How often do you see hillbilly?

Right now, demo and hag are more popular on twitch then hillbilly... as in there is two playing demo and one was on hag.
I never see anyone play him any more as survivor.
They nerfed something into the ground because it needed a touch up, I would compare it to needing to move the pillow on your bed to make it look nicer to instead light it on fire and burn the house down with it
Hillbilly had 1-2 things that needed to be addressed so of course they fixed it, then also made him completely unfun to play along with it
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What the hell you on? His base kit virtually didn’t change at all? His add ons are now decent and adjusted, the overheat is really not that impactful and does not cause base kit billy to change. What was wrong with old billy was insta saw, old insta saw is now gone. He is not nerfed to the ground he is still good and his base kit literally did not change. If you are overheating consistently with billy you are doing something wrong.
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Once every 20 games-ish I would guess. I used to see Billy atleast once a day before the "rework". Now if I am lucky I can see one every five days or something.
Oh and I would also play as Billy every day. Now I have so little fun with him I rarely touch him anymore. Broken animations and bad addons just killed him for me.
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No the changes were fine, they just took almost all the fun and the soul of the character along with them
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Billy is really rare compared to the old days where it was just him and nurse at red ranks. I mean, he exists, but he ain't what he used to be.
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What are you talking about tho? He is unchanged base kit wise? You must mean add ons then? I mean he has actually good add ons now instead of just insta saw billy
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I never saw him before the 'nerf', and I never see him now.
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Hillbilly is not as common anymore, but i bet he will have his redamption when people finally start to realise that he is still extremly powerful, especially with doom engravings. Beside instasaw he has not really changed.
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I enjoyed him with double oils for an aggressive playstyle, he has nothing to speed him up now, in any way, what so ever.
You get to play stealth billy once in a blue moon thanks to them making it iridescent or....?
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I saw him all the time before his change but now i almost never see him.
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What needed changed for billy
Address tuning guide, Thompson mix, doom engravings
What they changed, removed all charge speed addons other than ones of extreme high rariety with terrible downsides or annoying activation requirements,
Added a mechanic that shouldn't have existed in the first place with 4 of his 20 addons now combating it
made the mechanic more annoying because it didn't annoy good players enough
Temporarily made his movement speed addons comparable to hot garbage, 3% movement speed for 20% longer charge time what a deal
Made you stare at the ground after every ended chainsaw sprint so make it more disorienting to continue chases or start chases after sprinting
Removed all cooldown addons so now you get to stare at that ground for 3 seconds every single time you end a chainsaw sprint
Kept the mediocre addons like noise range, and hitting an object recovery speed
Gave us black greese which is arguably useless 99.8% of the time
Kept the downside on an arguably only ok purple addon because turning is too strong
Made an addon to incentivise not being able to use your chainsaw for 15 or more seconds
Basekit still has to deal with 25 heat per just starting a chainsaw sprint that takes 7 seconds without addons to fully recover from, 3 of which is cooldown at least but it can also build up
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BHVR is making it clear, having high mobility is a powerful tool for killers. Having insta down power is also pretty strong. Being able to do both on a single killer puts too big a spread from the weakest killers to the strongest killers. You can't have both anymore without limits.
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I see Bubba more than Billy nowadays.
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I saw Billy a few times after the change, but since then he seems to have vanished. Bubba seems to be the new choice, but even then, hes rare too, despite being an absolute beast now. I kinda miss Billy tbh, especially now he has silent chainsaws. That was a fun one to go against.
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Billy makes an appearance about once every 15-20 matches... usually someone bringing an ebony with infectious & the standard bbq looking to 4K in less than 3min.
Still not used to his chase music yet; it’s totally menacing, really cool upgrade though.
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They made the add-on iridescent for no reason so now you hardly ever get it.
I guess the rank 20s sent some nasty emails to the 2 balance dev's and they bowed down.
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Yeah, I got into DbD to play the horror icons I grew-up on in the 80s or that came around when I was an adult: Myers, Freddy, Leatherface, Amanda, and Ghostface.
I love the fact that Leatherface was made better.
Which comes around to Myers. Some say he needs buffs, and maybe he does. But the way he plays with the stalking just feels like Myers to me. Win or lose. I love it.
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I haven’t seen a hillbilly in a couple of weeks. I’ve seen more wraiths though. Could just be a cross play affect though. Kinda miss him.
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So yes its add ons, I am currently working atm so not gonna dissect this but this may affect your feelings towards him but the general opinion seems to be he is in a more balanced spot, the overheat mechanism doesn’t do anything (which is flawed yes) but it does help a bit against face camping billys. The add ons tho imo are fun and unique now, before his add on pass you would just run insta saw/cooldown. Also saying they temporarily ruined engraving add ons prove nothing since ya know they are fixed now. Billy was not nerfed to the ground that is far from true.
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I haven't seen a billy since before the nerf, I doubt I will see one soon and I don't plan to use him at all.
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And yet his popularity nosedived?
The engravings are still nerfed just from the existence of the overheat mechanic. Having the extended charge time makes them pointless.
