Training mode / KYF alone


I feel like you should be able to start a KYF match alone, either as killer or survivor. It would be great for newer players to learn the maps or for players to learn new maps that come out in the future. Kind of like a training mode. Maybe even add bots to the training mode if possible. I feel like that'd help me a lot since I am not the greatest with looping on certain maps, or mindgames and shortcuts (like the one on pre-school or haddonfield that i dont rly know how to do) as killer on some maps too. Idk if posting here actually gets the devs to listen but worth a shot.


  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Agreed. Can't believe the mobile version got a training mode first...

  • MauriceMaverick
    MauriceMaverick Member Posts: 275

    The community is asking for bots ever since the kyf mode is out. That was 6 years ago. I don't think a play alone mode will ever be added. It would be the best think that could happen, playing against bots with chouseble difficulty and playing on whatever map you want without the need to deal with toxic players. But, as I said, that's never gonna happen. I'm sorry.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2020

    The mobile version released only 4 months ago and it got a training mode last month. The PC and console versions released years ago but we’re still waiting. You’d think for a ranked game a training mode would certainly get added but I don’t know why after 4 years we still don’t have one. I also would like bots replacing players who DC but that’s not really relevant to the topic. Adding @Peanits @Almo @MandyTalk hoping we get any info but I doubt it.