Bedham preschool + Haddonfield + The game gen sound problems

On haddonfield and bedham all generators that are below the ground level so for example in the bedham basement or haddonfield house with basement and double stairs up are completely silent if you are directly above them.
In both cases you won't hear them AT ALL unless you are on the same level as them. Also killer can only kick that gen from one side if it spawns in the corner.

On the game sound of generators is inconsistent. If you are on the different lever then the generator you can still hear it but if it is in the different tile you can't hear it at all even if there is a door wide open.
You can still hear it if you are on the same tile but it goes completely silent once you cross over to another one.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    If you play without sound, you cant be baited by the wrong sound.

    Now lets be serious, its mainly a killer issue, so the devs will look at it sometime in 2020