He is slow, his movement is janky and there is just to much crap and pallets on the map to ever get a chainsaw in now.
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Psssh, insta saw was the reason most hillbillies even played him, silent billy is not good against SWF and that's why you rarely see him anymore.
When most people play killer, they like to come out with the best. Tbh Billy is still good, but he's B-toer at best
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LOL, he was hardly touched.
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Not as much as I'd like..hes definitely..lesser now
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Almost never, same as demo/nurse/hag/plague/pig/clown
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hardly touched by a train fire
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I see Billy more than I ever have. I'm glad he wasn't Killed with his changes. 😊
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he's not satisfying to play anymore
i wouldve been fine with overheat and addon changes to instasaw and crack but honestly i hate the new animations more than anything they also gutted his steering which means turn billy is the only real good addon for him apart from overheat addons and steering the rest of the addons have either zero effect on gameplay or just meme addons
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i havent seen a single billy since the nerf was announced during the event, everyone jumped ship assuming they would give him the nurse treatment which they kinda did
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I still see him as survivor as much as I see other killers. What I see much less of is instasaw billies, which I am massively thankful for. Also I now play as him a bunch, didn't play him very often before but his touch up made me more interested in him and now he's one of my favourites.
He really wasn't harmed at all by his changes.
Even if you go for chainsaws at every single opportunity you're still not likely to overheat more than once a game, and when you do overheat it doesn't lose you the game or anything, you just do normal killer stuff for a few seconds and then back to sawing.
His addons never mattered very much. Billy's one of the killers that can reck shop with basekit, addons are just flair on top. He doesn't need any charge addons, backreving is still easy as ######### with or without them. But without them survivors can atleast know consistently what amount of time they have to juke, rather than having to guess or watch him chainsaw someone else first. The only other time you'd want charge addons is to offset the speed addons, but if you're using them for flicks around loops you can still control the survivor's position while you're charging up.
The worst thing about billy's changes is that he has several addons dedicated to mitigating his overheat, which is a no-factor to begin with. But everything about how he plays is exactly the same except instasaw which, no one wanted to keep except the billys who used it.
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Ever heard of double engravings?
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I hardly got him before the change. I never get him now.
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I can tell you when I do play hillbilly...
When I have a quest for him lol.
Never liked the killer, and I won't do it in the future.
To me, is one of the most boring killers, like trapper and hag.
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His popularity nosedive because basekit billy wasn’t OP, his popularity went down because insta saw billy is gone, the overheat even with engravings doesn’t ruin him, curving is still possible with him.
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Agreed Insta saw was what made him viable, and at higher rank play, players go for whats viable not whats fun, IMO he is still fun and has some fun add ons now, but definitely not as bad as people are crying about
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god i cant believe some peoples incompetence. HAVE YOU EVER EVEN PLAYED BILLY? he feels like dogshit now with literally not a single good addon no exaggeration and a power that already wasnt that good against a skilled player. i literally cant think of a single addon i would like to run on hillbilly, running double engravings, hell even just one is still terrible because it makes overheat unbearable
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You can‘t actually believe that Billy was nerfed to the ground because of the new overheat mechanic?
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Probably only see him once every 2 weeks at least now. Gone are the days of having him daily multiple times
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I don't play a ton of survivor, but here is what I have since 4.1.1
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Not often. I do see his chainsaw and mallet when I play him tho. :P
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Never. Thank God.
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The only bad thing was they nerfed steering. Also he really wasnt that popular to begin with.
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Yeah, have to be honest, I'm not complaining about seeing less Hillbilly.
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They took away all cooldown addons, make you stare at the ground every cooldown, give you a mechanic you don't need, and make most of the addons useless / counters to the new unwanted mechanic, but no hes perfectly fine
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i dont see him very often i didnt use to before nerf either. now even less, the last time we got one was a decent p3 console killer who actually made decent curves tbh im impressed that a joystick can do that (even if probably was using a adapter) still he got gen rushed and destroyed, he is not that impressive anymore tbh since crack and insta saw are gone.
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I had 3 billy matches in a row. Followed by a huntress, a doctor, and another billy. I dont play a survivor often so my rank is only 17, but I had zero problems finding him lol.
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Almost never. Just the way I like it.
You could say that I have a form of killer burnout after versing 95% Hillbillies, 4% Myers and 1% other after hitting Purple ranks for the first time back in the days of original Ruin. That was the worst season or two for me in this game.
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As a hillbilly main... wait, not anymore.
I used to play Billy as my main (used him in roughly 85% of my games), then the first nerf came down onto the live build, and after many said the overheat wasn't that noticeable, I was considering playing him again, but then they nerfed him a second time, so I said screw it, and now I main trapper.
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Yes I have played him, have watched streamers play him, I play him regularly and enjoy running his slient billy add ons along with steering and slight charge increase on pallet stun, no he is not dogshit, it is just you feeling like he is. Yes he is still viable. I have run the engravings on him combined with mothers helpers and really had no issues with curving at the slightest. Please speak for yourself because atm IMO and several others billy really isn’t that bad.
EDIT: this discussion is boring me I am not responding nor reading anything else coming from here.