If You Had To Axe Half The Killers, Who Would You Cut?

Title. Rules: You must cut half the killers, Erasing them will also erase they're perks and map. Surivors are fine cause they never actually matter to the killer. I wonder who people would erase. Heres mine.

I'll explain.

Trapper Stays because hes the icon of DBD

PH,Pig,Freddy, And Michael Stay because of their importance to horror

I wanted to keep at least one Yamaoka, and I like Oni more

Huntress, Hag, And Doc are all unique and well liked

Death Slinger and Clown are different takes on the ranged killer concept, and we already have huntress

It was between Bubba and his knockoff, I picked Bubba

Nurse has always been a ######### to balance, shes either the best or the best but so annoying barely anyone plays her

Legion is Legion, i don't think I need to explain more

Ghost Face isn't actually from Scream and his power has overlap with Michael and Pig

Barely anyone plays Demo and Stranger Things isn't as big as the other licences

Wraith and plague just don't beat the competition.

Let me know what you guys think.



  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'll play~

    It turned into a list of who I like to play/vs vs. who I don't like to play/vs. Weeeeee

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Axing half them is hard, however I’ll do my best to see as many as I can. Legion, a bunch of teenagers who stab people, that’s basically Ghost Face. Clown, more room for Pennywise. And Billy because we have Bubba. I can’t axe anymore because all of them are unique killers.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Thats fair. I was so close to keeping Ghost Face just because of how much fun I have with him.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited August 2020

    I'd remove Spirit, Pig, Hag and Plague (And Legion)

    Spirit - Regardless on the counters everything you do against good ones is a guess. Whether it's a blind guess or an educated guess you're still guessing most of the time against this killer. That isn't fun, that isn't counterplay and that's not an engaging way to play against a killer.

    Hag - Fundamentally this killer is designed to camp - Mind you most people in the community play her wrong as she can be quite fun to play against. However she encourages camping which is boring over dealing with her in chase. She needs to be able to set up traps more actively and somehow discourage camping and she'd be fun.

    Plague - Wasted potential / Should start over with this killer - Good concept but honestly the most efficient way to play this killer is tap a survivor with puke and hit them with m1 and play around that. It's more consistent and reliable instead of puking against good survivors because you'll waste so much time doing so with your power.

    Pig - I'd go rework territory but this killer thematically needs so much I doubt it ever happens. Only licensed character in this game I'm disappointed with. Also this killer is the only one who seems to really encourage playing in a toxic unfun way. Camping, tunneling, etc. If you want a survivor dead you can guarantee it with this killer.

    Legion - Overall disappointing use of the character and misleading promotional trailer. Would prefer this killer get the Freddy treatment and get a new power however still emphasizing speed. Mind you The Blight pretty much got the power I'd give Legion lol.

    Don't really see a major reason to remove the rest of them. They just need rebalancing. Even the ones I mentioned I'm pulling at straws. Except Spirit I'd genuinely delete her from the game right now and not feel a loss at all.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Thats fair. This is only for fun, I am in no way advocating for half the roster to be cut lol.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014


    1. Clown
    2. Oni
    3. Leatherface
    4. Deathslinger
    5. Hag
    6. Doctor
    7. Huntress
    8. Wraith
    9. Demogorgon
    10. Nurse

    This was hard. Immediately decided not to cut: Myers and Freddy (Too iconic) Pig (Love piggy), Ghostface (As much as I hate going against him, I do enjoy playing him sometimes), Trapper (Too big a part of DBD) Legion (enjoy playing, enjoy facing), and Plauge (love playing as her too). And you gotta keep one of the Chainsaw bois. So I took Billy over going camping with Leatherface. That left ONLY TWO SPOTS. I like Pyramid Head a lot, and Plague is a lot of fun to play as too. I do like Doctor, but I don't particularly care to face him.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    No worries mate that's what my post is minus maybe some truthful opinion for Spirit. Genuinely despise her existence in this game and all I play is killer. I just feel she's unhealthy for the game and was the start of the really "unfun" killers who have boring or non existent counters. I still believe Deathslinger and Pyramid Head who share the same problems can be fixed but fundamentally Spirit cannot.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961


    1. Demogorgon

    2. Trapper

    3. Billy

    4. Nurse

    5. Legion

    6. Pig

    7. Plague

    8. Meyers

    9. Freddy

    10. Clown

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The ones i keep i feel bring more depth to the game, since they all play different, and you have to play different against them.

