Close this.
Scott admits that there is counterplay to them, it's just boring.
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Except I disagree the counterplay is always general counterplay I'm looking for specific counterplay which there is none. And even then holding w can be countered by leaving the survivor or a good slinger sniping you.
The only real general counterplay is genrush which is universally hated on. Killers shame survivors (not all) for doing gens while actively not pressuring them.
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Pre-throwing pallets, guessing, juking, breaking LoS, and for DS specifically also positioning to make sure there's objects in the way
and like you said, the "general counterplay" - which counts btw
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It counts but the general counterplay falls short to actually really helping the chase. Pre dropping only works on long loops if the slinger let's you make it to the pallet that is.
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I love how you want dissent silenced OMEGALUL!
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Sure you can't ALWAYS pre-drop the pallet, it depends on the scenario you're in, and that's quite often the case. People that tend to greed pallets get shot, and people out in the open get shot. Do you agree on the other points?
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I agree with what you just said here the scenario. Sometimes you can sometimes you cant but loops are short and alot he can pull you around without prison chain.
Or he walks around while you dont notice him trying to pre drop which has worked for me surprisingly just walking around the loop.
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It's way too many people to argue with I'd be biting off more than I can chew. This forum as I stated in the past is killer sided no slicing or dicing.
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Dude you are running with your tail between your legs. You may want to take these toungelashing and learn something from it.
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There isnt anything to learn from these people can only say but never preform. It's always the same thing multiple killer mains who come at me it's funny really and you are nothing different well I dont know which side you main but it the result remains the same you dont understand what I'm saying.
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Ok so say I do hold W away from the loop. Know what the spirit can do? Hold W herself and catch up to me because not only is 110% negligible compared to 115% (she literally spends 1 to 2 extra seconds to catch up to you over someone like Trapper, not "extremely slow"), if you leave a loop and don't get to another one you're now in the open and you're guaranteed to get hit. Or she phase walks along the oath you chose for a short time and will probably hear you breathing, hear and see the grass move, hear footsteps, grunts of pain if you're injured...and hit you that way. If she only uses it for a bit she'll have her power back by the time you're at another loop where she can now hit you for free. If I'm playing spirit and a survivor holds W I now know I'm getting a free hit in the next 10 seconds because they have no idea what they're doing.
And you know a Spirit could also like, break the pallet lmao, which takes literally a couple of seconds and then phase walk along the path the survivor took in a short burst.
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just go to youtube look it up. the community doesn't have to answer to you. We tried and you said "no not like that"
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Idk the context but by the edited title I can only guess it was written by a kid
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That's not an argument you dont tell someone to look something up. The only thing the community tells me is that these killers have "different counterplay other than looping you have to accurately guess what they will do." Ok cool let's play custom and show me. "No."
My point is its always something that has to so with guesses I offer to play some matches and be showed but it's always I'm not good at survivor or something of that.
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You asked for help and didn't get what you wanted to hear. you have dug a hole so deep there is no going back now so let me ask you this. Why are you entitled to other people's time when they disagree with you?
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I did ask for help you arent giving it you are telling me to look stuff up on YouTube. That's true yes I am not entitled to their time but why claim something without experience. I would get hate saying clown is op without playing him correct? Yet the inverse of that is acceptable.
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No. No it isn't acceptable. I have not seen a single person on here who claims otherwise.
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Very suspicious.
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Are you listening to the people actually trying to help by changing your mindset because Yes they do have more experience then you.
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me calling you out doesn't invalidate the entire thread.
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Apparently it is have not seen anyone who plays killer say survivors are easy or say a killer has counterplay for example then be bad at survivor get called out for it.
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And I would love to help someone if they didn't change the name of the their forum post to beg mods to shutdown dissent.
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I never said it invalidates the thread now answer my question.
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YOU DON'T DESERVE AN ANSWER. You took everyone's good faith and flushed down the tube when you met resistance and didn't listen to people who were trying to HELP YOU!
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I have 2.5k to 3k hours I play both sides when I play slinger its fun yeah but it feels cheap to get free zones by existing. No I wont change my mind.
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You aren't helping at all you are insulting me with clever word play. You never wanted to help me. You just insulted me in that very sentence right there despite the fact that all I put was close this no begging. I just want the thread to die.
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