Let's come up with balance ideas to help DbD.


Lay your ideas that you think will balance the game. Let me start.
Me: The game is horribly too favored toward the survivors. I mean each surv has 3 chances before they die, which, for the killer, means they have 12 objectives with each one varying on difficultly depending on how many pallets and near infinities the surv loops and the perks they pick, etc. Plus the killer has 5 more objectives which are to defend the gens and yet, the survs only have 7 objectives to do; the 5 gens and the 2 doors which are all quick and easy to do. So on the top of my head maybe have it so the if the survs get 2 gens done, it only takes 2 hooks to kill a surv, and if they get 4 or more done, it takes 1 hook.

I know this may seem OP as hell, but my reasoning is that survs run the game and the devs advertised the Killer as the power role when in fact, the survs are. But this is just a top of my head idea. If this were to become a thing, I'd want to test it and rework it and make it balanced so survs can have fun without feeling like they get cheated out of a match like us Killers do. I want balance and intense games to where everyone can have a good time. Not easy wins as some of yall may assume.