    The ones i cut i cut because a big part of their gameplay are already covered, like ghostface and pig are already covered my michel.

    Huntress and Gunslinger are similar, as are freddy and demogorgon. Hillbilly has similarities to oni and letherface.

    The other one like doctor, hag, trapper and spirit i would keep for their unique gameplay.

    For that reason i would maybe keep nurse, but since next to noone plays her anymore it seems like a waste.

    The plague and legion have a more unique gameplay than clown, but i dont like plague.

    I play both sides, but surivor a lot more.

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    Totally 100% unbiased. :^)

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446


    1. Clown
    2. Legion
    3. Freddy
    4. Spirit
    5. Hag
    6. Deathslinger
    7. Pyramidhead
    8. Plague
    9. Pig
    10. Ghostface
  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    That's really interesting. Here's mine in order of who I'd axe first to last:

    1. Hag: I will miss you ruin
    2. Deathslinger: He isn't fun to face or play as for me. His perks won't be missed.
    3. Trapper: Won't miss his perks or gameplay.
    4. Wraith: He's alright but his perks aren't worth keeping. Other killers are more fun than him.
    5. Oni: This is where I'm struggling. I find his camping ability too annoying at times. I'll miss Nemesis but Leatherface doesn't need it anymore.
    6. Freddy: I have no problem with Freddy. He just isn't as fun as the ten I'll probably keep. I don't mind losing some of his perks.
    7. Clown: I'll miss pop and his diverse set of cosmetics but his ability just isn't that interesting.
    8. Demogorgan: I really like playing Demogorgan with STBFL. Problem is his ability isn't anything special and his perks are trash.
    9. Spirit: She is class. She has amazing cosmetics and some amazing perks. The gameplay can be soo much fun but I find her counterplay too little at high ranks unless your using Iron Will.
    10. Pyramid Head: This was almost Bubba. I don't like his new change and they didn't fix his camping ability. However I couldn't get rid of my main and can't get rid of BBQ. Pyramid I find fun to face but his perks just aren't that good.

    This was extremely tough. Legion only survived because I find them really fun go play. Also Discordance is very good perk that I like to run on some characters.

    Once you get past the first 4/5 it's extremely tough to choose who to cut. Especially when you lose the perks and map too.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I'd remove Pyramid Head, Spirit, Freddy, Deathslinger, Hag, Clown then spirit 4 more times. All of these killers are so boring to play as and against by either being way too easy and brain-dead to win a chase with (Deathslinger and spirit) or they are so horribly designed and boring that I refuse to play them (Hag and Pyramid Head)

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    This was actually pretty hard and fun to think about; since I like most of the cast my thought process was mostly 'who do I want to keep' and less 'who do I want to go'.

    Huntress and Wraith stay because I love them, and other people do too.

    • Bing Bong Boi is loved and adorable. I know there are other people out there to back me up on this. Philip is best Wraifu.
    • There are more Huntress mains out there than you can shake a stick at. Even if ranged projectile hitboxes are a headache, she's gotta stay.

    Trapper stays because he's too iconic.

    • He even won an award for Best Original Character during a Canadian Video Game awards, and who am I to argue with that?

    Pryamid Head, Mandy, Leatherface, and Michael stay because they're horror icons. I wanted to keep Freddy, Ghostface, and Demogorgon too, but then I would have been done with the list purely because some characters are licensed, so I went more in-depth.

    • Pryamid Head stays because he's from Silent Hill. I can't axe him, I don't have it in me to do so.
    • Pig stays because she's a unique and interesting character. She's fun to play, even though her add-ons need help and her power could use some tweaks. Also, boop the snoot.
    • Leatherface is an inspiration for DBD and a particularly memorable horror icon. The original film predates Halloween and is quite memorable from a technical aspect as well as for being very unsettling. He's also not a wimp in-game anymore either; he's a slugging powerhouse and a genuine threat to Survivors.
    • Michael Myers is one of the most iconic slasher characters. He's probably the biggest single reason this game blew up the way it did. In addition he's incredibly fun to face and play as and he has some really cool variety to his power via add-ons. He has to stay.

