Known Hackers: (PROOF)



  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Satsui REgardless of whether you're a lawyer or not i agree the frum is for discussion but that wasn't the issue, it was how you went about it that got you flack. There's also an actual place to get hackers banned since the in game feature is currently down. Well actually there's 2 of them and 4 of if you really want to be technically correct. The last 2 are the hardest to use to report unless you're using one of the 2 platforms PS4 and Xbox to play.

    For the devs it's the following email address.

    For Steam it's

    Although for Steam since the game isn't VAC protected due to p2p I believe but by the devs EAC system it's probably harder to catch. But they do track it nonetheless and if enough reports come through they'll investigate. Since if someone does it on 1 online game they're probably doing it on a lot of others.

    It took me 3 years to catch a suspected Cal league CS player, I knee he was hacking and so did most everyone else, but the video evidence was never good enough until o0ne day I afk'd in the game for 4 hours and he finally slipped up and started toggling. But having said that around 90% or so of reported hackers/cheaters in CS at the time were actually just really good players or the reporter wasn't very good etc.

    Also some people who you'd think were hacking were actually lagging out horribly which is why most communities have a ping limit now to prevent that. Both for the natural high ping and those trying to fake the system out by flucatin their ping to hide the hack.

    Lastly as a lawyer you're well aware of the justice system and how it's setup to protect the innocent even at the cost that the guilty might get away. Do the hackers deserve to get an instant perma ban hell yes. Do a lot get away scot free yes. But as long as the rules protect at least 1 innocent or in this case many then they're worth it.

    I've been around long enough to see countless false accusations hurled with screenshots etc edited to make it look bad and even a few edited videos. As far as the devs go, they might not have as easy of a time cross checking each and every report considering the comments about the code I've seen on here.

    Which is probably part of the reason they want to rewrite it from scratch. IF they ever get it to be non p2p and or have hosted servers that're VAC protected it'll improve a lot.

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    @weirdkid5 said:
    @Satsui You'll never know unless you try right? I've been fighting since first month to get SWF balanced and still nothing yet and I still don't expect it to change. JUST DO IT SON

    I know it'd be a waste of my time. I really don't see them changing their policies in such specific cases. I'm fine with venting my frustration now and then regarding the way they are handling cheaters currently. I guess I wouldn't be so upfront with it if they didn't shut down the only comfortable method to report players.

    @powerbats said:
    @Satsui REgardless of whether you're a lawyer or not i agree the frum is for discussion but that wasn't the issue, it was how you went about it that got you flack. There's also an actual place to get hackers banned since the in game feature is currently down. Well actually there's 2 of them and 4 of if you really want to be technically correct. The last 2 are the hardest to use to report unless you're using one of the 2 platforms PS4 and Xbox to play.

    For the devs it's the following email address.

    For Steam it's

    Although for Steam since the game isn't VAC protected due to p2p I believe but by the devs EAC system it's probably harder to catch. But they do track it nonetheless and if enough reports come through they'll investigate. Since if someone does it on 1 online game they're probably doing it on a lot of others.

    It took me 3 years to catch a suspected Cal league CS player, I knee he was hacking and so did most everyone else, but the video evidence was never good enough until o0ne day I afk'd in the game for 4 hours and he finally slipped up and started toggling. But having said that around 90% or so of reported hackers/cheaters in CS at the time were actually just really good players or the reporter wasn't very good etc.

    Also some people who you'd think were hacking were actually lagging out horribly which is why most communities have a ping limit now to prevent that. Both for the natural high ping and those trying to fake the system out by flucatin their ping to hide the hack.

    Lastly as a lawyer you're well aware of the justice system and how it's setup to protect the innocent even at the cost that the guilty might get away. Do the hackers deserve to get an instant perma ban hell yes. Do a lot get away scot free yes. But as long as the rules protect at least 1 innocent or in this case many then they're worth it.

    I've been around long enough to see countless false accusations hurled with screenshots etc edited to make it look bad and even a few edited videos. As far as the devs go, they might not have as easy of a time cross checking each and every report considering the comments about the code I've seen on here.

    Which is probably part of the reason they want to rewrite it from scratch. IF they ever get it to be non p2p and or have hosted servers that're VAC protected it'll improve a lot.

    The mods and devs have previously stated that the only way to currently report players in a way that will be monitored and have any effect is the in game report tools. Therefore I think that emailing is a waste of time.

    I personally tried to open a ticket with BHVR reporting a hacker, but they replied that the only way to report hackers is via the in game report system. shrugs

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Satsui Ok that's funny since on their Twitter feed they suggested it at one point and since the report feature is currently undergoing an upgrade according to one poster that talked about the response he got. so if it's not working using it is kinda pointless lol.