SWF. It needs to be removed.

Swf has no place in public matches. It should be solo queue only. I'm sick and tired of getting bodied by sweaty Chad groups. I know most of the swf crowd is gonna say "wE'rE nOt SwEaTy, We'Re JuSt HeRe To ChIlL". If the majority are just here to chill with friends for a casual game then you should have no problem doing it in a PRIVATE lobby. However, we all know that you're not here to just chill for a casual game, you're here to bully the killer and be toxic try hards. So they should make swf only allowed in private since they obviously don't give f*** to balance it. There is your easy balance. Remove it from competitive play. Plain and simple.



  • Malechai
    Malechai Member Posts: 71

    Somebody doesn't know how to play toxic enough to counter toxic groups. Lightborn and mad grit are your best friends.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    And your response is exactly what's wrong with this community. I shouldn't have to adopt a more toxic play style just to be competitive. I run mad grit and lightborn if I see 2 or more flashlights. If people want to be toxic when they play, then bully for them. However, I shouldn't be forced to play with them and also be completely unaware it's about to happen. It's really not a good game model to have that level of toxic play in the game mode where you're supposed to get points and progress through your characters. It makes it a heavily one sided trial. If you want to play with your friends then you should be in private lobbies in this kind of game. I'm guessing you're a toxic Chad that mains survivor, especially with how you responded.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    SWF doesn't need to be removed. That would kill the game, since a lot of people are here to play with their friends. Matchmaking does need to be improved, though, and it would help balance a lot to buff solo queue to bring it more in line with SWF.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    This might come as a shock but every online game where people work together allows you to play with friends.

    Sorry but you need to just get gid.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Nerf survivors, sure, and particularly do so in ways that hit SWF hardest.

    ...but if you outright remove SWF, this game will die faster than you can say "We're reverting Legion in the Midchapter 17 patch"

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    It absolutely needs to be removed from public matches. If you're here to just screw around with friends then you shouldn't have a problem with private lobbies. It wouldn't kill the game. It would kill the large amounts of toxicity in the game though. It would also buff solo queues by making a larger pool of competent players available to pull from and force people to learn the game and work together effectively. It would also make some survivor perks actually viable for sharing info with your team. Which, in turn, would force all the meta second chance builds run by swf groups to cease to exist.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    I said it needs to be removed from PUBLIC matches. Because it does.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Git gud, killer, not every SWF is a Swat group or death squad. The entitlement is showing sweetie, and it's not pretty. But SWF doesn't need removed as a whole, probably a nerf and that's it. Plus if they did remove SWF that's over half the player base gone, good luck finding matches that way.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    "I didn't say to remove it, I said to remove it from matchmaking!"

    Because that's so much better.

    "You can still play with your friends! You just have to get five people together, one of whom is willing to get their teeth kicked in by your sweat squad!"

    "Hey, why aren't you playing anymore?"

  • DeeJHansen
    DeeJHansen Member Posts: 81

    No, they need to implement proximity chat and make outside chat platforms a bannable offense for cheating.

  • Malechai
    Malechai Member Posts: 71

    What you're missing OP is that they have perks in the game to combat different playstyles. You're saying you shouldn't have to adopt a toxic playstyle but what you're asking is for survivors to stop playing so toxic because YOU don't like it.

    What you also have to understand is that you don't need be in a SWF to be toxic. You just need to be aware of your surroundings and other players. It doesn't require communication in any form. The same with playing in such a way to counter toxicity. Don't go to the hook they expect you to go to. Be unpredictable. One thing I've seen as a killer in terms of toxic groups is, especially SWFs (and I've experienced it in a SWF as well) is that they will oftentimes go so out of their way to save their buddy that they don't get anything done.

    You cannot place the blame on how people want to play their game because you don't like it or because it makes things hard for you. Maybe you need to find a killer you play better as. Maybe you just need to explore different perk combinations. But the solution is not to just prevent people from playing with their friends because it makes it harder on you. That's a cop out because, frankly, it sounds like you don't want to try and get better at the game, you just want the wins to be handed to you.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    "Get gud" lol classic response of a toxic swf turd. It has nothing to do with thinking I'm "entitled" (I hope you stretched before that reach) it has everything to do with game balance. Every single swf I've ever seen has been a "deathsquad". I said it needs to be removed from public matches. There is no way to nerf an swf group. Aside from removal. Why would I care if we lose half the player base and are left with non toxic people who just want good games and not a toxic environment? I wouldn't miss them at all. Please, do tell, how would you nerf swf?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Not happening. Impossible to enforce from a technical standpoint and it would also break the tos of consoles.