    Nurse stays because she's the strongest Killer in the game.

    • She's hard to master, but nigh unstoppable in skilled hands. And even more than being flat out the best (which she is) Killer, she's totally unique. No other Killer plays like Nurse; so much so that there are Survivor mains (mostly console probably :P) out there who love her for her uniqueness.

    Legion stays because I believe in them.

    • Yes, they were introduced to the game sucky. Yes, they drove away a lot of people then. Yes, they're still a little unpleasant to face and/or play as. Yes, they're not that strong. BUT even so, I have hope for this character. I still think BHVR can do something really cool with them if they ever actually touch them again or do a Freddy-esque do-over. And in the mean time, regardless of what you specifically think about them, they're certainly a unique Killer that's neat to look at.

    Plague stays because she's great at snowballing, has no mobility, and isn't licensed.

    • For my last character to keep it was a bit of a struggle, we have too many characters that are fun or unique to play. So I looked at who else I'd chosen and who all I'd have to get rid, and chose someone based on that.
    • Michael is staying, and he has a strong snowball power. However he's a licensed characters. There should be someone that fits that general playstyle that you aren't required to pay for. We have two characters that fit that bill; Oni and Plague.
    • However, Oni has extremely good mobility and, upon review I noticed that I'd given the axe to most of the high mobility cast out there.
    • So I gave the spot to Plague with the reasoning that if there are almost no high mobility Killers, then the game could be balanced around the standard and slow move speed characters: smaller maps, a basekit way to traverse giant maps, etc.
  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487
    edited August 2020

    In no particular order

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Don't forget that excuse for a killer The Blight.

    What a joke.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2020
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771
    edited August 2020

    Here's mine:

    I ranked these based on how much fun they are to play, to play against, or both, to me, with a few exceptions (mainly Pig).

    Firstly, Trapper. He's very fun to face, the constant feeling of paranoia of just "aaaaAAAA is there a trap" is amazing and makes the game feel so much more tense. Additionally, he's the icon of DBD, and so should stay.

    Next, Wraith. I stan my bing bong boi, he's adorable, and amazing fun to play and to face. He might not be the best but seeing someone uncloak the yeet themselves around a corner and get you, that feels fair and fun and "oh ######### he can do that too??". It's such a blast.

    Bubba. He's amazing to play but I haven't faced enough to make a decision on if he's fun to face or not. What I do know is seeing him chainsaw at you from like 30m away and getting closer and you just going "oh ######### oh ######### oH #########" is hilarious.

    Freddy. My main man, love him to death. Pretty fun to face imo, when they play like normal people not ForeverFreddy:tm: or haha tunnel go brrr, and so much fun to play. Mained him for coming up 3 years, still love playing the character, and BHVR did a great job with his rework tbh.

    Pig. She's pretty good to face from my experience but I haven't played as her enough to say if she's fun to play or nah. Honestly I mostly kept her for Cheers since he loved to play as her and told me she was amazing fun, so imma trust his judgement lol.

    Pyramid Head. Reading him correctly can be amazing (this only goes for bad ones) and otherwise managing to stealth around all game is also amazing fun (hi I main Blendette). To play he's more fun than Freddy in my opinion provided you go for risky plays. Just sticking to the same old boring sword in ground, haha I win ain't that good but predicting where people will run based on past experiences in chases and guessing correctly for a well-timed Punishment is so ######### amazing. I love this killer to death and I'll stand by this till the day he gets changed.

    Now we got Nurse. Despite her double cooldowns and how sick she used to make me she's still actually fun to play. 1 blink Nurse with Matchbox, bamboozle, endfury, and fire up is surpringly effective (because who expects endfury on a nurse lol) and even with 2 blinks she can be fun (just gotta stack double recharge for the best time). To face she feels great from my experience, so long as they're playing for fun. Facing a Nurse who kills the entire team in 0.2 seconds with Infectious is just boring, but hey at least it isn't Spirit.

