Revert/Adapt Balanced Landing Change

Proven as of months of gameplay, the perk is basically extinct. It was very situational before and on some maps almost a complete waste already, but now it's just dead.
I played 80% Killer prior to its nerf and never thought of it as too strong. There is certain loops where it comes in handy, but then again, it really takes a lot of skill from the survivor to pull it off to be useful.
It is really sitiuational. Although on some tiles it can be stronger than say sprint burst, the latter still was a much more reliable source back then. I don't get the change, why would you kill a skill perk like balanced?
Revert the balanced change, balanced was balanced. (Had to pun it)
Either that, or, remove the speed boost/exhaustion for good and make it only reduce stagger penalty. Would be much more fun and interactive.
The problem was on certain maps it would cause infinites. Additionally I love BL and to me it's the best or second best exhaustion perk (Hard to decide between it and DH)
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Being balanced doesn't mean useless sometimes and gamebreaking the rest. That's just a broken perk.
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I miss the old Balanced Landing, was so much better then as I could run it with Dead Hard. It's useless now just like most of the survivor perks :(
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There has to be a better solution tho than the current one. Maybe make it so the penalty to movement after dropping is reduced by 20/40/60 percent instead of the old 50/75/100 (If I remember correctly).
But right now, it is by far the weakest exhaustion perk and is rightfully almost never used by anyone. I'd love to see perk usage statistics anyways.
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I think 50% even if exhausted would be good. As in not game breaking good but still good.
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Name one other exhaustion perk that has any function while exhausted... go ahead, I'll wait.
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Adrenaline? 😀
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Touché! One-time use only, however. Guess I should have been more specific. You got me good though! 😉
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I think the basic problem was the big amount on the perk, I mean it was 75% all the time, even if you were exhausted. I do believe 25% while you're exhausted is not that "big deal" and will make it feel useful.
PS: It's not the purpose of the thread but I believe Adrenaline is unfair and should be tweaaked a bit, meaning someone that didn't progress on the match can be rewarded for the progress of their team.
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Balanced landing should not be an exhaustion perk or have a speed boost, but instead have a 30 second cooldown.
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Cooldown could work though.
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The point is, that on many chases you don't even get to use it - while the other exhaustion perks have much easier access. Sprint burst and dead hard are about timing but can be pulled anywhere, you'll usually always make it to a window with lithe (instadowns aside) - but Balanced? Very situational, only some tiles allow for it to be used, some Maps might even have only one hill to trigger it. Think about Shelter woods - The perk is a completely wasted slot if you don't know the precise way to trigger it on the tree. It NEEDS an additional bonus to be "balanced"
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I feel that is a risk the BL user assumes, unless they burn a map offering. As for the other exhaustion perks, they aren't necessarily guaranteed in a chase either (Lithe or Head On being caught in a deadzone, etc.). The same could be said of many, many perks in the game: that they may not have a chance to be utilized even once in a match, all dependant on circumstances.
On a somewhat related note, Shelter Woods has long been in need of a rework - even if it's just putting one hill for Balanced Landing.
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BL was commonly abused on Haddonfield where it created God loops with the buildings. I don't miss it, and never used it either. Too situational and often wasted when falling off small elevations. I stuck with DH instead and now I don't use any Exhaustion Perk at all since you get dedicated with DH and all the others are too situational or more of a hindrance (SB).
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They will never bring back its stagger reduction and, to an extent, I can understand it. Aside from Haddonfield, Hawkins and Midwich would be broken with it too (the Game to a certain extent).
That said, it does need an added benefit to be useful. I think that its current secondary action could be enough to make it worthwhile to some players - silent falling/landing without a cooldown (the speed boost keeps the cood down obvi).
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I feel like this infinite claim is just by hearsay because I've never seen in videos any survivors being able to run a Balance Landing induced infinite on a killer who wasn't chasing the survivor incorrectly. I've also never personally found that survivors using Balanced Landing can run infinites on me. I actually really enjoyed chasing Balanced Landing users (w/o the speed boost) because it meant my chases would take me places not that many survivors would go.
The most annoying part about Balanced Landing is the speed boost, so I'm an advocate of permanent reduced fall stun with no speed boost ever. The devs kept the annoying part of the perk in and took out the fun-to-face part, which I think is sad.
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I'm with Kind_Lemon on this one. If they think a combination is broken, I would much rather have it only reducing the stagger, without any speed boost at all, no exhaustion perk anymore. It's too situational as an exhaustion only and broken as a combination - so why not make it a perk that only reduces the stagger penalty on drops? Would be such a unique and fun interactive perk.
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You have to see how taking away the exhaustion aspect of BL would break it in chases - especially in conjunction with an exhaustion perk. Given the right map (you guessed it: Haddonfield), it's right back to an infinite status.
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Since I keep seeing you mention haddonfield, I'm guessing the harvesters are a broken loop with it? That is if the killer just follows them without any counterloop attempts - after which the window gets blocked pretty quickly. Also, a survivor has to reach them in the first place. While it might remain REALLY strong on this specific tile, overall it is way too situational to be an op perk.
Another option would be to have the original perk with a cooldown on the stagger reduction, like in quick&quiet for example. In this case a surv can't have multiple loops on the same tile and will have to look for something else to get away.
Bottom line is - the perk used to bring a very fun and interactive mechanic to the game, but now it's just a really weak speed boost perk. There has to be a better solution for the games sake.
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yes; this change is prime PTB material so that we can see how it affects things.