  • DeeJHansen
    DeeJHansen Member Posts: 81

    No, anti-cheat software can detect applications and processes running on the computer if given permission. So skype, Discord, Ventrillo, etc. can be detected and asked to be shut down. As for consoles, I don't know the specifics of their TOS. But I am sure DBD can pipe any audio from XBOX live parties into proximity chat, thus not limiting Party Chat but also not giving an unfair advantage.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    I'd rather them kick the teeth in on a volunteer than have it forced on me. It's not hard to find 4 other people and I'm sure there would be a sweat killer on their friend list who would relish the challenge.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    edited September 2020

    All these voice chat softwares are legit and can be used outside of gaming. Blocking them would create major issues and EAC is never gonna do that. Dbd would become the laughing stock of the gaming community for even thinking about something like that.

    Regarding console chat, bhvr has absolutely no saying or authority over that and it's entirely managed by their respective platforms.

    As for the unfair advantage, it's a non-argument. Voice chat is openly allowed. If it's legal then it's also fair game.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Are you stupid? It's not about the toxicity of swf. It's that it's impossible to win against a well coordinated swf group. That opinion is shared by many YouTubers I watch. Otz being the first I ever heard say it. I can deal with toxicity. I like learning the game and getting better at it. Doesn't change the fact that you can't win and it's not a fun match against these kinds of groups.

  • Malechai
    Malechai Member Posts: 71

    I'm sure I play against many SWFs and win. I'm sure you do too, but if you actually win, you don't give two shits if it's a SWF or not because you won. And here's a thought, don't take your opinions from YouTubers.

  • DeeJHansen
    DeeJHansen Member Posts: 81

    Ok, if that is your definition of fair then all killers should quit. Also, BHVR can implement these changes, whether or not they do is on them, but it would massively improve the game.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    I never said I took my opinion from YouTubers. I said many of them share the same opinion. Swf is broken in this game. It shouldn't be allowed in public matchmaking where you have to earn points. I imagine the swf groups you're beating aren't really sweaty or playing to win. If they were then you'd feel my pain and the pain of many others who are tired of this. If it's not gonna be removed then the killer should be told in the lobby if people are swf.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    One perk limited to one person, OoO not included, and whatnot. And if every game you go against a deathsquad, take an hour break come back and continue. Try playing Solo Queue and see how you do against a tunneling/camping killer with teammates who don't care whether you live or die.

    TUPAMAN Member Posts: 1

    They need to make it so if the killer is camping you on a hook for more then 15 seconds his aura is revealed and he gets a speed penalty. The camping is making this game unplayable

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    I do play solo queue. I really think solo queue would greatly benefit from swf being moved to private matches only. It would force solo queue players to learn to play as a team if they wanted to win or get points. You also wouldn't be getting potato teammates as often either because there would be a larger pool of good players at your skill level to pull from.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Killers only camp out of desperation because they're getting bodied regularly by swf try hard groups. So it becomes a regular strat that the employ regularly because you can't know for sure if you're against a swf group. All these problems would be fixed if swf wasn't allowed in public matches.

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    Taking a break for an hour doesn't help when you're a Killer in the low ranks. I've been a solo Survivor since I started playing and even gotten to the red ranks before (and that's from playing multiple Survivor's, starting from level 1 each time). I'd say I do fairly well against Killers and since I like to mess with them, being camped/tunneled *when it does happen* feels deserved. In the end it's still enjoyable because my experience makes me a pain to deal with individually and the Killer's attention and persistence to get me makes it enjoyable. If you're trying to compare that to the stress Killer's have to endure when playing against SWF's then I'd say you're full of it.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    Well SWF can still be nerfed instead of being removed as a whole, as I said before make it where more than one person can't use decisive strike, or borrowed time for example. It would stop them from using the same meme build constantly and add some counter play, one person may run a looping build, another an altruistic build and so on.

    But OP wants to remove over half the player base claiming less toxicity, no matter what you play or fix in your game there will be toxicity regardless. OP treats it like killers can't be toxic either saying it's only SWF's fault. Regardless though, SWF is not being removed as it draws in most the playbase and therefore devs are going to keep it.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    If you are seeing "deathsquads" every swf maybe you are just bad.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    And this one should not. I just need to get good? You do realize that the devs are trying to figure out how to nerf the effectiveness of swf, right? They know it's unbalanced and you just sound like another sweaty swf Jack*** who likes to bully killers with your group.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    You're stupid asf. I don't want it removed. I want it exclusively for private lobbies. It's not about the toxicity players in an swf (it just adds insult to injury). It's about how unbalanced it is for the game.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Or the matchmaking is trash. Or swf groups as a whole lie about just being casual. Or I'm so good at the game that matchmaking only puts me with the most sweaty groups possible. I have yet to see a swf who isn't there to win. Maybe I'm just trash (which I doubt). Maybe you're so bad at the game that you rarely see them? I see them regularly.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    You wanna play custom? I can play both sides I'd like to gauge your skill. Seeing deathsquads everygame is bull.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    I didn't say every game. I said regularly. Learn to read. Customs game 1v1 really won't tell you squat. I assume you're also on a PC. I'm on console. You just sound like another bully. You probably enjoy running swf and bullying people. Regardless, there should be an option for players to only play against solo queue players. I don't want to play such sweaty groups and I'm forced to do so. I'm sick and tired of entitled survivor mains trying to tell me "just get good" or saying I'm entitled because I don't want to play matches where I get f***ing bodied and can't do s***. This game is literally designed for swf survivors to blatantly bully killers.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Oh my bad but still regularly is still bull man. What time did you start dbd? A 1v1 should shoe me are you good at mindgames as killer or are you an optimal looper as survivor. I'm on xbox nice assumption lol.