    Hag. She can be ######### monstrous in the right hands, but I'm not really the best hag player so sometimes she does feel very boring to me. Other times, however, when I predict correctly and get the trap placement just right she's almost as fun as PH to play. To face she's terrifying; she gives me the same paranoia as Trapper with 30x the strength. Just so long as it's a good hag, not a hag that uses all 10 traps around a hooked survivor.

    Huntress. This is mainly going for a huntress on good internet, but she's very fun to face imo. Everything always feels fair (again, good internet being specified) and I enjoy going against her. I don't like playing her but that's because I don't know how hatchets work yet. If I put in the time I'd love it.

    Demo. He's a good boy and deserves all the head pats. His power feels fair and fun, he can zone well but not too well like PH and there are some loops you can run him on where he can't shred, some he can shred amazingly well. Basically demo is just a fun killer.

    Doctor and Clown- I put these two together cause their counters in chase are to just pre-drop pallets. Add to that that I'm a blendette main and Doctor removes stealth and he makes me feel sad.

    James- James is so much fun to face but he's mostly here because I didn't want to axe anyone else above out. Sorry James.

    Legion- It's legion. Moving on.

    Myers- I just don't like facing him. I hate having to rely on my teammates to not give a killer their power and I hate how he can 99 off of the Claudette self caring, oblivious to the world, then come to me, pop his t3, and one-shot me instantly. This happens 3 times in a game, because of course it does, and I'm just there like "guess i should've swfed huh".

    Billy. He's like James, I didn't want to axe him out but I couldn't think of who to swap him for. Sorry Billy.

    Plague- She's just kinda boring ngl. It's either remove all stealth and be one-shot for the game or make her super-buffed Huntress. Just not the most entertaining thing in the world, but she's tolderable. She'd be in stay if I had room for her. Sorry Plague.

    Oni. I hate him. I hate everything about him. I hate the way he looks, sounds, walks, acts, is related to spirit, all his cosmetics (except minotaur that's sick I'll give BHVR that one lol). I hate how he plays, I hate how he plays against, I hate relying on teammates to not get hit because of course we have a ######### meg who throws down shack pallet and still gets mindgamed on it. I hate everything about Oni and there's only 1 killer I hate more. At least playing Slinger is fun but Oni is just p a i n.

    Deathslinger- I hate facing him, I hate how he's basically a stealth killer, I hate his ability to ADS and oh guess I should've reacted better to the ######### speeding towards me at the speed of sound to give me some pretty bad anal. But at least playing him and landing some amazingly predicted, charged shots is fun.

    Spirit- I don't know where to begin with this #########. I have such a burning hatred of this killer I can't even put it into words. She's the definition of unfair and if I could remove a single killer from the game it'd be her in a heartbeat; I wouldn't even need to think about it. Spirit is the worse designed killer in Dead By Daylight and I will stand with this opinion till the day she gets changed.

    Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.

    Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on
  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187
    edited August 2020

    And I would keep Blight too because I've played against him on the PTB and he's a lot of fun.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited August 2020


    The big boosted Freddy




    *Edit: I forgot the PP Head

    Post edited by xenofon13 on
  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    The killers I know I'd cut are:

    1: Blendette (she's killed too much time hiding in Yamoaka's tall grass)

    2. Every brightly colored Nea, Feng, or Yui. (They regularly Kill every helpless pallet on every map and they make me want to kill my tv with my ps4 paddle)

    3 Dishevelled hipster Dwight (he kills my very soul every time I hear him spamming the flashlight button while I'm looking for Blendette)

    They are by far my least favorite killers...🤗

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Don't forget Quentin. He Kills just by showing his face to his opponent.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I couldn’t care less about what perks the killers have for this list, no perk is mandatory, you can win games with any killer using just their starting perks and/or universal perks if you outplay the survivors. My keep list is therefore simply the killers I enjoy playing the most

