I want to see killer tier lists from some people

Ekkles Member Posts: 10

You can give explanations for why you place someone there etc but I'm

just curious to see peoples opinions. This one is mine

I place doctor higher on this list, because I think certain builds with him make him insanely strong, one of more underrated killers, and legion because I think people underestimate his power and the interesting ways his power can be used (maybe im biased because hes my second killer under spirit in terms of hours played). I personally think pig in the right hands is nuts, the pressure you can apply to a game without stall perks is already good.



  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,113

    Michael is a bit low should be around c or b. Deathslinger probably also b.

  • pwncxkes
    pwncxkes Member Posts: 235

    You kinda did Myers dirty

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I made a post about mine like 3 weeks ago. So I'll copypaste from it.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    why is Michael so low yes he got a slow start but he good.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    S. Spirit, nurse.

    A. Hag, doctor, oni, huntress, freddy.

    B. Ghostface, deathslinger, pyramid head, billy, leatherface.

    C. Meyers, clown, wraith, plague.

    D. Legion, trapper.

    F. Demogorgon.

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499

    There you go

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,723

    PS4 Player and this list is based entirely on personal experience in a 2-man swf with some solo while also including cross-play and not based on a killers actual potential skill otherwise Nurse and many others would be switched around quite a bit.

    I don't think any killer is absolute trash anymore, just some below the average.

    Pig is in the Good section as I've seen three different Pigs now that were so stupidly good I couldn't even believe it was the same character. I have yet to see such a thing with the 8 below her.

    I would normally place Bubba a little higher since the change but I have yet to meet any able to wow me. Going against him still feels the same and I haven't seen any good uses of his updated ability yet.

    I also have yet to run into any really really good Nurses but I've been against a few decent ones now, nothing mind blowing yet though.

    Hag would also be higher going just off potential but she's the rarest killer to see and while I've seen a few good ones it's never been anything too crazy.

    Everything else is pretty standard place for most tier lists.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Top killers - Spirit, Nurse, Freddy. These three all have both a way to get around the map quickly and a really good ability in a chase.

    Really good killers - Billy, Doctor, Hag. Billy can get around the map really well and has a decent chase ability but it's not quite consistent enough to be in the Top set. Doctor has a decent chase ability and his tracking saves him a good amount of time between chases but he can't get around the map faster than walking. And Hag takes a bit to get set up in the beginning of the match but has excellent map presence and doesn't even chase people, she just smacks them instantly when her traps go off.

    Everybody else - Honestly I think most killers in this "good enough" category where they are good enough to win if you outplay the survivors but they have less margin for error than the ones in the lists above. Clown for instance is maybe the best 115% movement speed chaser in the game but that's literally all he can do which holds him back from actually being great. Demogorgon can tunnel around the map and has pretty good tracking with activated portals but the Shred is pretty situational and that's about it for him. Ghost Face is great at stalking and ambush attacks but can't get around the map quickly and has a bit of trouble in chases when not in stealth. Huntress and Deathslinger are both really good in one-on-one chases but that's all they can do and they have a 110% movement speed which hurts their ability to get from place to place. And so on, they all have something they're good at but what they're good at isn't enough on its own to make them really strong overall compared to the higher tier killers.

    And that's it. I don't think any of the killers are "trash" in the sense that they all can win games at a reasonable rate and most of them have pretty similar kill rates as far as I can tell. If I had to pick a killer I think might be the weakest it would be Pig since Pig's ambush lunge is very situational, her stealth works but slows her down quite a bit, and her reverse bear traps give her a bit of gen slowdown but it's effectiveness is somewhat random depending on how lucky or unlucky the survivors are with the boxes. She's "ok" at each of those things but not really great in any of them. Even so, I still think she's "good enough" to win if you outplay the survivors so at worst she's at the bottom part of the average category.

    On a final note, my guess is Blight is also going to be in that Everybody Else/Good Enough category. His Rush ability looks like it's the best map movement in the game. He can run at Billy speeds but if he hits an object can just course correct and keep going. He can start his run instantly and it only has a 2 second per charge cooldown so he can Rush basically whenever he wants between chases. And he can even use his Rush to catch back up to a survivor after an initial hit. But mostly his ability isn't really something to use in chases, it's primarily to get you running to the next chase after you hit or down a survivor. That speed is definitely a good ability, but having pretty much nothing to help deal with loops will cost him some of the time he's saving running around. So I'm thinking he'll end up in that average category, able to win if you outplay the survivors but not great.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    S - Nurse, Spirit, Freddy

    The only killers able to perform well on virtually any map.

    A - Billy, Hag, Huntress

    More map dependent than S tier, but still able to perform marginally well compared to most other killers.

    B - Oni, Pyramid Head, Ghostface, Doctor, Blight, Bubba, Myers, Deathslinger

    Perfectly average killers that will struggle against more coordinated teams or are missing something crucial that will allow them to rise a tier, usually map pressure or being hindered by a slow start.

