Demogorgon Addon Rework ideas

Valeficent Member Posts: 39
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello, y'all! Vale here with an ideas post. I was just wondering(like most people are these days), why aren't Demo's bad addons being reworked to be good? Or his mediocre addons made to be more usable? So here I am with a post on a few ideas for reworking Demo's addons. Some of these ideas are thoughts(*) but others are dead serious ideas(^). Let's jump right into it! :)

Rotten Pumpkin:

  • Stay as it should

Black Heart Rework:

  • Make recovery boost also affect successful shred attacks

Rat Liver:

  • Make part of basekit
  • Remove from addons

Rat Tail:

  • Make part of basekit
  • Remove from addons

New Addon- Candy Wrapper | Common | A wrapper that used to contain a scrumptious piece of nougat:

  • Reveals the auras of survivors near the portal you’re traveling to for three seconds

New Addon- Vial of Salt Water | Common | A container of water from a sensory deprivation tank. It’s so strong that it can deprive others senses:

  • Shred attacks inflict blindness for 30 seconds

New Addon- Frayed Wires | Uncommon | The psychically damaged wires give off an electromagnetic pulse:

  • Shred attacks inflict mangled for 45 seconds

New Addon- Blood Bear Trap | Uncommon | A trap used to capture a Demogorgon. Its jaws are still slicked in blood:

  • Portals induce the Exhausted status effects onto survivors and lingers for 15 seconds after

Sticky Lining Rework:

  • Merge it with Viscous Webbing
  • Remove addon

Viscous Webbing Rework:

  • Merge Sticky Lining into it

Rotten Green Tripe Rework:

  • Merge with Barb's Glasses
  • Remove addon

Barb's Glasses Rework:

  • Merge with Rotten Green Tripe
  • Possibly make into a Rare addon

Mew's Guts Rework:

  • Change recovery boost to also affect successful shred attacks

Eleven's Soda Can Rework:

  • Merge with Deer Lung
  • Change to Very Rare

Thorny Vines Rework:

  • Detection boost increased from +1.5 meters to +2.5 meters
  • Increased portaging sealing time boost increased from +14% to +25%

Brass Case Lighter Rework:

  • Inflict Oblivious to survivors who come into contact with portals for 25 seconds after leaving their range

Violet Waxcap Rework:

  • Remove from addons

New Addon- Charred Residue | Rare | A residue left over after the Gate was burned:

  • Placing portals now spawns them in visible and activated

Deer Lung Rework:

  • Merge into Eleven's Soda Can
  • Remove Addon

Life Guard Whistle Rework:

  • Hitting survivors with a successful shred attack inflicts hindered(-7% movement speed) for 10 seconds
  • Change to rare addon

Vermillion Webcap Rework:

  • Remove from addons

Upside Down Resin Rework:

  • Idea 1: Demogorgon's roar when traversing the Upside Down can only be heard within the Terror Radius(only applies to when entering and exiting portals and not during travel)

Unknown Egg Rework:

  • Keep current effect
  • Add: Successful shred attacks reveal the auras of all nearby survivors for 6 seconds

Red Moss Rework:

  • Change to Very Rare
  • Power recovery speed penalty decreased from -10 seconds to -6 seconds

Leprose Lichen Rework:

  • Auras linger for five seconds after exiting a portal
  • Successful shred attacks inflict broken for 60 seconds

New addon- Mind Flayer Tentacle | Ultra Rare | A part of the Mind Flayer that absorbed Eleven's blood. It fills the Demogorgon with a rush of power:

  • Moderately decrease movement speed while charging shred(-10% speed) | Tremendously(-85%) reduce the cooldown of missed shred attacks

I hope that you all like my ideas for the addon reworks and hopefully you can all chime in with feedback on what you think of them! :)

P.S. Sorry if multiple copies of this thread appear since my wifi is lagging a lot so things aren't loading properly for me

Post edited by Valeficent on


  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921

    I agree that Demo’s add-ons need tweaking, but I’m too attracted to these add-ons here, no offense. Add-ons are supposed to synergize with other perks and add-ons so you can make cool builds. These add-ons I would have trouble doing so.

