PH, Facecamping, NOED, Keys and Moris

First of all, pyramid head is the dumbest killer in the game. It completely removes an aspect of the game and is incredibly annoying to play against. Might aswell make a killer whose power just ######### disables pallets. He needs a slight cooldown after cancelling his power or something.

Facecamping is just so annoying to deal with. Every single I loop some bubba for like a gen or two atleast I end up getting facecamped and 99.9% of the time end up piping down. Also brainless killers usually combo the facecamping with noed so if you do the generators you get punished even more.

NOED is a joke of a perk and should reworked (Like show the exposed status right away when the last generator gets finished, all it needs.) NOED rewards bad gameplay and is just an overall dumb perk.

Keys and moris are both such a dumb aspect of the game it hurts my brain sometimes. There have been countless times where SWF tell their mates to stop struggling on the hook so they can just get an easy escape by just finding the hatch when there's still generators that need to be done.

Also moris just make the game pointless. Unless you want to sweat really hard it's nearly impossible to escape unless you are some insane coordinated SWF team. Even then it's hard asf. Gladly you can DC in the loading screen and avoid them.

Also ######### off with the "oh just do bones" and "oh if the killer facecamps then just do gens" comments. First, have fun finding all 5 of the totems on the swamps or the new maps, it's legit impossible.


  • rororoxor
    rororoxor Member Posts: 182

    You don't need to do all 5 totems to counter NOED, it's often easier to check if the killer has it first with one person, then search for the totem

  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43
    edited August 2020

    I have made a post about noed before and it was just filled with comments of people saying "oh don't rush gens just do bones". After you have been hit with it yes, it's 1 totem but still it's a gamble. You have a 20% chance of it being the totem if nobody has done any totems and often there are like 2-3 totems done and the most hidden ones are left and they are incredibly hard to find. Pair that with the killer usually camping the totem with a survivor hooked nearby and it's just an awful time all around

  • rororoxor
    rororoxor Member Posts: 182

    Then that's just one person dead, which is easy to accomplish even without noed

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    For PH stick close to the pallet/vault. Wait for the wave, its very predictable and slow. If he cancels drop the pallet or vault. You can counter him if you pay attention.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183
    1. Nurse does better job and removing aspect of the game.
    2. So... noed rewards bad gameplay... hmm... DS, BT, Unbreakable, adrenaline... all of these perks can easily be used as a reward for a bad gameplay.
    3. Finding totems is impossible? Then why my devour hope lasts only in 1% of the matches...

  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43

    First of all I cannot take you seriously when you can't even speak proper english. Also how does BT, Unbreakable and Adrenaline reward bad gameplay? You have the brain capacity of a snail. Only perk that somewhat rewards bad gameplay is DS and it's not even that crippling on the killer side imo. Also you see, survivors have much, much more time to find your devour compared to NOED and it's 1/5 chance that it's devour every time they find a totem. With NOED you must do all 5 of the totems to deactivate it.

    Please think before posting something. Right now you just look like an idiot.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    These kind of screeds always come from people with barely any posts, which would seem to indicate that they are new to the game and simply haven't learned enough yet to play against whatever it is they are complaining about. Are egos so fragile today that one simply can't admit that the failing might be personal? It has to be the game's fault, bad balance, broken perk, whatever? Grow up.

  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43

    Just because I'm not a nerdy freak that sits on the forums 20h a day doesn't mean I'm bad or new to the game lmfao. You are most likely a shitter bubba main that has to count on NOED to secure your 2ks.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Actually it is what you posted that outs you as being new or bad at the game. You are singing the song known as "New Survivor Blues" and hitting all the high notes and chorus. Same thing happens every time. People who know how to play come out and correct you, but you aren't having any of that. :) No, it couldn't possibly be that YOU are the problem.

  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43

    Also you legit joined the forum 15 days ago lmfao??? You must have been joking with that comment sheesh

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    I'm not joking at all; I'm open about the fact this account is new. And for the record, I don't play Bubba. I play Myers. I will continue to play him until I feel I am competent with him. Only then will I move on. However, whether or not this account (or me myself) is actually new, it has no bearing on what I'm pointing out. What demonstrates your incompetence as a Survivor is what you are saying. I just find it funny that it is always people who are new here that seem to be spewing these little screeds.

    New/bad Survivor pops on and goes off. This Perk/Killer is OP and broken. It is killing the game! FIX IT. This is followed by sage, more experienced Players pointing out the obvious counter play that you are not yet skilled in applying. The next step is the same, idiotic response where the OP refuses to accept any helpful advice or admit he/she could possibly have been wrong. Thread continues for a long time while OP continues to make an even bigger fool of him/herself until they are nothing but a joke that we continue to laugh about for months. You going to be the joke of the quarter or actually learn something?

    Post edited by Moundshroud on
  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43

    I guarantee you I'm a better survivor and a killer player than you. Also I guess you just gave me an answer to why you need NOED. The green ranks are usually pretty good against myers as they like to hide. Other than that, NOED is an OP and broken perk. That's why you never see any decent killer main use it. You simply don't need it if you have more than 50iq. Legit any good killer would agree with me. I was a billy main for about a year and a half and I never saw the need to use the brainless perk. Just accept the fact that you are a dogshit killer and need a braindead perk to help you win? It's as simple as that

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited August 2020

    I haven't used Noed in a long time, but not because I claim to be a better Killer. I don't use it because it doesn't slow down the Gen-Rush. I'd rather be doing that. My usual build is Play With Your Food, Hex: Ruin, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, and Hex: The 3rd Seal. I see you have chosen to become the Joke of the Quarter, and I applaud you on your predictability. By all means, continue to advise and educate us on what you know so well. We will try to keep our snickering to a minimum. :)

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    I love when someone is focused more on attacking directly second person in discussion, instead of his arguments.

    If you say that adrenaline, unbreakable and BT (especially BT) does not reward bad gameplay, you really should say why, instead of comparing me to a snail.

    Adrenaline rewards pushing the last gen like stupid. Playing around it can eazily lead to 3 genning yourself or getting killed while pushing the gen.

    Unbreakable... it literally works only when you are downed.

    BT... in reality its rarely used by solo survivors as anti camping perk, more often its used for hook farming.

    And how ds is not crippling for the killer? One ds can cost the killer the game.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited August 2020

    Behavior Studios just introduce killer bots already. It'll end the unproductive perk shaming towards killer, they'll play the way you want them to play, and it'll put an end to these annoying posts.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Might aswell make a killer whose power just [BAD WORD] disables pallets.


  • DarkyRadiostaus
    DarkyRadiostaus Member Posts: 7

    Can please someone ANSWER to my suggestion? thanks.