    C - Plague, Demo, Wraith, Trapper

    Killers that are more addon dependent and will struggle heavily against coordinated teams. Most lack map pressure and some form of anti loop.

    D - Legion, Clown

    Oh to be playing back in Summer 2018 where Clown was ranked B or higher cause no one knew how to play against him. These two haven't had a good time. 0 map pressure, both have non lethal powers,, you have to play extremely well to succeed as these two killers.

    I know it's definitely way too early to throw Blight anywhere really especially with him being bugged but I figured why not might as well.

  • CogHead
    CogHead Member Posts: 14

    S: Nurse, Spirit, Freddy

    A: Billy, Myers, PH, Oni

    B: Hag, Bubba, Legion, Ghostface, Deathslinger

    C: Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Demogorgon

    D: Huntress

    F: Clown

    This is from my personal experience

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    Such a listing would have to be platform-specific, as Nurse is quite effective on PC but ineffective on console. Spirit and maybe Freddy are the only two who imo can consistently win wherever played. Billy used to be almost as high but his initial steps have been hurt by recent changes.

    The rest of the cast become so perk, add-on, and map dependant to be inconsistent killers, at least on Xbox1 at red ranks.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Honestly tier lists are too opinion based and hard for me to decide so I’ll put the simple facts down Nurse is the best Clown is the worst everything in between is up for opinion

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Should add to that by saying every killer can win against the average survivor group so honestly who cares about tier lists lmao.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Exactly all killers can win against regular groups even clown so tier lists don’t mean anything

  • MegHasCuteFeet
    MegHasCuteFeet Member Posts: 369

    le funnyyy

    Would honestly like to see a serious tierlist by the devs though just to see how much in touch they are with their game.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited August 2020

    S: Spirit, Nurse, Hag

    A: Freddy, Huntress, Pyramid Head, Oni, Billy

    B: Ghost Face, Bubba, Plague, Demogorgon, Doctor

    C: Deathslinger, Wraith, Myers, Legion

    D: Trapper, Pig, Clown

    Edit: This is assuming red ranks and a reasonable set of perks and add-ons (not necessarily the best). For example, this would not be assuming Clown is running Pinky Finger.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    here's mine

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    What do you mean by "competitive play"? This tier list looks questionable to me but it of course depends what your win condition is, whether perks and add-ons are considered, etc.

  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293
    edited August 2020

    (Edit: Forgot to include Deathslinger i would put him in B)

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
  • Scratchers
    Scratchers Member Posts: 6

    Otzdarva made a tier list that makes nothing but good points. I agreed with him on practically everything:

  • maderr
    maderr Member Posts: 251

    Would put Oni in C or below as when you know how to counter him, he is as bad as demogorgon.

    Would put the plague on A or B as if you know how to play her, she is not that bad.

    Anyway, at high rank against swf, only tier S/A killers are efficient enough. Everything else is just unplayable.

    When you have a swf where they all run borrow + DS + dead hard + unreakable, have fun to deal with them with any tier B or under killers.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    for those who might be unclear on this oni imo has the best ability in the game and the only downside is his limited use which is why he is imo third best killer in the game

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    You're dead wrong. It's:

    S: Myers

    A: Everyone else.


  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317
    edited August 2020

    My PS4 tierlist

    Not considering frame issues, plagues bugged vomit etc

  • mostlyghostly
    mostlyghostly Member Posts: 135

    Tierlist for comp play. Nurse, spirit and PH can all counter looping effectively. Nurse and Spirit generate map pressure and PH can tunnel players out of the game. Freddy is good but can be countered by survivors staying awake and predropping pallets. Billy has good map pressure but not great downing potential. Oni has a great power but can't access it against a comp team, at least not early enough. Hag is ok is she gets a hook due to camping/tunneling potential but struggles with her traps. Huntress has good downing potential but not good map pressure and won't get cross maps. Doc can down but can't do it nearly as fast as PH. I'm not too sure about LF as he's quite new, but I think he's ok. GF can generate map pressure by 99ing but good teams will take protection hits etc. Rest of killers just get looped for 5 gens and won't even get a hook probably

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I mean tournament play. Every tournament has slightly different rules, but in general, no ultra rare add ons, most maps are banned because most maps are completely unbalanced in high skill play, and you get points based on hook states, escapes, gens completed, etc. Most killers in this game are complete non threats against 4 highly skilled survivors. Some of the best killers in the world barely manage 1k or 2k games.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    i was expecting a real tier list im kinda dissapointed with that kind of response i was hoping the dev could have an idea about their own game

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Gotcha, that's fair enough. "They break pallets for 5 gens and the game is over" is extreme, because they should be able to get some hooks unless they're really doing something wrong, but I agree they would have trouble stopping the gen rush. If the game is meant to be balanced around a 2k, though, it actually doesn't seem too bad that the weaker killers in the game would manage a 1k or 2k when played optimally against survivors in a SWF also playing optimally.

