Can we choose to stay on hook?


I’ve had so many matches where players being chased by the killer will run to me, unhook me, and run off as the killer downs me before I can even take a step. This is then followed by getting hooked again. If I’m being generous, I might think that players aren’t aware their altruism points are impacted by safe unhooks vs unsafe. If I’m not being generous, I assume they’re playing extremely selfishly and don’t care if their teammates have fun or not. Either way, I think having agency on hook would be an interesting mechanic. Then if someone tries to unhook me in front of the killer, I can simply refuse to go with them. It might not save me, but at least I can deny those jerks BP and avoid getting farmed. Maybe for perks like Borrowed Time the person on hook can see that it’s active, so they can make an informed decision or something.

I’m open to other thoughts too, of course. Mostly I’m just really tired of matches where I don’t get to play because I keep getting caught in a farmer’s hook-unhook cycle