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The Deliverance and Borrowed Time Perks Modified Suggestion

Lonethought Member Posts: 15
edited August 2020 in Ask the Community

Deliverance should allow the user to free themselves from a hook OR cage (the Pyramid Head trap) if the conditions of the perk have been met.

In addition, if the survivor with Deliverance is hooked a second time while Deliverance is active, the Entity cannot be summoned immediately unless the hooked survivor's lifespan is in struggle phase. Survivors with Deliverance can only use the perk once to either save themselves off a hook or stall the Entity from completely summoning on second (2nd) hook. The survivor can then remain hooked until the Entity completely summons or attempted to escape with whatever luck and lifespan that remains.

Borrowed Time should allow survivors who successfully free themselves from a hook to also be given a 15 second protection if used within the terror radius of the killer. Borrowed Time cannot activate while the Killer is Undetectable.

Do you agree?