If You Had To Axe Half The Killers, Who Would You Cut?



  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I wouldn’t cut anyone except Legion, Spirit, and Slinger. For all three of these Killers, both they and their maps are either not fun at all or just outright unhealthy for the game.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    Let me clarify some things:

    Glock category represents the killers who never should have been released

    I was high when i made this and accidentally switched billy and Legion, although its kinda accurate because the devs already have a glock 18 pointed at hillbilly's skull.

    I think that licensed killers should stay. I think it's cool to have a game where horror fans can come and play as their favorite character from their favorite franchise. I kept the two non licensed killers that i like.

    All the ranged killers are cut because they can be seriously better or worse based on the platform. It doesn't matter much, but it can sometimes impact games on crossplay.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I based my decision based on preferences playing the killers and the usefullness of their perks:


    Bubba - Always liked playing him, before and after the rework. First killer I maxed out (till 4.0.0), BBQ is a must have (bc of the grind)!

    Freddy - Really like playing him as well, esp. since rework. Strong enough to allow using obscure builds and still get good results. Perks are meh, though, only Bloodwarden with some utility in end game builds

    Doctor - Same as Freddy, really fun to play, great variety of addons. Perks not so great, besides Monitor.

    Pig - Some kind of guilty pleasure, I guess. She's weak, but I still pick her every know and then. Good perks with Surveillance and Make your choice

    Hag - Used to hate her when I only could use splinters to play her. Got way better when I finally got her. Usually get great results, just bc. survivors tend to not take me seriously enough. Ruin is nice, Devour can be hella strong (but usually is cleansed before ^^)

    Shape - Who does not like Mikey? He's very slow at the start, but when things get rolling he's devastating. Mirror Myers is really fun from time to time (infinte EW3 is lame, imo). Great perk STBFL for M1 killers, PWYF not so relevant anymore since Bubba rework

    These 6 were easy picks for me, since they are my goto killers. After that it gets a little more difficult.

    Clown - Playing him is alright and fun, but the lack of map pressure often hurts my games. I'm busy all game chasing and downing, but gens fly and i get out without a kill. Feels sad. Perks are great though, with Pop and Bambozzle.

    Legion - Playing is alright, there are good and bad games. Discordance is really strong, the other two perks are forgettable.

    Ghostface - Can be really strong, but I still struggle with him from time to time, don't play him often. TT is an amazing perk, if some day i do not need BP anymore i will happily switch out BBQ for TT.

    Billy - I do not feel very confident when playing billy, and miss the chainsaw to often. From playing preference alone, I would cut him. But his perks are really strong, esp. eworked Tinkerer. I also like to take Lightborn when I see multiple flashlights.


    Trapper - I like playing him and he's the icon of DBD. But I like to play other killers more and his perks are just okayish. If i had one slot more for keeping, he would get that.

    Wraith - I LOVE playing wraith and playing around with his addons! But his perks are just so aweful. Since I base my decision on both, I sadly have to cut my Mr Bing Bong :-(.

    Nurse - HATE her with all my heart, have not leveled her after P3. I do not use NC much, Stridor only relevant to Spirit (which is cut as well), Thanato is weak (and removing that would weaken slow down builds on legion or freddy), so nothing that needs to be kept imo.

    Huntress - Playing her is alright, but her perks are abysmal similar to Wraith.

    Spirit - Play her rarely, okayish perks. Similar to trapper, if I had TWO more slot, she would likely get the one after Trappy boi.

    Plague - First killer I'm really unwilling to play somehow. Guess bc. survs tend to not cleanse, which feels frustrating to not be able to use her power (that was before her on fountian by defaut). Perks are good, with Corrupt and Infectious, but the unfun games i had so far with her heavily outshine that.

    Demo - Played quite some games with demodoggo, but still struggle hard against coordinated teams, so mostly not very enjoyable to play. Perks are aweful, only Surge with a bit of usefullness.

    Oni - Really strong, but often frustrating for me since I miss my strikes. Perks are forgetful, only Nemesis has some utility with other perks.

    DS - Hate playing him, hate playing against him, bullsh*t perks. Easy cut for me.

    PH - Do not own him, so I can't say anything about playing him. But his perks are also not the best, so he gets cut as well.