The Perk Visionary

I think we can all agree that this perk is useless, right? I mean it lets you see generators with 32 meters, but if another generator that close, all you would need to do is run for about 5 seconds, and use audio for assistance. Also, say you finish a gen, the killer is notified and will come over to check for the survivors, you wouldn’t start working on a gen if the killer is nearby, so why would you need visionary. Finally, I’ve heard the argument that the perk is good for beginners, here’s why that falls through: Felix is a character that you can only get through shards and auric cells, so for any new play to get his perks they would have to either buy him or save up enough shards to get him. Let’s say they choose the shards route, they would need to play around 3 hours a day for about 3 weeks to get enough, and by then they would probably be good enough at the game to not even need visionary, so what would be the point of getting Felix. Devs I implore you to rework this perk to be viable, because forcing new players to buy a below average survivor is border line greedy.
Can't argue with that. Besides, Deja Vu does about the same thing and it's free. Not to mention a bit better.
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While Visionary is a little underwhelming, I can see some situations it could be useful. For instance, your team has a couple gens done already and you want to avoid a 3-gen scenario, boom, Visionary has your back. I can also see it helping on indoor maps as well, namely Midwich.
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Honestly it’s more of a beginner friendly perk, which means it should be a general pool perk like W.O.O in my opinion
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I don't really mind such beginner Perks existing.
I would like it better though if those beginner Perks are always the general Perks, and the "better" Perks are Teachables.
You'd present the beginner Perks to the beginners without needing to invest in specific characters to unlock them, and once you're comfortable, you can start exploring characters for those "better" Perks.
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Perk is useless as deja vu exists and maps and detective hunch. It brings nothing really new to the game.
What if the perk removed generator auras 1/2/3 from killers at the start of the game. Every time a gen popped the killer would get aura vision back of 1 gen.
When generators are completed delays notification auras and sounds for 2/3/4 seconds
Secondary action if needed survivors can see aura of killer for 2 seconds within 8 meters of gen
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Some good ideas.
I also like this idea.
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How about visionary showing the location and progress of generators with the colour of aura? (like wraith's ultra rare). Maybe a little bit increase in range as well.
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This perk was created on the basis of people complaining that they couldn't find generators on indoor maps
I think it's decent . It's good for survivors that are still learning maps
Too bad these training wheel perks have such a bad reputation tbh. A lot of survivors is see could benifit from things like this or windows of oppertunity
But alas equiping it is admitting your still learning and that's taboo for most players. No matter how much they need it
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I feel like it could use a secondary use just to top it off. Nothing major, maybe while on the generator you can now also see other survivors within the 32 meters as well. Still matches the Visionary type perk.
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Agree, the perks themselves like Zanshin, Visionary are fine - the problem is they are essentially locked behind a paywall, and even then if you do buy the DLC rather than unlock the character with shards, you're likely enough gonna be past the point of needing the perk anyway.
That comes with personal experience, as someone who was recommended Windows of Opportunity when I was new and dogshit at survivor, then didn't need it by the time I actually managed to unlock it
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That’s how it should have been designed. Devs are much more creative than they’ve let on by some of the shoddy perks that they seem to have jus hastily, possibly carelessly thrown together and tossed out there as another low end device to clutter up the inventory board and rarely be utilized in a player’s build.
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Visionary in its current state will be used for nothing but the adept achievement. No one is going to run a perk just for seeing gens.. on a cooldown. Even for an indoor map. Seeing the intensity of a generator's completion is a great buff idea.