[Request about the ranking system of the killer and the sur viv ors ] im japanise...

Recently, condition of matching in ranking games is very poor.

This may be because the ranking system where players mechanically placed in to the ir ranks based on the ir total of 'PIP'. That system is a kind of absolute assessment and is breaking balance of number of players in each rank: frequently many killers deserving a higher rank are boxed in lower ranks because of the ranking system; on the other hand, survivors can reach higher ranks easier. As a re sult, higher ranks are short of killers and lower ranks survivors. The both cause poor matching.

To make matching better, number of players in each rank must be balanced by introducing a certain kind of relative assessment system based on activeness of players, I think. Assess activeness of each player (for example, play a ranking game within a month, week, etc.) on the killer side and the survivor side and distribute appropriate number of players to each rank. It may be better that non-active players
exceptionally, starts a game after a long interval from the lowest rank.