nearly 4 gens in 3mins



  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    That‘s sadly a very common thing, not only on these forums.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    I believe most of the frustration stems from the fact that survivors seem imune to mistakes.

    They aren't punished nearly as harsh as killers. And yeah, it's the nature of the game, but losing the entire game cause 1 bad chase is extremely frustrating, specially when survivors can just "second chance" out their mistakes.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited August 2020

    No other real mistakes?

    Sorry, but yes -- taking the Meg into the basement was a mistake. It was a real time waster. I said this when the first topic came up, and I stand by it now. That's 20 seconds he's wasting taking Meg into the basement, rather than hooking her at the conveniently placed hook right next to her after several gens have already gone. He has to carry her into the basement, put her on the back hook (which btw wastes the killers time more than the survivors.) and it's not like he's playing Hag or Trapper or someone who it might be worth going for a basement hook with. That's not just 20 seconds. That's 20 seconds for the other three survivors. Only one of them will lose roughly 15 seconds going for the unhook in the basement vs going for the unhook at the other hook. Meaning that's 45 seconds gifted to the survivors so he could put someone in the basement. Hook Meg right where she fell, BBQ procs, and you head off to take down another survivor. That creates pressure. He didn't do that. Instead, he goes straight for a gen and pops it. First hook in the basement I get. Sometimes hooks don't spawn very close to the basement, and sometimes it feels like they're miles away. But Meg fell right underneath a hook. That's a time saver he missed out on.

    And then you have the fact he ignores the Bill. Doesn't even force the pallet drop. He just goes straight back to the shack, when he could've got a down on Bill, used infectious to find anyone coming for the unhook, and then snowballed from there. Instead, he goes straight back to the shack, allowing Bill to make distance. Outside of Infectious range. (Keep in mind he had his power ready here. Which means that pallet probably isn't going to help Bill that much unless Bill is an excellent looper, which as we see later, he is not)

    People will say "Oh so you have to play optimally to win as killer?!" No. You just have to play smart. He didn't engage in enough chases, which was no fault of the gen speeds. Killers can make mistakes, and they can come back from them. But that isn't just given to them, nor should it be. They have to earn it, and he didn't really do anything to earn it. Then he wonders why gens popped so fast.

    Gen speed wasn't so much the issue here as the killer's play was. Gens are going to get done fast when there's no pressure. It's like showing a game where a killer camps a survivor and 3 gens pop really fast, followed by another, and then someone says "The killer played well! He didn't make any mistakes! The survivors just had to hold M1!" Well of course they did. The killer didn't make them do anything else.

    Also this isn't some sweaty four-man team. They don't even appear to be SWF. Even Tru3 kind of admits that at the end, blaming the map (rather than his own decisions, because apparently it's never his fault that he didn't engage in chases instead of proxy-camping the shack for one down) They were just survivors who stuck to gens, because what else are they going to do? Go and force a chase with the killer? That's not their job. Their job is to do gens. I won't say Tru3 is completely wrong about the map, but his play definitely contributed to his loss.

    And that's not to say there might not be an issue with gen speeds at all. BNP's definitely need some looking at IMO, because getting multiple in a match can be really painful for a killer. But there's a delicate balance to be considered when it comes to gen times, you can't just look at a couple games where the killer struggled and say "Slow them down".

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I guess we should stop bothering to talk about quick gens and share videos like this, because survivor mains will argue to death that the killer player's skill is the cause of his loss. We're supposed to be robots/mind-readers and they're supposed to be the power role. They won't say it but they think it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Tru3 isn't a bad player. The game is rigged to be hard against the killer. You're making the most minimal mistakes out to be day-1 noob mistakes. "Oh my God! Why would he ever do that?! He's practically giving survivors the win!" If killers playing suboptimal costs them the game, why is the same not true about survivors? And you don't seem to find anything wrong with how things are. The struggle between killer and survivor should be on a pretty level playing field, but that can't be the case when 12 hooks are needed within a 5-6 minute window. You are putting a lot of pressure on the killer player, don't you think?

