simple little fixes to each killer.

changes i would make to each killer. obviously this wasnt made by a professional so take it with a grain of salt. like to see your guys thoughts.
trapper. would build in yellow setting addon and gray trap bag.
would also give the trapper the ability to summon a trap infront of him that is 50 to 60 meters away from his current location
set a max spawn limit to traps to 6 to 7 traps per game and no more or less
wraith. build in a the purple speed addon
also change his current speed addons into extra lunge out of cloak.
billy. no changes
nurse. yeet the blink cooldown
hag. stop flashlight from destroying her ability
docter. no changes
myers. full on rework. turn him better power surge killer similar to oni in a sense.
huntress.give her the ability to see lockers automatically around her like the addon she already has.
bubba. dont take all the charges after destroying a pallet with the chainsaw and keep he ones you had.
freddy. no changes.
pig. fix the rng to a cap.
clown. give him a secondary abilty to use that gives him mobility. like a bottle he switches to and drinks to gain speed for a moment of time.
spirit. buff her base kit a bit with duration or speed while nerfing the addon you built in to reduce stacking.
legion. addon rework to suit an agressive playstyle. also missing a hit doesnt cut power straight away and instead cuts half of.
plague. nothing.
ghosty. change him a bit so hes not another myers or rework his addons completely.
demo. build in rat liver common addon and pre place 2 to 3 portals near gens for less punishing early game.
oni. get punished less for being good with your power. a.k.a losing power when downing a survivor.
slinger. make his other addons more apealling or more fun to use.
pyramid. make his addons actually do something.
valy well
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Add as a Legion main: increase frenzy sprint speed. Being able to see survivors with ki is great but what's the point if you can't even catch up to them - -