More Map Control!

So I find the idea with the breakable doors kind of charming. It's a way to change the map layout a little bit if you want/need it, but currently the choice is completely in killer hands. I propose giving Survivors the opportunity to rebuild or build breakable doors in specific places either taking a few toolbox charges or a considerable time. They're immediately breakable so killers can combat them, and they're inaccessible for both, killer and survivor so it would not pose the problem that for example a rebuildable pallet (please don't) would.

Past that, I'd love to see more such things that killers and survivors can utilize to change the map in their favor. Small things that don't require a lot of time from the killer, maybe a bit more from the survivor because killers are notoriously busy. Something like a movable platform, a movable access to a certain area, etc. Maybe some of that not even in either the survivor's or killer's control, but on a timer or a randomized event kinda deal. Sort of like the metal doors opening when you pop a gen in The Game, but without a direct trigger (even though that might ######### over some survivors in chases, so if possible it should work with some sort of 'chase detection' so when a survivor in a chase comes close the escalator to the saving point doesn't suddenly start running backwards.)

And hey, I'd also love to maybe see an alternative game mode kinda deal. Nothing too wild, just. Maybe a little change up to the old 'pop 5 generators, open exit, get out' deal for Survivors. Or maybe add more objective types that either directly help with the escape, or make the main objective easier? Something like maybe... 'Do this first, then one nearby generator will be much faster to repair'.

I'll gladly accept feedback!