    I think Scott is one of those people who says they play on both sides just as an empty talking point, because in reality he is always taking the survivor's side. He still thinks killers like Spirit and Deathslinger have "no counterplay". Whereas Tru3 weighs the strength of both sides, saying that both basement Bubba *and* 5 minutes/5 gens are stupid. Spirit it strong *as well as* DS. And I didn't want to bring DBD celebrities into this, but you are the one who went there.

  • Velarica
    Velarica Member Posts: 76

    Okay so first things first. He made some significant killer errors. I feel no need to point out when and what as plenty of other comments already have. I'm sure at lower ranks these mistakes are much less severe and punishing, however when facing a competent team at higher ranks they can punish such mistakes accordingly and the team he was facing did everything right while he did quite a few things wrong. Obviously its hard to tell what the survivors are doing from his perspective but pay attention to the video. He is patrolling hooks not gens, while patrolling his hook survivors only came AFTER popping their gens and not all of them came one survivor was consistently working gens the entire game, while the others were applying counter pressure forcing him to camp the most complete gen. In a game where the killer makes multiple mistakes and the survivors make very few (even while being mediocre at looping) a quick gen rush is to be expected. Not to mention he got bugged and lost his ability to capitalize on Oni's key strength in the late game with plenty of Blood floating around the map. Its no wonder the game resulted the way it did and in all honesty its an example of what a game should like when the killer makes mistakes while the survivors don't, because its a fact the game is inherently more lenient to survivors' mistakes than killer's

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Not like there's video evidence or anything of Scott playing killer.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241

    So uh, yeah, pretty much everyone on both sides of the argument is wrong. Lemme put on my competitive DbD player pants here:

    Did Tru3 do a lot of things wrong? Sure. Staying near shack wasn't necessarily one of them. He did have something of a 3 gen, and Oni is going to get meme'd on in that main building. Like Scott said, basement was a mistake. No reason to go there with Oni. He had an open hook next to shack. His best bet was snowballing off of that hook and protecting the semi 3 gen in that area. BUT, there's another issue...

    Oni isn't beating anyone good with that build. There's not nearly enough gen control through Pop alone for a killer who spends much of the trial being the worst killer in the game. Not if the survivors are being optimal with gen pressure. Obviously you don't know who you're going against when you're sitting in a lobby, but he would be better served to drop M+A in favor of another gen control perk.

    I think overall though, I do find it hilarious when everyone freaks out over survivors actually playing well. It shows how exceedingly rare it is in public matches. There's nothing wrong with the gen speeds in this video. This is what should happen. Most survivors just exchange recipes, inspect pallets, and do just about anything other than generators for some reason.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    You being rank ten explains a lot. Two minutes for a hook is just ridiculous. If you cant get a down in 40 seconds, you are just bad. Also you're either bad or just flat out not paying attention if you swing at sprint burst. Also, tru3 is probably the worst content creator in this game. Check out ussylis, jrm, spacecoconut, ayrun, or umbra, and you'll see how bad he really is:)

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Well what do you expect, in a 1v4 game the killers mistakes should be 4x more detrimental, it’s balance.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    I'm so glad that this also applies to survivors.

    Bad unhook? Both go down, luckily there's no perk that gives the survivors the choice of a late unhook with risk of the unhooked survivor being downed again if the killer was close.

    Going down already 60 seconds after an unhook? Luckily there's no perk that alleviates this mistake.

    And let's not forget the fact that survivors don't have anything to extend chases even if they ######### up, while killers have exhaustion perks that they can use multiple times in a game.

    I'm so happy with one of the best killer perks taking away 20 seconds of a survivor objective, that's alot and it's not like survivors can pick themselves up 30% faster while slugged negating alot of killer pressure and luckily there's no perk that heals them after all gens are done.

