New killer wont have counterplay.

As it stands right now we got Deathslinger, PH the last to killers have no counterplay. The devs are most likely gonna do the same for the upcoming killer and genrushing will become even more prevalent.
The devs wont focus on survivor when they make the killers and it's obvious. They really need to make a better designed killer like oni, new bubba,billy huntress, nurse. They got to stop only thinking of one side. The game is becoming stale and very uninteresting.
It hasn't even been announced!
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Ik I'm excited for the new killer but the trend going on scares me.
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this bait?
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It's not bait its speculation due to the trend that spirit, deathslinger, PH have.
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Either this or he'll be incredibly loopable with an unnecessary cooldown to his power that doesn't help him with map presence or chase power.
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"Deathslinger and PH has no counterplay" You're joking right? XD. How bad do you have to be to not know how to counter deathslinger, he is literally a worse huntress, just block line of sight. As for PH he's a bit harder to explain but I have gone a full round only being downed and hooked once, escaping, all while being chased and not once getting tormented. (He was a purple rank PH btw)
ALL killers have counterplay, the devs are just getting better at making killers less predictable.
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Someone has been watching some scottjund I see.
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Yup. I expect the same.
Only killer mains that never play survivor will disagree here and say you're trolling. PH and DS are simply bs in a chase where you can easily down even the best survivors with not much effort due to lack of counterplay
Spirit too obviously but... yeah 8)
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what is counterplay, to the Op akiller that can't be bully 100% of the time you can escape every time.....
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I was to say the last few killers were really poorly designed or not really creative. Old killers were better like Huntress, Nurse, Hillbillys, etc.... the old killers were way better designed than the newer ones. I think they start running out of ideas and from now on only bring licensed ones. But I don't really think that no counterplay has to be something bad. This game is a 1v4, so the 4 survivors should be equal as strong as the one killer. And one survivor should not be able to 1v1 a killer. At the moment if a survivor is really strong and makes no mistakes at all while pallet looping and you play against a killer like wraith the survivor can easily 1v1 the killer. Even if the killer plays really well there would be nothing the killer can do and than the killer has no counterplay too. And its better if survivors have no counterplay in chases than killers. That's because the killer is the one and the survivors are the four. You can also just try not even getting into a chase and if you get a chase you will not be able to 1v1 these killers with "no counterplay". But you will still be able to waste his time. And if you think about it every killer should be like the last ones. I just don't understand why everyone is complaining about no counterplay. Since this game is out the killers have ALWAYS been the weaker role in the game. About 2019 was the most balanced time. And now since the ruin nerf the killers are again weaker. And survivors now start complaining about killers because the last ones have no counterplay in chases. That just shows they don't even think about how this game should actually be like. They are just used to survivors being stronger and start complaining if killers are starting to get strong too.
6 -
I disagree but get what you mean. Both Pyramidhead and Deathslinger are singlehandedly the most oppressive Killers in the game, both of whom are capable of mindgaming you with a single press of a button. Don't get me wrong. I adore those two greatly, but they are not without their flaws.
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They are really bad on big maps.No mobility!!!They are great in 1v1 but vary little map pressure.
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Spirit is not a new killer so I don't see how she's part of a trend. And I don't agree that Pyramid Head has no counterplay.
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I dont want him to be easily lovable so I hope not.
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All I'm gonna say is we need a start game collapse to slow gens or block them off so killers have oume to pressure. Also 1v1 chase is the most interactive part of the game if you dont even have a chance of survival it becomes boring I hate doing gens.
0 -
as someone who has managed to outrun and evade Caleb and PH I think there is counterplay.
There's just no 'clear' counterplay if you want to put it that way. it's a little more chaotic, and as a friend put it oddly fittingly:
Don't think slasher movies, think slasher movie parodies.
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Not what I said or implied I mentioned nurse is good designed killer which is a strong killer when played right also huntress which is the same. You are known for you heavily killer biased comments no one takesnylu seriously go away.
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Damn, you're right OP. Nerf the killer right now before it's released! We can't let him have no counter-play!
Joking aside, at least let the killer hit the PTB before we all jump to conclusions. Maybe BHVR learned from previous killers.
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1v1 my deathsligner on bloodlodge and show me the counterplay you speak of. I'm not a good PH but I can still show the un winnable situations he can do to you.
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Totally have to agree to this.
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Is this the same kind of situation with your video proof of several killers not having counterplay that you mysteriously deleted?
