am willing to give it a try but at the moment i just want to rank down because I am not in the right league for it and its just not fun for me.

    Friends are feeling the same - they want to go back to lower ranks and re learn with cross play

    casual gamer ps4 - starting on pc

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    I'm having a blast! All the ranks are a lot more balanced, survivor queues are actually fast, and games were a lot more fun!

    BHVR did an amazing job on Crossplay! 🤞▶️

  • Member Posts: 130

    I feel like crossplatform has broken matchmaking

  • Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2020

    As a PC player my experience has been terrible.

    Right now it seems guaranteed at 2-3 players will be from console.

    I'm very unhappy with both Console survivors and Console killers. I'm sure there's multitude of reasons from different control schemes to different crowd, but the best way to sum it up is "Console suck."

    • In nearly all my matches today there's at least a DC near the start of the game. At post game lo and behold, it was a console gamer.
    • Console survivors don't seem to value team work, I've been on hooks watching them healing or doing gens when the path was completely clear.
    • They don't seem to clear totems for some reason.
    • Console killers seem very bad or disadvantaged against PC survivors. I've never seen more than 5% missed attacks when the killer's red aura has caught up to me. Today, that happens 30-50% of the time while the killer was chasing me.
    • Console killers seem to like to tunnel, not that they are good at it. I've literaly every match where I've LAPED THE ENTIRE MAP 2-3 times and MAXED OUT 8000 pts BOLDNESS (one match even hit Chased MAX before my first hook) simply because the killer kept melee missing me. Post game? Yep, console player.

    I strongly recommend Cross-play to be de-prioritized in match making and only enabled to fill the slot if no one else is available. Priority should be keeping homogenity to a single platform (with exception for SWF).

    Currently, it seems the game is trying to encourage a 40/60 split. I don't think this is an enjoyable experience for either side.We really should only be seeing 40/60 mixes during late nights/odd hours.

    Also, purple team wipe against a green rank killer. We had 3 console survivors. Despite my 11k pts 8k of it was from maxed out boldness from looping the killer. They never got rid of Ruin; I had to do it when it was down to 2 survivors.

    EDIT: Fixed typo. I meant console survivors and console killers*. (Previously wrote console players)

    Post edited by BeyondDisbelief on
  • Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2020

    so far I'm really REALLY happy with the performance on Switch. prior, I would get 130++ ping w/ a lan adapter, and now I'm getting similar performace on PC which is 70-80. and I can turn the system settings back to 1080p!

    *nvm, certain maps dump fps, back to 720p....

    Post edited by atlatl on
  • Member Posts: 1,262
    edited August 2020

    I'm on PC, and while I feel like there's a bit of lag, and survivor times seem a bit longer (haven't played killer yet) -- it's not that bad. Seem par for the course so far.

    Edit: Oh, and I had a fun pointing-tea-bag argument with a crossplay Yui over a box. We both stood in front of it for 2 mins goofing around. I appreciate dumb things like this sometimes, lol. Their fashion sense is also quite all over the place. 👌

  • Member Posts: 846

    more configuration options such as activating and selecting which platform you want to connect and icon for identify how i'm connected with.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited August 2020

    Decided to give it a chance.

    As Killer:

    1st game was alright, but a worrying as I could tell I was at a disadvantage frame wise.

    2nd game told me that I shouldn’t have given it a chance. Toxic high rank Survivors with higher frames than me and they knew. Yeah, not very fun. Deactivated it. Maybe I’ll try again someday...

    As Survivor:

    1st game seemed fine. Either the Survivors were really good or the Killer (Deathslinger) really sucked because I escaped and depipped. They were speeding through the gens and the Killer only saw me once and chased me for like four seconds. He only got a 3k at the end because NOED (that’s also when he got his first hook). Sorry, but I’m not throwing myself at the guy whose job is to kill me lol. Everyone was red rank or rank 5.

    2nd game put me with a bunch of greens (so purples before the reset). They got slaughtered. I got out through the Hatch. Thankfully nobody was like the last game where they were too good or bad, so I pipped.

    I think I’m going to leave it on for Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 24
  • Member Posts: 5,304

    pretty good but haven't try killer

    there still no chat box they not going to add it right?

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    However, you can get Discord on your phone. As long as it's Samsung or Iphone.

