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Dealing With Anxiety?

Hey all, first off, I apologize if this post seems silly or out of place. Just wanted to gauge the community and possibly get some tips.

I've been enjoying this game off an on since it's release. I recently got into it pretty seriously and play regularly this year. Ever since Covid however, I've had some increased anxiety and stress due to other matters. Now that I have mentioned that, when I try playing this game, my anxiety ramps up to 11. I feel super panicked and pressured when I am playing as survivor. This never was an issue before and it's a shame because I would like to just forget about things and enjoy the game, but I have hit this wall. Does anyone else experience anything similar while playing? I try to remind myself that it's not always about escaping the trial, I just feel the pressure to survive outweighs my enjoyment. Again, sorry if this seems misplaced, just was wanting to see how you all felt or dealt with similar feelings.

Thanks, and have fun!

Best Answer


  • xEtownbeatdown
    xEtownbeatdown Member Posts: 2

    Appreciate the reply. I literally had played 1 game and quit because of what I had described and you're exactly right, first game was the worst. It stinks that it's the way it is but might be best to put the game on the back burner until things improve. Thanks again and take care!

  • Generator_Repairer
    Generator_Repairer Member Posts: 84

    Yes, I experience this aswell. DbD is a horror game afterall. you have to deal with THIS thing, there might be a bear trap THERE, the survivors are doing THAT gen. I always think what the other side may be thinking, that i'm stupid or such which gives me even more anxiety.

  • Nastyy_Ninja
    Nastyy_Ninja Member Posts: 5

    I had this effect when I first started playing during lockdown and agreed your anxiety is increased during this game, the heart beat always used to increase my anxiety but now that I’ve played it a lot and I play with friend I’ve gotten used to it, so it doesn’t bother me to much like it used to. But if you find yourself in this situation play it in small doses and play with friends so you are communicating and taking your mind off of it which has helped me.