    Keep 10 killers






    Ghost Face



    Pyramid Head



    • Generally speaking I don’t like playing with ranged attacks so Huntress, Deathslinger and Plague are out.
    • Pig’s headtraps and lunge are dumb, I only like her stealth and Ghost Face is better for that.
    • Trapper is too clunky having to pick up traps from all over the map.
    • Billy’s chainsaw is awkward compared to Bubba’s in a chase.
    • Nurse is by far the least fun killer in the game. What dev in their right mind thinks staring at the ground every five to ten seconds would be enjoyable? I swear you have to have Stockholm Syndrome to like playing her.
    • Spirit’s movement speed is great but I don’t like playing just by ear the whole game.
    • Meyers has some cool add-ons but is otherwise kind of meh. Ghost Face is the more fun stalker.
    • Oni’s Demon Lunges are powerful but they just feel awkward using them.
    • Blight looks like he’ll be fun for me, I like 115% speed melee killer chases in general and he looks to be doing that mostly while having the most consistently usable, flexible map movement of all the characters. (Instant start Billy speed sprints with course correction if you hit something and very short cooldown? Sign me up!)
  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Keep Nurse, Huntress, Oni, Pyramid, Pig, Myers.

    Screw the rest, none of them require pure skill to play them just cheese tactics and perk dependency with no real power over loops.

    Especially hag and doc. Never cared about Ruin when it was old or even now reworked. Hate the doc cause they are the ones that will chase for 5 gens and 4k cause of noed.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Quentin usually kills himself by running out directly in front of my Oni dash, or billy sprint... No joke, it is bizarre! The biggest scare I've ever gotten from dbd was chainsaw sprinting across coldwind farms to patrol gens right at the start of the match, when BAM! Quintin appears in front of me in the corn! I jumped, I bet he lost it lol.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I think the biggest scare I’ve gotten was looking for a Survivor at the start of a match and getting pallet stunned out of nowhere by a Claudette. Literally made me jump from my seat.

    Other than that, Daddy Michael and Ghostface terrify me when I play and I hope they remain in Dbd forever.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Know what's most fascinating bout this thread:

    So many of you would cut Killers that require a slight change in your gameplay, and that says everything one needs to know about your skill as survivors.


  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    I was opening an exit gate at Yamoaka, my spine chill never lit up I thought I was golden and yoink! Myers grabs me outta nowhere. But then he dribbled me, opened the gate and let me exit🤨. All I could think was "what a polite and quirky murderer".

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    it is pat of the subject, as that is what drives people's decision. If you'de want to axe killers, axe the licensed ones, put in expys of them. cheaper.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    The subject is which Killers would you axe not what drives your decision. Not every thread on the forums needs to be an us vs them.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    If you ask such a question, you are asking for why people would do it, which comes down to what I said AND a 'my understanding of the game is better than yours' approach at bottom line, come of your high horse.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Was harder than I thought.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    edited August 2020

    It was fun to see which ones I would cut or keep. Some were easy, others were hard. I never liked Hillbilly or LF much (bye Chili ;-;) and most killers I kept were the ones I enjoy to play more, except the Nurse, which I hate to play, but like to go against.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    cut everyone but billy

    and huntress

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    You obviously have difficulty with reading comprehension and read what you want to believe is written rather than what is actually written.

    Nowhere in my post have I even mentioned that my understanding of the game is better than yours.

    Again, not every thread needs to turn into an arguement nor do they all need to be sprinkled with salt.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    you're the one with reading comprehension difficulties.

    the 'my understanding' line was not directed at you, but at the general approach some people apply when naming which killer should be axed.

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    Made solely on personal enjoyment

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Cut everyone but pig, nurse, and billy.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    holy ######### someone with common sense?? the #########??

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited August 2020

    This was suprisingly hard to narrow down. I couldn't get it to an exact split.

    My reasoning here is that I wanted to keep the killers that I feel have the most unique mechanics between them.

    Clown, for example, is cut for being an underwhelming derivative of Huntress. Ghost face, Leatherface and Freddy for just feeling like lazy compromises of existing killers. Wraith I couldn't justify keeping with Micheal and Pig, he might be OG but they're both to much fun to even consider.