  • Member Posts: 8,331

    As solo survivor I had longer queues during the day than I had before cross play. Survivors outside my platform seem to be against teamwork and feels more like they're just trying to get everyone killed. Unless I had teammates from my platform I was getting left on hook until I hit struggle (or die) so just feels like wasted time. Was bumped to purple after rank reset, first few matches were with red/purples but rest were rainbow (few example pics below). After a dozen+ matches it just hasn't been fun so turned off crossplay. Since turning off crossplay the wait hasn't been long, matches are more fun even if I die, and I'm being matched with/against those closer to my rank.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Oh I know. I meant on your phone/tablet/laptop/iPad maybe? 😇

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Played 5 games so far. Matchmaking has been relatively fair. Had one bad game against really good survivors, but that was about it.

  • Member Posts: 54

    6 hour session both killer surv last night (both purple rank after reset) to test it out heres what I found as ps4 player:

    1) No real differences between console and pc survivor in skill, gamesense or movement

    2) Good and bad teamates are plentiful on all platforms, I carried 3 players with legacy outfit (2 pipped) all red ranked game. Also carried by other pc players in other games where they looped as I do 2 solo gens + find ruin. Also got destroyed (2 console + 2 pc) by Unnerving Dr.Saw Iri King/Queen but thats broken anyways.

    3) Difficult to 1 v 1 pc killers on tiles as their movement is smooth (camera turning 180) while its already hard to turn sharply using a controller to run the tiles. Feels like fruit ninja where pc killers slash my sluggish moving fruit ass. Jukes and positioning mind games are more effective.

    4) Pc killers using aim powers are way more accurate where the same console killers have 15-20% aiming error though they are all red ranks with good gamesense (plays tiles well, drops chases, patrol n regress gens smartly)

    5) Pc survivos surprisingly dont try to run tiles as tight as they could. Probably since theyre used to the fact that pc killers cant be bullied at tiles as much as console killers. I can personally tell how many times Ive been cucked by the lunge hit and hitting the wall on tiles because of how sluggish turning is. No such thing as a 180 chainsaw on console.

    6) The go to tiles and routing for survs vary on diff platforms. Pc survs aim for bigger structures while console head towards generic jungle gyms. I dont know why.

    7) Finally a happy note, got my first salty message after a clear 4k )) : Tunnlling camper, k*ll yourself, p***y a** b**ch. Felt pleased with myself after eating through 2 DS (but there was no obsession when the game started very weird) .

  • Member Posts: 353

    I’m having a lot of fun with it. I play PS4 and now I see tons of super skilled nurses, which is crazy to me because I rarely ever saw her on console. Once in a blue moon. Makes me happy to see people playing her for once lol

  • Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2020

    I play on both PC and PS4. I rarely see Nurses on PC. Glad you're happy though :)

  • Member Posts: 353

    Really? Well, I probably exaggerated my wording. I had like 3 Nurses today. Which isn’t a LOT in the grand scheme of things but compared to console, I’ve seen her like...once every 50 or more trials IF that hahaha 😂 so to me it’s a lot

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Yes. Seeing Nurse is always a prize, I barely see her but when I do it’s like “YESSSSS! FINALLLLYYYYY!”

  • Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2020

    Crossplay is a straight buff to pc killer. They get faster queue of clueless survivor that are used to play against handicaped killer.

    For everyone else it's just bad. I don't want to play with console player but since it's activated by default queue time are too big if you disable it.

  • Member Posts: 761

    I play on PS4. Its so ridiculos play against PC killers, especially Huntress or Nurses. I have a SH*iT FPS. Was evident when i played against console and pc killers. its so much disbalanced. I desactivated crossplay, and, for my surprise. I find matches only ps4 more quickly then crossplay on. never more crossplay. thanks.

  • Member Posts: 102

    I hate it. Probably the worst thing they have done so far.

  • Member Posts: 192

    Ive had nothing but toxic facecamping rnak 18 clowns, turned this off already lmao

  • Member Posts: 2

    I had an issue with missing friends from my friends list since connecting my steam account to my bhvr account. I fixed it by disconnecting my bhvr account but now it has regressed my account from rank 5 to rank 8, and I lost all my blood points, and characters I leveled up are now back to level 1.

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