We All Know How To Fix DS, Stop Complaining

Decisive Strike will strictly stay the same. Same activation time, Same Stun time, Same Skill check. The only thing that needs to be added is whenever a survivor interacts with ANYTHING other than a pallet, locker or window it deactivates.
You can not be being tunneled if you are fuxing a generator, opening a chest, saving a survivor, mending , healing , anything. There is no possible way you can yell "im being tunneled of hook" when you got saved, healed and started any action.
Sounds easy right? Because it is. BHVR is scared to upset the majority of the player base (survivor) by murdering their favorite perk. Decisive strike will never change. That is the sad and simple truth about it
You can still get tunneled with DS. Very easy, happens all the time, everyone knows it. Just nerfing it does not fix the issue in terms of it being used offensively or it being geared enough to be strictly an anti-tunnel perk.
I down a survivor, hook him, he gets rescued. I hit him off the unhook, get DSed, and immediately run him down and hook him again. Current state of DS HELPS with tunneling, but does not prevent it. Your proposed nerf does not help whatsoever. There have been many posts on this forum discussing the matter, and the best suggestion so far has been to implement the changes you suggested above, and then with an extended sprint burst or something a kin to aid the survivor in actually getting away from a tunnel.
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So... until Decisive Strike deters killers from tunneling 100% of the time, survivors can save Decisive Strike for endgame to guarantee a free escape? 🤨
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You're literally tunneling
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Yup. Just like a killer can use a NOED perk for a free downs. You can't get mad at a survivor using DS for a late game build, combining it with with Unbreakable and then getting into the situation where he gets out because of it. Same reason you can't get mad at a killer for using Noed and Bloodwarden to trap and kill everyone, especially if survivors don't want to clean bones. The fun in the game is having perk builds that benefit specific scenarios. Also, an endgame DS does not guarantee a free escape, but it sure as hell makes it very possible. Just like NOED doesn't guarantee kills, but it sure does help.
Again, this is just a comparison. You could complain about any perk being OP cus you got muffed by it. That's all this feedback forum is half the time. Hell, people complain about Spine Chill! Or BBQ!!😂
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Yes, that is a scenario where Killer would be literally tunneling. Your proposed change would not help a survivor who is being tunneled. You were saying you want it to be strictly anti-tunneling. The situation is not remedied.
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locker not deactivates would suck still be locker tect with ds.
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There are many discussions on the topic in the forum you can find, likely on the first few pages. There have been some decent suggestions on the matter (or at least suggestions that are helping 'balance' the perk more).