Why are survivors punished because killers are ass at the game?
I constantly see dumb ass killer mains tunneling, camping, and down right being dumb as hell because they're mad at survivors. They constantly use gen rushing or SWF as an excuse to do these things but what else are survivors supposed to do? Doing gens is the objective, why are you mad? SWF shouldn't even be an issue. If you can't counter a well coordinated team that says something about YOU as a killer. YOU'RE bad. Survivors don't owe you easy games because you're too brain dead to do your job efficiently. Survivors shouldn't have a disadvantage because they want to play a TEAM BASED game with their friends and work as a TEAM.
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So tunneling and camping are just killers doing their only objective too...which is to kill. So why are survivors mad when you're just doing your objective.
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Nice b8 m8.
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The rank 20 experience.
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Ehhh. I’ve played killer & survivor and they BOTH have frustrating things to deal with.
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Camping and tunneling is an advantage for killers?
You really think what you are saying?
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So you say that survivors aren't supposed to give you an easy game, then proceed to complain because killers aren't giving you easy games? You say that gen rushing isnt a thing because it's the only objective, then proceed to complain when killers tunnel.... biased much?
As for countering a coordinated team, it can't be done. Gen speeds and the amount of pallets make it impossible.
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I now dub thee, the Masterbaiter.
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I don't Camp.I don't Tunnel and I got t-bagged in the exit gates bc "GG EEEZZZ BABY KILLER"
This match,I don't played well I know but this ######### happen's quite often if I loose a match (50/50 win rate)
And you tell us to stop Tunneling? Really??? Then you ######### Survivor Main's need to stop this toxic ######### first.
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It's the other way around. If you need swf to win you aren't that good.
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I would phrase it a little more compassionately, but I don't understand tunneling and camping either. I'm a survivor main who recently started playing as the killer and I can get two kills without having to rely on those tactics. I don't count that as a loss because I didn't ~catch them all. That's while lagging/teleporting back to where I was two seconds ago often (just bought a PS4 to counter that). I think it's a disadvantage for the killers to tunnel and camp. They're so worried about securing that one kill that they let the other survivors gen rush and escape. Best case scenario, altruistic survivors without borrowed time try to unhook them anyway and they get an extra kill.
There's so much negatively in post game chats. That's true for all games but especially DBD. You're either competing against a four man team alone or you're weirdly competing against your own teammates as a survivor. It's a long read but if you skim this, you'll get the gist of what I mean. I think some killers are so worried about not feeling humilated post-game that they forget to have fun. I can't imagine it's much fun to stand in place and stare at someone for a minute and a half each time they hook someone. If people (survivors and killers alike) focused more on having fun, there would be less unnecessary pressure. Then they wouldn't resort to tactics that aren't fun for either side. I mean, I had a killer play peekaboo with me when I was crouched behind a box before and I think they still managed to kill three of us. It doesn't have to be so intense.
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This isn’t directly related to the post, but do you play on PS4 or PC?
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New killers l understand l would have camped and tunneled as well.
red rank killers pretty much always proxy camp, they are always in range to get the unhook for a slug
both sides the higher you go the sweatier it gets
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You do your objectives, I do mine. Killing you. Tunneling is pretty efficient. Not sure what's your problem with me playing the game the most effective way.
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Except it's not that efficient. You're so desperate for one whole kill because you can't get one any other way. Your object isn't to stand in front of a survivor :)
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Never said I needed SWF to win games
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Lmao i've gone against many skilled killers and lost. I'm not mad because the games aren't an easy win, i'm mad that it takes no skill to stand infront of a hooked survivor until they die and then turn around and act like they're the best killer in the game.
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You accused Killers of being bad if they can't win against swf and talk about playing with friends.
You should already know how to punish camping Killers. Tunnel gens and get out. If your team throws the whole game to save 1 guy.. well a tactic is not dumb if it works.
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He Shalt bestow upon us much controversy!
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Why are killers punished for survivors dumb ass mistakes.
You know with survivor second chance perks?
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This. Heaven forbids that we're against players providing info to each other using coms and there's barely an efficient counter for that.
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Damn as a red rank cheers for telling me exactly how I play! Didn't realising teleporting to the other side of map was still proxy camping but thanks for explanation!! 😁
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I don't mean "chasing you endlessly until the last gen pops". I mean hunting you down fast, then again as soon as you're unhooked. Then one last time. If I do this when there are still 2-3 gens left, it's almost a guaranteed win. I can deal with the rest of survivors later.
Look, I don't care at all how it makes you feel. Tunneling one survivor as soon as possible is one of the best ways of playing. Your happiness is up to you. I got a job to do ;)
Also, don't generalize and say "killers cry about genrush". Smart ones don't. I don't blame you for doing your objective. I just do my best not to let you.
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To make it clear: Survivors don't owe easy games to killers, but killers do to survivors... Because... Well... What?
I am a bit confused now...
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I thought that's what "the survivors rulebook for killers" was for? XD
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"If you can't counter a well co-ordinated team then you are bad."
I want that bronzed. Put it on a plaque above the next DBD tourney. You know, the events that prove co-ordinated teams destroy everyone and every build via gen speeds alone.