  • vermilly
    vermilly Member Posts: 10
  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Really depends. Certain killers really can't do anything against safe pallets unless the survivors make a mistake. I mean Nurse and Spirit have to sweat super hard to get 2k games against a lot of these teams. Two killers have tried to play Doctor against my team in the last two tournaments and they managed 3 hooks total in 2 games.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    If you had played as michael against a decent 4 man SWF then they can pretty easily keep you in tier 1 for quiet a while depending on how the map spawned.

    If they are successful at keeping you in tier 1 for an extended time period of time you pretty much lose the game.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Yeah, well I suppose if a lot of the maps are banned I'd imagine killer-sided ones like Hawkins that have very few safe pallets probably wouldn't be in the rotation. Rules are also going to matter a lot; like, I've seen tournaments that ban tunneling, camping, and slugging (in the pure sense; trying to get everyone downed at once, not like an Oni with Infectious or something). If win condition is kills, banning those strategies is really handicapping the killer. If the win condition is points that's less important, but it's still a big factor.

  • alex9er
    alex9er Member Posts: 96

    Here's mine

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    The only Objectively Right™ tier list.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I really like the tier list dowsey made.

    It's really accurate in my opinion

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
  • Rittihilatti
    Rittihilatti Member Posts: 124

    Doesnt matter how your list look like.

    The gap between the first and the last is waaaay to huge.

    That is the problem.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825
    edited August 2020


    S TIER: nurse and spirit are anti looping gods with minimal defenses against them.

    this seems to be widely accepted so i wont go over them too much

    A TIER:

    ONI: has the possibility to be better than everyone but his early game is abysmal

    FREDDY :is an all around good killer( good chase time and teleportation for map pressure can go a long way)

    HAG: a top tier killer with major drawbacks including being hard countered by flashlights, having a minute of trap setting destroyed when you are carrying a survivor and being orientated around survivor mistakes. that being said if she hooks you there might be nothing the team can possibly do to save you even as she goes in for more.

    HILLBILL: an oldy but a goody. can destroy survivors a minute in with ease if you know what you are doing often even faster than those ranked above him but is a bit map dependent.

    PYRAMID HEAD: tbh i don't have him and only played against him a few times but this feels right

    DEATHSLINGER: then best ranged killer on most maps, bearly any terror radius to warn you, guarenteed injure and deep wound reguardless of reel in and the least map dependent ranged killer.

    GHOSTFACE: the best stealth killer by alot(unless you consider spirit a stealth killer). can do nearly everything myers, pig and wraith can do and better.

    DOCTOR: impossible to hide from and able to stop vaults and pallet usage as well as force them to wast time to snap out of it. hes just great.

    B TIER:

    HUNTRESS: the most map dependant killer in the game with likely the best addon combo in the game. on auto haven with infantry belt and iri heads they dont have a chance on lery's going in base kit you likely already lost but every map isnt lery's or auto haven so i'll keep her here in the middle.

    LEATHERFACE: not good not great but better than before

    PLAGUE: a high skill ceiling that is almost never reached due to her dependence on survivors to give her anything. Better hope they clense or you're a 32 meter terror radius non stealthy 1m killer that has to soak em for 10 continuous seconds to down them in one.

    C TIER:

    CLOWN: objectively inferior freddy. hes freddy with no teleport, a reload and slightly different slow mechanics

    DEMOGORGAN: easily removed traps that are far from instant with a cooldown but he has a cool m2 so thats something better not look to his addons for help though

    TRAPPER: just hope you brang the right loadout for the right squad. bring a darkening loadout against the squad that checks everywhere they will step beforehand and you lose, bring coils or the other iri for them and you're golden. if you dont look you've already won

    MYERS: one hit downs sometimes and some stealth make a good killer right? just not at the same time right? right?

    PIG: A lunge ability similar to the wraiths uncloak but with a callout to survivors a day in advance and more difficult to control and a side ability that is 100% luck so it looks like the lunge isnt going to carry you. are you feeling lucky?

    WRAITH: Oh i love wraith so much but there is more strength in wet tissue paper than there is in his base kit

    F TIER:

    LEGION: if the survivors are stupid enough to think your power is worth running away from they lose if not they dont

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,322

    It sounds like the tournament is banning too many things away from the killer and the killer is setup to fail in those tournaments because they're relying in base kit of killers which is generally speaking extremely bad. I think major things that tournament should ban are med-kit styptic agent, Toolbox-Brand new part & keys and the killer side should ban all equivalents of ban Mori which include ebony mori, ivory mori and all killer add-on associated with Mori. Those items change the game too much when stacked and skewed the game very heavily one side. The other killer stuff is fair game though. It sometimes feel like a lot of really good add-on on killer in capsule the killers true form. Although I find it funny at times for what dev consider strong and it always gives me a good laugh. I imagine the reason why base-kit killers are weak towards the game is so that newcomers survivors do not have too terrible of gameplay experience, though I imagine that it ends up being the case from the game having high-skill floor and smurfing within matchmaking. No clue why anyone would even attempt to play base-kit killers that are balanced for rank 8-20 against veteran players in tournament setting. It just does not work.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    does this mean we get to see a pig rework/buff soon? xd

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Something like that.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957