After facing a good bubba I can say confidently bubba needs a nerf.

To start off when you break a pallet with your chainsaw you should not be able to recover that fast. Bubba is the only killer with a pallet breaking power built in who has almost no delay when breaking pallets with your chainsaw. Another flaw is that when you hop into a locker and avoid his saw then jump out perfectly to not get hit he can recover his charges so quick that he can still chainsaw you in a few seconds. Bubba needed a rework but he was over tuned The devs are so focused with not trying to make killers too weak so the killer side doesn't complain and they make base kit way too strong. This was shown with doctor.
I will admit a lot of this post is out of frustration and bad map rng with coal tower(zero jungle gyms, 2 filler pallets) but I digress. Bubba needs some number tweaks and add on tweaks he is way too strong run bamboozle and he has practically no weakness's. Just let people learn his over whelming strength.
I see no problem with Bubba. He still has some of his weaknesses like before and the buff was necessary so he could be more “viable” in more matches. Just because you faced someone who was good with Bubba doesn’t mean that he needs a nerf(not trying to be rude here but the point stands clear).
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I think he is fine. Saying that is like asking Huntress for a nerf just because you've seen a player who knows how to interpret it correctly.
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Nobody reads the post and understood my complaints might as well close it if all i get is just a no.
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He has a one shot down with extremely strong chase potential and a perk that counters his biggest weakness. I ask for when the chainsaw breaks a pallet its longer before he can move and gets charges back slightly longer and you guys say no. Give me one reason why any of the changes I propose rn are bad.
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You would be lying to yourself if you said he doesn't have good chase potential. He moves extremely fast while in chainsaw and can go really far. If you use bamboozle to zone correctly you get a free down. If you are at a pallet he can move back and forth to keep you from going anywhere, then he uses his chainsaw to break with little to no cooldown. When he charges the saw yeah he slows down but his speed makes up for it. My changes wont hurt him you are being stubborn.
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After cross platform i see a lot more nurses 😔
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You are bringing up points that are straying from my question and solution. 4 man optimal team beat every killer but we arent talking about that so nice strawman. You can still loop him but the problems I problems I mentioned exist. Every killer that breaks pallets with their power don't recover that quickly it makes zoning brainless. Bubba will get a guaranteed down at lockers if there is no resources near by. Bad map rng screwed me there, but once again I digress answer my question do you think my proposed changes are unreasonable?
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His chainsaw cooldown is extremely broken; I have yet to escape a grab once by going into a locker to avoid it.
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His chainsaw needs a longer cooldown when breaking pallets and he getting charges back a big slower. Other than that and maybe addon tweaks he would be good.
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It would be like me saying i want a nurse nerfed because the player is good no. Thats not my reasoning.
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I seen 2 or 3 that it.
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Don't drop the pallets immediately when he starts a sweep. You can force him to use M1 to make you feel compelled to drop the pallet.
This can waste the killer's time if you do mindgames correctly.
Also, you can stun him with the pallet if Leatherface is around while he's using his chainsaw.
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I dont drop pallets instantly the problem is that its still fast whether or not you dont. Bad map rng caused me to die. Its never good to try and stun a leaethface during chainsaw hes gonna hit you too many vpn/bad wifi killers.
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I was about to be like "######### you talking about man?" Then i realized you were talking about bubba, not billy. Bubba was always trash before, now he's viable, but hard to use. I mean, is there no room for someone to be good with a killer and win without survivors immediately saying he needs a nerf? How many bubbas have kicked your butt since the buff? I wanna know your sample size to know if I should take you seriously.
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Number one im glad he is good but I asked for two simple number changes. Bubba has always needed a buff he was weak. Next time read the post before tryng to start the "us vs them" argument. His chili addons are busted and depth gauge rake is strong if you are good with with chaining the chainsaw charges. I usually win against bubba this post was mostly made with frustration i had really bad map rng there were zero jungle gyms and only 2 filler pallets I had no resources but that also shows bubbas flaws. If you break a pallet with your chainsaw you recover too quick and lockers are a death sentence no matter what.
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Hoping into a locker against a good bubba was always a mistake. Window between him grabbing you and tantrum is so slim that its a lost scenario for you. Before rework he was amazing at punishing survivors for being out of position and making stupid moves.
And that was all he had, only punishing series of mistakes.
Now he can punish survivors more easily and his chasing potential now is good. He is probably the best noob stomper (instead of billy, whose nerf made him terrible at that) in the game and a mediocre killer.
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I'm glad hes good in chase but a few number tweaks like the when he breaks a pallet with his chainsaw like every killer who breaks a pallet with their power he has time before he recovers instead of 0.5 seconds(estimate).
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No window = no chance for survivor.
This is biggest problem.
