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A way to avoid looping and camping

Ysoria Member Posts: 13
edited September 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi everyone :)

First, I want to say that I just played for around 150h, best rank was about 5 both as survivor and killer, thus I'm not a pro but still have a bit of experience.
Most survivors will agree that being camped is boring while most killers are bored being looped for ages.
I also believe that both loopers and campers don't really enjoy these moments but incentives are too big to not doing it sometimes.

First, the anti-looper strategy :
One of the emblem as a killer say that the faster the chase is, the more point you get. It should be the same for survivors : their goal is to hide as fast as possible, not to waste the most time of the killer. You will say that wasting killer time is good because it enables other survivors to complete gen safely and I agree. However, I think that survivors should never be peaceful while doing gen and should be scared that the killer can come at any moment. Therefore, making this change is a nerf for survivor but making the game "more fun". Still, to compensate, I think that a buff should help the survivors make the gen when they stood in the killer aura for some times. Something like "The killer presence and the fear of being killed filled you with determination (#undertale). After 20sec in the killer aura, you repare generator 15% faster for 20s".
Simiarly, being stealth should be rewarded when you are in the killer aura (still, check the following modification to the crows. I think there should be some ocunter to stealth strategy).

Then, the anti-camper strategy:
I personnaly think that camping is way less boring than looping, because survivors still have stuff to counter it (you can go rescue as a team and take a single hit or so). But still, it can be frustrating, especially for the hooked survivor who sometimes it let to die because his teammate dont want to risk their life :)
For that, I propose to remove points from the chaser emblem for each 15 seconds the killer is not hitting a generator or chasing/hooking someone. However, to avoid loosing point just because you're not able to find survivor (sometimes they are stealthy :3 ) some tweaks should be added to the crows I think. Killers shouldnt be able to bother crows, making it easier for them to spot when a survivor is nearby (since survivors will be the only thing that can make crows fly away).
I was also thinking at something else that could replace this first strategy : staying near a hooked survivor slows down the "sacrifice" progress bar as long as there are no other survivor nearby (otherwise, camping is quite justified I think).

What do you think ? What would you like or dislike ? :)


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Camping doesn't need a nerf, it's already one of the worst strategies a Killer can use short of standing still facing a corner. If the Survivors want to reward it, that's their prerogative.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited September 2018

    The devs already tried to punish camping and it was abused by the survivors in PTB and never became a thing.

    Basically I agree with you, but you have to understand that most killers only camp because looping is a thing and because it can take way too long to catch a competent survivor

    Camping will always result in bad emblem points btw, you can be glad if you blackpip via camping