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This Post brings tears to my eyes :')
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Then you're a bad survivor. I had a fairly coordinated solo team on lerys. They didnt loop pallets at all just threw them down and ran.
That SHOULD be an easy win for killer, but 13 pallets later, they still had pallets and the gens were done. I did everything a killer should do, and there was nothing that could be done, simply because they split up on gens.
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If a killer is camping someone then punish them by doing gens. Simple.
Sure they'll get a kill, but they'll likely lose their gens as well as any chance of more kills, depip, and make pitiful points.
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Doesn't take much skill to hide all game and than T Bag at the exit pretending your some divine player either. You know when your teammates get hooked and you could of saved them, but sat in the corner.
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It's not camping or tunneling. It's 99'ing the survivors life state. Strategy. Play better get wrekt less.
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Maybe because killers have 4 objectives to work on and playing that way is pretty much ignoring most of them. It robs the survivors of the opportunity to even play and hurts everyone's points. Without chases, offhooks and killer interaction there is no game. So camping and tunneling just nullify a lot of the actual game for both sides. It is not their objective in any way. It is players with poor skills using the easy way to snatch a few kills vs just improving your skills.
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Wait until your rank 1 and there are only like 3-4 killers that are viable against a coordinated team of god loopers. Then they t-bag you, flashlight in your face, unhook like you arent even there, and once they get 4 escapes they tell you to "get d*cked on, die of cancer, you suck, ggez, etc". You're a saint if people can be so dismissive of you in game then razz you post game and you're unaffected.
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Except DBD was never meant to be balanced for a killer playing against four coordinated survivors, more like four randoms.
But hey, calling every killer trash at the game works too m8.
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I think people are throwing much ######### to the poor guy.
In my opinion tunnel its becuz of stress if gens wouldnt go such fast like one chase could be 2 gens at least on my opinion I woukdnt need to get rid of a surv. Ive played much games were I shared all hooks between all survs and holy ######### it seems like it never ends plus gens keep going so I have no other option to slug or tunnel. Sometimes I even camp a surv till 2nd state to kill him when 2 gens left becuz there are not giving enough time
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"SWF shouldn't even be an issue"
I stopped taking the post seriously when I read this. Against 4 decent SWF coordinated you have little chance.
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Killer is all about time management. How quickly can you remove player hook states while racing against the gens being completed. Optimally you want the least number of survivors working on gens that you can get. Camping, Tunneling and Slugging are tools that a killer might need to use, but should only be used in moderation if you want to succeed.
For example you might camp near a hook to go after the would be rescuer, which would then force another survivor to have to come in for the rescue, or the person on the hook loses an extra hook state.
Or you slug the rescuer that traded after rushing an unhook, then tunnel the unhooked to slug them too, then you hook the rescuer. This forces another survivor to come and unhook the rescuer and to revive the slug.
But if you rely solely on camping, tunneling and slugging, a good group of survivors will make you pay for it. Survivors can do gens against a camper, A good looper could run a would be tunneler pretty much indefinitely while the others do gens, and slugs can recover so that they can be quickly picked up by another survivor and they can wander off so the killer can lose them.
Then there are the perks that you can use to punish these behaviors more: DS, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Borrowed Time and Adrenaline are the most obvious that come to mind.
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wow you do know that the game was not made for coordinated team swf right? but it part of the game just like camping tunnling anything else killer may do because gen get done in X time so get use to it.
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Doing gens is just as much survivor's objective as killing is to killer. If you think genrushing is ok, then you have to think that tunneling and camping is too. It's a double standard. "i CaN Do MY ObJEcTiVe EFfICIeNtLY, BuT THeY CaN'T!" That's you, that's what you sound like. Stay salty.
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He is ascended! He is the rank 21 that was prophesied!
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I'm with you 100% it the sweaty try on both side make this game not fun.
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Totally agree! A lot of times they'll cry right after trying one build. Ho about instead of crying, actually put a useful build on your Killer.
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I would like you to spend 3 years to rethink your life decisions that came up to this point.
Alright, let's break this down one by one...
"I constantly see dumb ass killer mains tunneling, camping, and down right being dumb as hell because they're mad at survivors. They constantly use gen rushing or SWF as an excuse to do these things but what else are survivors supposed to do? Doing gens is the objective, why are you mad?"
In case you haven't noticed, it is an effective excuse, and a real problem. If a killer is faced against the game going by far too quickly than expected, then the killer's best move is to get a survivor as soon as possible. It's been made clear that a killer wins when at least 2 people are dead. Perhaps the change in strategy is because, as you said, a survivor is seriously ticking them off, or an alternate and more likely reason, is that they're trying to sneak in a single kill because gates are already powered. And yes, generators are the only objective that the survivors can do, but it's exactly why the root problem of gen rushing. The point of the killer is to "kill survivors" not to "wait until they almost win then miraculously pull a stunt that kills survivors 100% of the time constantly". We're KILLERS for gods sake, not magicians.
"SWF shouldn't even be an issue. If you can't counter a well coordinated team that says something about YOU as a killer. YOU'RE bad."