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Thats my bad I didnt see your comment saying to provide it til a month later but still would you not be interested in 1v1ing now that crossplay is out? Show me the counterplay. Also I said I could show video proof of PH.
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Deathslinger and Pyramid Head have nearly identical counters: keep obstacles between you and hold W to the next loop
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The new killer is OP with no counter play and needs to be nerfed because he's not strong enough to pressure gens or end loops, thus why he needs to be buffed.
There; no need for us to create 20,000,000,000 posts about it when its released. :)
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I have to agree that I'm scared this will be the case, however Oni is one of the more recent killers and, imo, is probably the best designed killer in the game. He's fun to play both as and against, even when players on both sides are skilled. Executioner and Deathslinger, though, reek of really badly thought out ideas.
(That said, deathslinger is definitely an easy fix: give him ADS and remove quickscope and suddenly he'll feel better to play while also simultaneously better to play against)
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Ik but the game is gets boring when getting chased the most fun part is near impossible because the killers have oppressive chase powers not to mention the excuse is its 1v4 not 1v1.
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Lol I love how the logic is there isnt counterplay..yet they still lose..a lot XD..I'm sorry but this nonsense has been eaten up to excuse ones own mistakes
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um slinger is better than huntess and i dont know if holding w is called counterplay?
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Its time to quit this stupid forum i guess
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who find me biased? only you one other called me killer biased I play both sides and playing killers is hard why me some many other moving to survivor.nurse is good designed killer if you know how use her she way to hard to learn they got to make some killer easy to pick no one would play killer
PH and Deathslinger are fairly easy to dodge they M2 I mean is this only because they can cancel they M2 with no cooldown?
huntress is way best then Deathslinger but people are still making threads on huntress hatchets hitbox being to broken
to the Op it not and I'm biased I didn't even know this.
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There is no chase counterplay. The only downside is that survivors can genrush him hard and do it. But you killer mains complain.
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I've seen so many of your heavily killer favored comments and you seem to hate on survivors or any idea that somewhat favors survivors.
If slinger and ph has counterplay and 1v1 me and show it.
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Or they will. No one knows yet either way.
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Y-youre joking right?
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Oh ! No ! i can't control/easly counter killer power !
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Its a 1v4, have you played the game??
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Remove quick scoping and the Deathslinger will never be able to hit a survivor.
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do. also, if I can outwit Caleb on his hometurf, midwich, corn, snow and brokemap mountain, while you explicitely name one single map...
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I named bloodlodge because it's the typical 1v1 map and it's good for survivors. So 1v1 or not if you decline it makes you look bad ngl.
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Yes but the chase(1v1) is the most fun part killers like billy and oni have good 1v1 but also fair and counterable. The devs cant make more killers like them?
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also, keep in mind they explicitly insist on a 1:1. not a regular 1:4.
What do you call it again if a killer is so fixated on a single survivor (regardless if they are the obsession or not) that they forget there's three others running around doing stuff?
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Oh yeah that's right, I forgot that even if you hit a survivor with the spear they'll still go down if you can't smack them, silly me. Play the game idiot. Deathslinger can't always secure a down if he hits you with his ranged attack, where Huntress can, from across the map too.
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Nice bait..
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For Death Slinger Break line of site and always keep a wall between you and him, so he can't down you. For Pyramid Head stay close to your pallet/vault and wait for the wave, its easy to predict and you can dodge if your paying attention. If he cancels drop the pallet or vault. They have plenty of counter play. You just need to pay attention.
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I respect this response thank you for actually giving me tips and yes indeed that is counterplay but general. None the less thank you, you arent being rude and telling me How I only want wasy m1 killers to bully
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I like playing both sides equally not great survivor rank 4 not great killer rank 7
I ask again is this only because they can cancel they M2 with no cooldown hit you with they M1?I see you said in upper post the only thing you can do is genrush him hard,now i said I'm not great killer so showing you anything in game would not help with anything.what is chase counterplay anyways? I know survivor can loop(as a survivor I suck at looping) but with PH and Deathslinger canceling they M2 to hit you with they M1 or they do use they M2 hit you it a guessing game on both ends.
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Happy to help!
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most hits huntress can get slinger can do better and cross maps will never happen against good survivors
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Yes that's why the canceling m2 with no cooldown that's not fair. Also if you can claim x killer has counterplay be able to show it it invalidates your argument.
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Okay, I've read through these forums for a while, but this made me make an account, why not at least wait for them to be on the PTB before complaining that it won't have counterplay, I just dont get it.