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I 100% agree with you. Personally I think he didn’t need a buff/rework in the first place. He was insanely strong before. PWYF and nemesis was the norm with most every Bubba I faced and by mid game he was running Mach 4 speed around the map 1 shotting everything. I literally hate going against him now. Proxy camping while hooked then I get saved with BT and still get downed again because his busted ass chainsaw can go halfway across the ######### map now? What a joke. I with you. He was strong before but now he’s busted. And the ones that camp with insidious yeah ######### you.
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Loaded into The Game upstairs, immediately found by Bubba, downed by his chainsaw and watched him go for about 10 sweeps around my body. BHVR wants me to play against that?
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Hes balanced but he definitely needs number tweaks he breaks the pallet and recovers way too fast.
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he is not balanced in the slightest. plus, people abuse his power by using insidious.
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It's crazy how much things are wrong in this posts.
1) There is more than Bubba who can destroy pallet with power : Oni, Blight, Demogorgon, Wraith (Serpent), Hillbilly, and technically Nurse. Oh and a good Pyramid Head WILL touch you if you touch a pallet.
2) Heyyy do you know you can pallet stun him during his chainsaw ? Yup, it's hard, but if it wasn't hard, this killer would be crap as hell. And it's cool when there is tech like that so you can improve as a survivor.
3) Yeah it's obvious I would come with that but... Find Windows. During your game, when you are doing generator, you have to exactly know where to go before he comes to you, if he comes.
4) End game is when he's almost unstoppable because there is no pallets left to gain time (it happens in the middle game too if someone is dropping them like an idiot, and there you will absolutely lose if the Bubba is not a complete potato), this is where you have to be careful.
5) Before he was absolutely garbage, do you really want to make it back to that state ???
6) Every killer has situations where they shine. He is an anti-loop killer and a punishing one. You have to gain distance on him, you have to find windows, and if you're good without being a god, 2/5 of your pallet drops will stun him, you REALLY want that stun !
7) maybe the most important part I think. You absolutely need him to hit you before the window is blocked : slow vault, time it that he can't chainsaw you, but sure he can hit you. You'll get the speed boost to go in another loop with brand new windows !
When the Bubba is not a facecamper, I love to go against him, it's not just dropping pallet when you can't loop, it's dropping pallet at a precise moment. It's a killer that's making you as a survivor a better looper.
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I love how every time a nerf Bubba thread comes up, this squad of people just comes in crying how he's fine, doesn't need a nerf, just use windows and other stupidities like that.
He is the ONLY killer that has a multi hit instadown at will. That's pretty much the entirety of the BS behind him. When Bubba gets a single hook somehow, they can just saw through the unhooker and the unhooked and even mostly catch up to a sprint burst if the unhooker used BT. So now he has two survivors hooked. Repeat twice more for a typical Bubba game. Either that or slugging everyone because what are you gonna do? Get away? When he can catch up to sprint burst? Yeah good luck. Even if you manage to get into a locker and have him hit it and throw a tantrum, you still have to make a VERY precise exit to even have a chance of getting away, otherwise instadown.
"Oh, but Oni can multi instadown with his power too!"
He can do ######### all until he charges up his power. If you find an Oni at the start of the game, the worst he can do is M1 you. With Bubba? He can instadown you right then and there. Heck even Myers and Ghosty need some prep before they can actually attempt a multi instadown and that's about where the list of instadown killers ends.
"Oh, but you can stun him out of a chainsaw!"
Personally whenever I attempted it, either I got hit even though I dropped it or he destroyed the pallet right as I dropped it. And if you have to be so absurdly precise with this and even a locker tantrum then you're completely disregarding all players who don't waste 27 hours a day practicing the timing with their friends and just want to play a game or two casually.
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I hate facing bubbas as it is a strong killer but i would not say it needs a nerf. Basically in chases with bubba you need to create distance and try get him caught on as many objects as possible. I think you need to learn how to play against him and for that i would recommend watching youtube videos or twitch streamers how they handle him.
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Where do I begin?
1. If you're grouped up against a Bubba and get downed, that's your own fault.
2. If he's face camping, let the person die on hook and do gens. Sucks to verse but you gotta deal with it.
3. Locker teching a terrible idea. Stop trying unless you know his timing like the back of your hand... or have Head-on.
People defend him because everyone who screams "nerf Bubba" almost always mention how he camps or how he can down multiple people, both of which are the survivors' faults for enabling.
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- On one fun game all 4 survivors spawned together and the bubba was on us in the first 10 seconds of the match because the game decided it would be fun to spawn a killer right next to survivors.
- Yeah everyone's a genius in retrospect. An insidious bubba is the most played type of bubba for a reason. And if you don't get why a camping bubba is a problem then you're not a genius even in retrospect.
- That's the only thing you have in certain situations.
Ok, so survivors are supposed to fart propel themselves off a hook then. Sure, it's the survivors' fault that default unhooking or healing requires two people. Bubba is overpowered for reasons listed above. But of course that's expecting you to be able to comprehend what you read but here we are...