    Sticky Lining: I can see where you got this one from, but not only is the Hindered penalty pretty not-useful, it only applies after BREAKING a portal, which typically happens far away from you, therefore narrowing your ability to capitalize on the slowdown.

    Thorny Vines: Another one whose basic properties are implemented into its effect. Sadly, I can’t agree with this. I would assume it only applies to injured Survivors, but even so, aside from wasting a bit more time, this add-on will do nothing but make the Survivors’ lives more miserable.

    Brass Case Lighter: Another anti-healing one, which I don’t imagine fitting on Demogorgon. The effect would definitely be good, but not at all unique or impactful.

    Life Guard Whistle: (1) Survivors are already Oblivious when standing on top of a portal, so deafening them too will make little to no difference at all. (2) Same point as Sticky Lining. Demo isn’t meant to use its portals as traps.

    Leprose Lichen: (1) I see you’ve taken inspiration from Deathslinger’s UR. But unlike Deathslinger, Demogorgon isn’t a sniper, so an instadown doesn’t work for a move like Shred. (2) I support this idea, but it’s a better fit for Red Moss, as its description entails that consuming it “enhances athletic performance and causes euphoria.”

    Red Moss: (1) Ultra Rare add-ons aren’t always insta-downs. Their effect is supposed to be very unique compared to the rest. The Exposed status effect is meant to be used sparingly in DbD. (2) Another Deathslinger-inspired add-on that would be way too strong because of its availability. (3) Portals are not meant to be traps. I see you’re trying to remake Trapper’s Bloody Coil but it just won’t work. Once Survivors realize that the portals hurt them, they won’t seal them and the game suddenly becomes much more difficult when those portals become negligent.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You have 2 add-ons here that implicitly injure the Survivor and 2 that explicitly allow for instant downs.

    That kind of power spike is what makes 1 ######### Hatchets busted. Do not use add-ons to give Killers instant downs!

  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    Following what you and Truth said, I will make some modifications to my ideas and hope that they will be more "appealing" than the current ones that I have posted.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    If it helps, hindered while in portal range (not just on a break) and aura reading on fully charged shred are cool.

    Thing is though, I'd make it hindered when they start trying to seal a portal that lingers when they stop, even if they didn't fully seal the portal. Thus it rewards you for interrupting portal sealing.

    And then have the aura reading be 8 meters with no downside like bubbas.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Just to go over his existing addons:

    The Demogorgon has 7 sets of generic addons, some of which overlap, that is to say there are 8 groups of addons that share an effect niche.

    1. Portal count (2 addons)
    2. Shred cooldown (2 addons)
    3. KI range (2 addons)
    4. Sealing time (3 addons)
    5. Upside down MS (2 addons)
    6. Upside down cooldown (3 addons)
    7. Status effects (2 addons)
    8. Undetectable (3 addons)

    This leaves only 3 addons total, 2 brown and 1 iridescent, that have wholly unique effects.

    Now, while we do want to trim these down a bit so we can have more unique addons like what this thread is about, not all of these are bad.

    In particular the Portal Count, Shred cooldown and Status effect addons are all ok (although the status effect addons are the wrong rarities)

    Upside down MS and cooldown is valid but has too many addons based around it. I think it should be pared down to be one of each plus a higher tier combo addon for 3 total instead of 5.

    Specifically Rat Liver is too big of a powerspike for an addon, but is also pretty much required for a lot of the demogorgons chase tactics. And thus should be basekit.

    Undetectable is also overdone rather than useless. I'd remove the green and purple ones and make the iri a purple with a lowered CD penalty.

    As for the KI range and Sealing time addons. We don't need Ki range addons at all and Sealing time only needs 2 addons.

    So that leaves 7 addons that need reworking. Before you say anything, Leprose needs a buff but doesn't need a rework. Either some kind of anti-heal effect along side it or it just needs the aura reading to linger, or both.