    This is why the killer meta is so stale, killerperks on average are FAR better than survivor perks as they should be because it's 4 perks vs 16.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    If you play killer, watch clickbait (I mean Tru3) and eat it up, feel free to whine away about “omg 4 gens in 3.5 minutes.” Sure, it can feel unfair in the moment to the person playing. But you have to be objective when you look back. The name of that video should be: “Even the tal3nt makes mistakes” or something like that. Followed by only hearing a voiceover about the mistakes he made, what he was thinking, what he learned, etc. That requires being able to tolerate not being perfect though.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    The 20 or so games before this one when he 4k’d all of them.....that’s ok then right? This ######### doesn’t happen every game so stop with this nonsense. If it went on every game then yeah we got a problem but it doesn’t. Stop regurgitating stuff from streamers.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    As a pedant sentences like "During this entire time, he has not left the vicinity of the shack for the entire match." just help erode any attempt at making a valid point-the entire time of the entire match? I CBF'd arguing all the points individually but the whole thing reads like a tween fan of Scot Jund trying to sound like a big boy and 44 dummies liked it because they assumed it's the real Scot doing a bad critique of Tru3.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Actually, OP brought "Celebritys" into this. It´s just so tiring seeing a Tru3talent video every other week in which bad play on his side is shown and used as a proof for a percieved imblance. I recommend maybe opening up your views a bit and include more influences.

    I take from your post that you´re fanboying hard so I don´t think we can have a fruitful conversation. Once you get more experienced I´m sure you will smirk regarding your then past views :)

    And if you´re interested, I´m about 80/20 Killer main.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    great example, an insecure bald headed guy who is as biased as they come and spend 70% of his streams complaining about swf, hatches, keys, etc; git gud or how some of you like to say... do bones

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Don't forget how he claims that he is stating "facts". This is what happens when ppl who are meant for the trailerpark become milionaires through other obnoxious people with a dunning kruger effect.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    If Tru talks about it, then it must be right. 🤣

  • handfulofrain
    handfulofrain Member Posts: 317

    In Otz defense, my man set one (1) trap and went immediately to the gen. That was still dirty.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    ugh it happens, either by bad play or bad luck just take the loss like an adult and move on. Its a game.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Not sure if you'll reply or not, but what's your stance on kicking gens vs wasting time? I would like to know your thoughts.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    That was actually meant to be on your comment, it was just meant to be my own comment lol dont know what happend.

  • LawrenceMynes
    LawrenceMynes Member Posts: 7

    The thing for me with this post about this comes down to the fact that he's doing what killers need to do. Defend what they THINK needs defending.

    I agree he didn't snowball the best as Oni, but I wanna be fair and point out that you can't snowball well as ANY killer in this situation. 2, 3 gens being popped like that? It doesn't matter how fast or slow.

    The killer has more to do then run around and try to get downs. Killers need to pressure where they can, and everyones priorities change based on the matches condition.

    Might just be me reading this situation wrong, but what I see in this video is a bad start and how easy it is to lop side the game and then a reply going over every detail just to say "He didn't play well, stop complaining."

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828
    edited August 2020

    1:58 bad move? the gen was at 70% and the closest one to him. The one in the main building would've been done before he got there anyways.

    2:34 free down on Bill? You mean Bill who had a pallet and a loop that Oni can't charge around? and the BT was body blocking shack entrance for Meg.

    "Snowballing" with the current perk meta is cute, take the hooks and use Pop, it's not hard to get his power back. Or slug and let everyone get themselves up with Soul Guard/Unbreakable and get zero hooks and all your power gone.

    that map is trash though.. i keep seeing people say he stayed around shack, but then criticize kicking gens.. all the gens are a good 20s walk away from each other, regardless which one you choose to go to. "Pressure" the top gen by all the logs? The one in the corner by exit gates is done on your way back. Go for main building? Log gen is done. What are you supposed to do on that map? Pressure all 4 corners at once?