Couldn't be farther from the truth. SWF is a massive advantage against the killer due to these 'friends' knowing what perks they run, and what they're doing, along with an instantaneous way to relay information. Folks who Solo have only to fend for themselves due to them not being able to use microphones or the text chat, whilst SWFs are more effective with teamwork. Killers who play badly are the ones who take the full losses that is going against a SWF. It's primarily why there are more survivors than killers. There's a difference between "being unable to use an overwhelming power in your favor" (the one you suggest the killers having, but not really) and "Trying to catch 4 flies with medical training all working together against a dude with a single weapon and power.". It's not so much as SWF requiring to play against the Killers skill level. Frankly, it's not an issue of "Killers not being good enough" but rather "SWF has many more upsides and therefore, strength that overwhelms the KILLER instead".
"Survivors don't owe you easy games because you're too brain dead to do your job efficiently."
Neither do killers. We "Kill" baby, it's what we do. You damn bet that we'll take advantage of a survivor not knowing what to do.
"Survivors shouldn't have a disadvantage because they want to play a TEAM BASED game with their friends and work as a TEAM."
So you WANT survivors to mercilessly stomp killers regardless of skill level when they do proper teamwork? I just want to ask one thing. What do you find fun? The answer to your opinion is: 'no'. Proper fun is NOT just abusing meta perks and working together against a killer that's powerless to resist them. But rather, the proper fun is trying to triumph over an overwhelming obstacle. Lemme tell you. NOTHING is fun if you just stomp it in 10 seconds. It becomes less of a horror game and more of a clicker game. You don't need to try to achieve anything. It's why I'm confused why cheaters cheat in the first place. There's no fun in a game where there's nothing to be proud about. Just you doing the same thing... Over... And over... and over. Each time getting barely different, but too small for a difference. It's just monotonous. And it's a thing that a game should never be.
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Enjoy my novel (nothing bad, don't worry):
I can't speak to that but even rank 20 through 10 killers rely on tunneling and camping. It's not an effective way for new killers to learn how to get better at the game. If you find it's the only way you can win, so be it. I don't personally agree with it but it's your prerogative to play how you want. Just ask yourself if you're having fun while doing it and, if so, have at it. You can't please everyone.
As far as people being rude afterwards, it happens regardless of what you do. If you lose, you suck. If you win, you cheated. Once, someone was being an ######### to the killer for no reason so I defended them and they turned on me instead, insulting the way I played too. It was a good reminder some people want an excuse to lash out at others. It has nothing to do with the person they're taking it out on. I'm sorry people are rude to you. People can be ######### when they know there's no consequence.
My feelings get hurt very easily, even if it's over something that's supposed to be fun. It's a matter of stepping away when you need to (whether it's letting them have the last word and leaving the lobby, switching to a different game for a while, or doing something non-game related). If it bothers me enough, I'll vent about it on social media and delete it the next day just to get my thoughts out there. Unfortunately, people being ######### to someone they barely know is a part of life. You have to find a way to deal with it that works for you. If you need more resources or ideas, let me know.
I recommend scrolling to the four bulletpoints in the link I posted in my first comment. There's also this comic on how to deal with negativity. Credit for the comic (edit: fixed link), credit for the quote.
"Honestly. Bullies want you to react negatively. Take that away and they lose interest."
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Killers should be able to camp and tunnel only when 2 or less generators are left.
When I play survivor, it's boring to be tunneled when no generator has been done.
As killer, I never need to camp or tunnel. Except against SWF at the end (not frequently, I hate playing like that). I respect players who want to play. A hard thing for some players in this world we are living in.
Main issues in DBD :
- being camped / being tunneled / being slugged at the beginning of the game, or when the killer is clearly winning the game and don't need to do that (same to : have to play perks against killers playing like that : DS, unbreakable)
- SWF gen rushing / games as killer with PGTW (not the same against a killer without PGTW, WHY). They should reduce the speed of generators, PGTW creates frustrations from both side (as a killer I don't play this perk, but maybe I should.)
They didn't understand it at the beginning. So now, we have to continue with these main issues.
As survivor and as killer, I would like to play differents perks. But it's almost impossible against these main issues.
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Woooaaahh entitled survivor alert
and why exactly are you playing against killers stupid enough to camp and tunnel WHICH PUTS THEM AT DISADVANTAGE BTW? Riddle me that, nerd.
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Genrushing is not simply doing gens. It's when you pop multiple gens at the same time that it becomes genrushing. It's things like BNP for an instant 25%, toolboxes for increased repair speed, having a designated looper on larger maps to keep the killer looking in the direction of gens that are being worked on for the spine chill boost, etc. That make it rushing generator progression.
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but it's not only a team based game. You just happen to work together to fulfill your own goals; i.e. escape. Or, that's what most people fail to see.
Evading Third Seal because of comms is, as far as I'm concerned, cheating, but I can't do anything about it other than not run the non-meta perks I like to run.
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What are killers supposed to do to slow down the game and pressure survivors? Youre only ounished by camping/tunneling if you and your team are bad at the game. Otherwise, the killer gets punished for doing it