    Some unexplored effects:

    • Shred on-hit status effects (anti-heal statuses would go here and not with the portals)
    • Something to make portals start active (probably a Rat Liver replacement)
    • Quieter teleporting (makes the global TP sound not global)
    • A handful of different aura reading shenanigans
    • Buffs to the portals oblivious effect (imagine a portal giving a Survivor 20 seconds of oblivious when they come near)

  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    Alright, I'm working on a new list of ideas. I'll modify the current list to include them

  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    Alrighty, the new list is up. Please check it out if you have the chance :)

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited August 2020

    Ok looked it over.

    FIrst of all, regardless of anything else I say these are definitely better than both your previous iteration and the live addons. So nice work there.

    That said there is something important to note.

    Here all of the post your changes addons:


    • Rotten Pumpkin - 1 portal
    • Black Heart - on-hit blindness
    • Candy Wrapper - 3 seconds aura reading on portal use


    • Viscous Webbing - KI boost and seal speed debuff
    • Mews guts - 1 portal and missed shred CDR


    • Barbs Glasses - Portal MS buff and CDR
    • Thorny Vines - On-hit undetectable
    • Brass Case Lighter - Portal Obliviousness buff
    • Life Guard Whistle - On-hit hindered (what magnitude?)

    Very Rare:

    • Elevens Soda can - Portal MS buff and CDR
    • Upside Down Resin - Portal Apex Muffler
    • Unknown egg - One of the 2 above addons?
    • Red moss - Increased TP undetectable. Increased TP CD

    Ultra Rare:

    • Leprose Lichen - On-hit aura reading
    • Mind Flayer Tentacle - Shred speed boost or duration boost (please specify which). Missed Shred CD increase

    Do you see the problem here?

    Common has 3 addons, Uncommon has only 2 and Rare has 4.

    It should be 4,5,5,4,2. Meaning you removed more addons than you added.

    Now that's not a big deal, especially since most of these addons are fine.

    Though you do need to specify some things, like the numbers on Life Guard Whistle and the mechanism behind Mind Flayer Tentacles range increase (because range is not an independent variable you can increase in isolation), they are mostly good.

    Some questionable things would be:

    • Why rework Black heart? Missed shred CDR is a good effect for newer demo players and if combined with mew's guts the CDR is low enough to boost patrol times, so it's not useless to a vet either.
    • Thorny Vines is much weaker than it looks on paper. Basically, the Undetectable status is very heavily based on timing in terms of if you get value out if it. The best timing is where you know where the Survivor is, they don't know where you are, and they don't know that you know. On-hit undetectable is inherently weak as a result of this. Billy's and Nurses addons get around this by being on high mobility Killers that can get out of sight quickly to make up for the bad timing and get value anyways. The perk Dark Devotion makes up for it with both further TR shenanigins to mess with their ability to realize it's active, it's long duration and the fact that it's a perk meaning you can just pair it with a high mobility Killer. This is none of those things, even if you TP it's not giving you value because TP undetectable is basekit. I'd rethink this one.
    • Your Leprose Lichen rework is fine I guess? But it's kinda worse than the live one. Not in terms of raw power mind you, this is certainly useful. But in terms of a build around it's a bit worse. A red addon ideally will make you re-think how you play a certain Killer. Billy's new Apex Muffler iri is a great example of this, since it converts him into a psudo stealth Killer. Same goes for hag's iris. Now not every Killers iri is at this, but if we are making a rework for this stuff we may as well do it right. All of this applies to the other iri you suggested as well, although I do love the name.
    • Not sure how Upside down raisen would work exactly. You are undetectable while tping, so wouldn't that must make it always silent?

    So that said, here's what I suggest. Any addons I do not mention I simply do not think need further changes.

    • Black Heart stays the same as live. The effect is put on a new addon instead since on-hit blindness is a perfectly valid effect
    • New uncommon that grants on-hit mangled until healed
    • New uncommon that has live lifeguard whistles effect
    • New rare that makes all portals immediately activated when placed
    • Thorny Vines maintains it's live effects but gets higher numbers. 2 addons in the niche is fine it's just that we have 4 right now and that's a bit much.
    • New rarethat reduces the SUCCESSFUL on-hit CDR by 20%
    • On-hit aura reading moved to the Unidentified egg. It's a cool idea but it's more of a very rare than an ultra rare
    • Leprose Lichen keeps its current effect, but the aura reading lingers for 5 seconds and it additionally grants on-shred broken for 60 seconds.
    • Mind Flayer Tentacle (such a great name) really should do something else. Like, more range sounds cool and all, but range isn't a big limiting factor when your playing demogorgon anyways? Anyways a addon that sounds this cool should totally do something big. Like imagine if it made him 110% but gave him MASSIVE shred CDR? Like I'm talking 90% kind of massive. Or what if you could teleport to portals without an entrance portal, but once used the portal is removed? Something like that, go nuts.
    Post edited by NuclearBurrito on
  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    New list is up. Took some of your suggestions and implemented them too