    Legion because that Power was a mistake and if there weren't a DC penalty I'd head out of any game where I see that godddamn deep wound timer 30 seconds in.

    Obviously IRL I wouldn't want any cut. I like all of their powers to a degree (not Legion, the outfits are cool). Also was anyone else suprised by just how many there are now? lol

    EDIT: Just realised after posting that my template didn't have Pyramid Head. He'd almost definitely be in the top list.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    This is mostly based on a mix of who I like to play as or against, some mechanics, how good they COULD be with a rework, and visual appeal.


    -Clown: I enjoy playing as and against him. His power is simple, but can be very effective. He also makes the Killer really learn loops and chases so he can properly manipulate them, which is good.

    -Doc: Very solid Killer with a good mix of utility denial (if timed well) and close range oppression. I like him a lot, though the people that play him need to call a landscaper to pull their stick out of their behinds sometimes.

    -Ghostface: Honestly, seeing his funny little head poke out like some kind of macabre game of "peekaboo" is hilarious to me. Even when he's kicking my butt, there is something just funny about him to me that makes it hard to ever be mad at him.

    -Hag: Very powerful, but requires the Killer to have a good grip on how to use the map to their advantage. The high skill ceiling and wealth of strategy she gives to the Killer makes her a keeper.

    -Bubba: He's a good boy.

    -Huntress: I play on PC, I play a lot of shooting games, and I like anything that gives mechanical skill a place to shine. Plus she looks cool.

    -Legion: I like THE IDEA of a Killer that zooms around, stabbing people like a maniac. Legion needs a rework, but I think they have potential. Lots of it. Plus, I like their cosmetics and I'm completely on board with the idea of a Killer that could almost pass as a Survivor.

    -Plague: Looks cool, and I have seen some awesome games with her on youtube. I completely suck with her, though. Plus, vomiting profusely on a cornered Survivor is hilarious.

    -Wraith: Bing Bong. He's adorable.

    -Trapper: For the big brains out there that want to show a fairly low rank killer can wipe the floor with them. I like the idea of him a lot, though I DO think he could be buffed a little just to nudge him slightly higher in his effectiveness.


    -Deathsliinger: I like the idea of him, but I feel that he's lopsided and not that fun to play against. Considering he uses a gun which means bullet travel will always be fairly fast, it makes it hard for me to imagine a rework that would both make him better against multiple targets while also easing off his 1v1 power. Too bad, I like how he looks and I think his mechanical skill requirement is neato.

    -Demo: Bland as hell. I simply can't get into him on any level.

    -Freddy: Needs a buff that puts a "No Fun Allowed" sign in front of every gen. He's just brutally anti-fun to play against. I also call him Sweaty Freddy, because nearly every one I have faced seems deadset on ending the game in 30 seconds or less. My personal bias is strong here.

    -Billy: Just not into him. Currently, it's a 50/50 going against him. Either the Killer is a God or a Goob. I hate how his chainsaw handles, and end up being a boring M1 Killer when I play him. I get a lot of people like him and have fond memories, but I'm not them and have none of those things.

    -Nurse: Personally not into her, though I respect the hell out of her and anyone that plays her well. Only here because I needed to fill the cut list.

    -Oni: Just not into him at all. I don't like playing as him (feels clunky to me) and going against him is boring.

    -Pig: Honestly just boring. I also don't like the Saw series, so eat that Saw-liking-people-persons.

    -Pyramid Head: This one cuts deep. I only started playing DBD again because I'm a Silent Hill fan. I wanted to main Pyramid Head. Then I played him. Eh. His mechanics are either great or terrible depending on the match. Sometimes he's a mastermind, sometimes he's an M1 slugger. I feel like he lacks consistency. I wouldn't miss him if he was gone, though I'd also want him brought back with a more solid kit and ability.

