GhostFace Basekit/Addons Changes

Funchal Member Posts: 43
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

(Google Translate) @Peanits

Currently GhostFace is completely dependent on addons mainly the ones of Cooldown, being practically impossible not to use at least one of them in the match

My ideas are to improve the GF basekit and unlink the passive way that the cooldown addons currently work, requiring some condition to provide something in return benefiting players who use their power more accurately

Finally the changes:

GF Basekit

  • Night Shroud cooldown decrease from 30s to 22s
  • Cover Stalk time decrease from 2.5s to 2s, without cover from 5s to 4s
  • Allow the GF to automatically cover if there is any structure nearby, there is no need to cancel and activate the stalk again
  • Movespeed crouched increase from 90% to 95%
  • Following a survivor while crouched with the Night Shroud active does not start the chase (similar to Pig)


Addons Change

Without cover stalk and movespeed addons:

All the addons for increasing MS while stalk and decreasing stalk time without cover should be merged into one, like:

Remembering that the increase in MS should apply when you press the stalk button when you are actually stalking someone, not just the first part (if it currently applies in those 2 please let me know)

In addition some other changes in the numbers of these addons considering the basekit changes

  • Decrease the Night Vision Monocular without cover stalk from 0.75s to 0.60s
  • Decrease the of Knife Belt Clip without cover stalk from 0.50s to 0.40s
  • Increase the of Telephoto Lens without cover stalk from 0.25s to 0.30s
  • Increase the Philly without cover stalk from 0.25s to 0.30s

So you could use the addons in a few ways:

  • Purple + Green = 3s stalk + 30% MS
  • Green + Yellow = 3.30s stalk + 50% MS + 5s mark time
  • Yellow + Brown = 3.40s stalk + 30% MS

These changes would be for novice players who want to start using stalk and still don't know how to cover and move faster while stalking, or just for people who don't want to cover

Cooldown Addons

As was said at the beginning, the cooldown addons are very passive and do not require anything from the player, not differentiating who uses the power efficiently or just being revealed all the time, the changes would benefit those who use the stalk correctly

  • Chewed Pen: Changed to recover 6s of cooldown every time it hits a marked opponent
  • Olsen's Address Book: Changed to recover 5 seconds of cooldown every time it hits a marked opponent
  • Walleyes Matchbook: Cooldown decreased from 4 seconds to 2 seconds

Now players will have almost half their power back whenever they take down a marked survivor, or you will have full power back if they hit 2 marked survivors

M1 Build: Movement speed while crouching

Now let's talk about the 3 addons that increase MS while it's crouched. During PTB (if I remember correctly) there were addons that caused debuffs if I stayed crouched for a few seconds and hit a survivor, I always liked this idea and I don't know why they removed it, this changes would be for players who like the M1 build applying Sloppy Butcher making healing difficult and taking them by surprise

Drop-Leg Knife Sheath:

  • Hitting a survivor after staying crouched for 2 seconds with Night Shroud active applies the Mangled effect for 90 seconds. The effect remains after 2 seconds if you get up
  • Increase in MS while crouching to 15% (or 110%)
  • Decreased the clothes noise while crounching by 30%
  • Increased the clothes noise while standing by 30%
  • Incresed the cover stalk time by 0,5 seconds
  • Increased the without cover stalk time by 1 second
  • Non-cumulative

Leather Knife Sheath:

  • Hitting a survivor after staying crouched for 2 seconds with Night Shroud active causes their pain groans to be increased by 35% for 90s. The effect remains after 2 seconds if you get up
  • Increase in MS while crouching by 15%
  • Decrease the Clothing noise while crounching by 30%
  • Increase the Clothes noise by while standing 30%
  • Incresed the cover stalk time by 0,5 seconds
  • Increased the without cover stalk time by 1 second
  • Non-cumulative

Reusable Cinch Straps:

  • Hitting a survivor after staying crouched for 2 seconds applies the Blindness effect for 90 seconds. The effect remains after 2 seconds if you get up
  • Increase in MS while crouching by 15%
  • Decrease the Clothing noise while crounching by 30%
  • Increase the Clothes noise by while standing 30%
  • Incresed the cover stalk time by 0,5 seconds
  • Increased the without cover stalk time by 1 second
  • Non-cumulative

Now players who want to venture into distributing M1 will not need to invest all 4 perk slots, and you can still use a small Stridor on top that, or you can apply Mangled and Blindness simultaneously on Hawkins and watch the survivors panic, or you can still use the Walleyes Matchbook for cooldown

Advantages of using these addons instead Sloppy

  • Save 1 perk slot
  • Make less noise while crouching with Night Shroud
  • Increase in MS crouched at all time
  • Allows you to apply different debuffs simultaneously

Advantages of using Sloppy

  • Apply Mangled at any time without using the power either standing or crouching
  • Duration of the debuff until they heal
  • Cause Haemorrhage
  • 115% MS

And that's it friends, these are the changes that I would like to happen in GF to make you less dependent on your own addons and benefit somegood stalk players

I know that putting 2 addons in 1 would have 3 addons missing but I couldn’t think of anything I leave that to you guys xD


Thank you

Post edited by Miraak on


  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372

    Very interesting changes. The GhostFace will become more flexible when selecting any Addons. But! I would also add a new feature for the GhostFace: the ability to look out of the window when the GhostFace crouches.

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    That would be a really good change. I didn't think anything very crazy because I just thought about changing numbers and QL on the cover stalk, but this feature would be very interesting in many ways, not just windows

    Thanks for commenting