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Still much better again. But I have some nitpicks, 2 in particular.

    1. Having one addon deal with successful shred CDR is great, however having 2 that do that could be a problem depending on the numbers. While in theory that just means we have lower numbers, which is a perfectly valid solution so if that's what you are going with then ignore this, but it has the downside of meaning that the addons are individually weaker. That said the fact that the successful CDR is as a secondary effect means this isn't as problematic as it otherwise would be, so it would probably be fine I guess?
    2. Bigger deal, with the ultra rare. When I was using the idea of lowed MS and massively lowered missed shred attack CD, it was missed shred attack CD rather than successful attack CD for a reason. The idea was to have shred be a mobility tool with the addon since you'd have a near instant recovery. Now if you want the ultra rare to have something to do with spamming successful shreds instead then that's a perfectly valid and strong UR effect, but the 110% downside is tailored to a specific type of upside which this just isn't.
  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    Yeah, I was thinking that maybe successful shred attack recovery for the UR would be better(btw, the older idea for increased range had to do with how long you charged shred depending on how much you range you got so more time added to the total charge time would mean more distance), but I can see where you’re going since there are survivors who can easily bait shreds from even the most experienced Demo mains.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited August 2020

    I think you misunderstand what I mean, and what I was asking about the OG idea.

    With shred the distance you gain on a Survivor is a function of the time spent in shred, the speed of the shred, the time spent in fatigue and the speed of the fatigue. If you are chasing a Survivor in a straight line then by shreding you will reduce the distance by some amount after this entire process. Now in basekit or with only 1 CDR addon this distance is less than the distance you travel by just walking, so an attack that misses is losing you ground. WIth 2 CDR addons you travel SLIGHTLY further than if you walked, but it's still a hassle to spam shred everywhere.

    Now, if Shred had almost NO cooldown, then the fundamental usage of the shred changes. You can still use it at loops like normal of course but with no cooldown it's a burst of movement speed in a straight line at any time. This drastically speeds up patrol times and similar to the new blight Killer can help you get around some loops better, although not quite like blight due to the way Shred's charging system works and how walls override CDR addons.

    The CDR when you hit a Survivor isn't important for this. Once the Survivor is hit the payoff is already secured, no. The utility here is in how it means you can shred without ever having any intention of hitting anything in the first place. It's not about using shred to hit a Survivor, but about using shred to patrol the map, catch up to a Survivor holding W or get a cheeky hit at a straightaway into a sharp turn. Shred down the straight part and then turn to hit the Survivor that just turned.

    And for the OG idea it's the same missunderstanding.

    Distance is a function of time*speed. In order for the distance to be increased you must be increasing either the duration of the shred or the speed of the shred. It has nothing to do with charge time. The question is (or was anyways) if you were increasing the shred duration or the shred speed. As an example, Myers T3 has an extended duration on his lunge, and not a boosted lunge speed.

  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    Ah okay. Now I get it! ^^”

    Yeah, so for the increased shred distance, it would’ve been the duration since T3 Myers’s lunge has increased duration so it can get hits from further away than a normal lunge.

    Back to the discussion of the new version of the MF’s Tentacle addon, I do agree that it could help with gaining distance by reducing the cooldown to almost nothing. It could also potentially help with facing SWFs who are always breaking your portals as a means of getting around the map.

  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    So is the list of addon reworks presentable now as a proper suggestion or does it still need some touching up(just asking since you’re the smart person and I’m the average person)?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
  • Valeficent
    Valeficent Member Posts: 39

    I think that it looks good as well! Thanks so much for helping, btw! :)