    -Spirit: Only on here because I needed to fill the cut list. I would miss her, but not that much. Her mindgame... game... (nailed it) exists in short, frantic bursts. She is literally 5 seconds of "OH NO WHAT DO" and then several seconds of just being an M1 Killer. YA, that boiled it down a bit too much and over simplified it, but I just don't feel like she comes with a lot of interaction. For both the Killer and Survivor, her power is for them both to use what little info they have on each other and make a guess, which isn't the greatest thing. I WILL SAY that it feels great to consistently drop pallets on her when she comes out of Spoopy Ghost mode, because you feel like you're inside the Killers head. The reality of it, though, is you called the correct result of a coin toss.

    -Myers: Again, only here because I needed to fill the cut list. I like the idea of him, he has great meme potential, and there is some kind of brutal honesty to his simple but potent playstyle. I respect that. That said, it's SO simple that I don't feel like it would be that great of a loss, though I'd still miss him.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Look keep Myers, Pig, Trapper, Demo, Spirit, Bubba, Goatface, and Huntress.

    Odd selection right?

    Their stun sounds are the greatest.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559


    I don't like playing against Trapper now, but I used to (before his buffs).

    I liked playing against Wraith before his buffs, but I like playing as him more now.

    I used to like playing against and as Hillbilly until the devs added the stupid roar (and nerfed him).

    I used to like playing against and as Nurse before they gutted her fun potential for players with low framerates and with high mouse sensitivitiy.

    I like everything about Myers (except for how the devs did tier one Myers dirty in regards to Undetectable)

    Hag is bae except that dedicated servers makes her frustrating oftentimes. I've had fun and not-so-fun games against Hags, but that's mostly determined by the use of slowdown perks or not.

    Love Huntress. Don't love hitboxes. The developers saying its latency is a complete lie. None of the hatchets that hit/don't hit when they should do the opposite happen because of latency especially because often the survivor isn't moving when I throw them.

    Don't really like Pig, but I like the RBT idea.

    Liked Bubba more before his rework.

    Spirit....ehhh...I have fun, but that's probably because I only see lower ranked Spirits around.


    Doctor's chase music is so unappealing to have to listen to while being in the same match as him. I also liked using his power much more before his rework. He's just so boring now...

    Freddy's teleporting, lunge, and snares all earn him a spot here.

    Clown's a good candidate for being a keeper, but I had to put some I liked in the axe category to fit the post.

    Ugh to everything about Legion, especially the breathing sounds.

    I like either not being injured or not facing a killer who's practically unstoppable when near her. I also like stealth, and none of that is possible in your regular match against The Plague.

    GhostFace is a knockoff of Wraith and Myers. Also his reveal zone sucks. Almost had an epiphany about how much time I wasted playing DbD because of him.

    Demogorgon would be nice if his animations weren't so strange.

    Oni would be nice if it actually looked like he hit you with his power and if he couldn't track stealthing injured survivors so easily (also, his animations when moving to the hook are disturbing).

    Facing Deathslinger as survivor means: Find gen. Run after his small terror radius gets close and you hear the unlikable music. Get shot because good Deathslingers basically never miss. Get hooked. See the slow down perks come into effect. Decide the match is not worth your time and enter third hook state.

    Pyramid Head doesn't bother me except for invisible trails on the ground sometimes that ruin all of my planning in avoiding them prior. Thx bad coding.


    I don't like killers that prevent planning on my part, and I really don't like killers with unfitting music and/or bad animations.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    cut because:

    clown: causes irl problems to certain people, giving them headaches/migraines/eyestrain

    deathslinger: not really fun to go against, and very hard to balance because making him fun to go against would make him weak

    doctor: same reason as clown, but to a lesser extent.

    freddy: jack of all trades, except every trade is really strong. he shuts down loops without even thinking, and can slow the game down immensely without any real effort with his teleport + pop (add ons too)

    hag: her camping potential is nuts, and it makes her really not fun to go against. you also play against every hag the same way, just run away from the loop if she places a trap and hope there aren’t any traps near

    legion: i dont really think i need to explain legion

    spirit: same reason as deathslinger, but to a greater extent

    plague: corrupt purge is limited and its the only fun part of her power, most of the game shes an m1 killer with no power

    pyramid head: the epitome of “m2 to mindgame” with no real counter to punishment of the damned

    ghostface: his reveal is a buggy mess, and hes essentially just an m1 killer with no power so he isn’t really fun to play