    You have problems that go beyond dbd. You have like past bully trauma? I'm not entitled at all I simply ask you a few question and said my 2 cents. You sound entitled more than me asking to punish people for playing with friends.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    There is no getting through to you. Swf isnt being removed nor is it gonna have your proposed idea take a break and focus on getting better.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Nope, they should work it to make it balanced. People should be able to play with they're mates.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    And I shouldn't be forced to play with said folks. Take the swf to private matches.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Your like that kid in kick ball who wants to ban the kids who can kick well, rather than than balancing it out by placing them on different teams.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
    edited September 2020

    "Swf. It needs to be removed" is literally your title. You are not going against death squad swfs regularly. Tell me shag console xbox or playstation or actually when did you start dbd? You sound like a new player only a new player claims they face death squad on a consistent basis.

    Moving swf to kyf is not a good idea people want to progress with their friends doing so will kill the game. If you cant play with friends and progress this game is going to die. Your idea is flawd and terrible.

    I'm done with this conversation you use logical fallacies (insulting me instead of trying to counter my argument) it's not productive and you are stubborn.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    wish people would stop treating this game like it real competitive,how the game is how unfair matches can be for both sides at times how random the matches are this not a competitive game.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited September 2020

    So your saying "They won't do this" so your solution is to suggest something else they won't do? And by banning I meant SWF, not the players. Kick ball is bad comparison how? Its one side completing a goal while the other side trys to stop them, only big difference is the sides rotate. The devs balancing the mechanic is wayyyyyyyy more likely than them removing it.

    Post edited by SCP_FOR_DBD on
  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    Well, for starters, you insulted me first. So get over it, cupcake.

    Secondly. my title doesn't specify what I want it removed from but if you can read ( I know you can't ) you'd see I specified in my OP where I would've liked it removed from. Are you delusional? I've been like broken record on repeat. You told me I was trash. You told me my personal life was the problem. You said that I had a past of being bullied. My logical fallacies? Pot calling the kettle black, bud.

    I do run into "deathsquad" swf groups regularly. I don't care if you believe that or not. I'm rank 6 as a killer.

    Spoken like a true entitled survivor main. You know how else the game dies? When all the killers quit or switch to survivor because they're tired of one sided matches and getting rolled by sweat lords. You only care about what survivors want or if they're having a good time. I should have the option to play and have a good time. Swf groups ruin that.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    And how sweaty and skilled is your swf group? I'm guessing not very.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited September 2020

    Funny, I wasn't aware how metaphors worked, apparently they need to match it 100% or else its pointless. There is literally so much they could do to nerf something like that, make auras for SWF invisible, make coordinated healing or gen repair or stuns reduce. And you mean to be telling me "I don't want anyone banned" doesn't mean the players? Is that a joke? If you spent half as much time on a well thought out argument as you did on insults you might actually have ground to stand on champ.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60
    edited September 2020

    Your metaphor didn't even match for 50%. It was half baked at best. Redistribute the kids that can kick relates to swf how? Oh, that's right, it doesn't.

    You could make auras invisible all you like. They have mics, stupid. There are perks for slowing down such activities. How does the game know who is in the swf if you have one random?

    I never said I wanted anyone banned from playing. Do the players not make up the swf groups? I don't want either one banned. I shouldn't be forced to play with swf groups if I don't want to though. Moving it to private lobbies gives that option. I've suggested on here before to make a game mode (hardcore) that requires you to be in swf or red ranks and gives you 25% to all BP gains across the lobby and then you have a casual lobby that is purple and below with solo queue only. That idea was also insulted by people like you. Swf ruins this game for killers. The ground I'm standing on is quite firm. The swf is OP which is why they're trying to figure out how to balance it.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    If you were paying attention you'd know the metaphor was about power. The ones who kick hard are the SWF power, banning them would be banning SWF, having them join separate teams means nerfing SWF and buffing killers when facing SWF. Was that so hard to understand? And invisible auras helps stop information either way. Solo Q get auras and can tell exactly where a survivor is, SWF now has to go off they're friends calls. Under the metaphor I wasn't referring to you banning players I was referring to you banning SWF.

  • TheForgotten
    TheForgotten Member Posts: 60

    This was your extravagant metaphor. Pretty piss poor I'd say. It's a terrible metaphor regardless of how you spin it.

    With your aura fix nothing changes. Swf groups don't run aura perks. They only rely on call outs. Your idea fixed nothing.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Nah, you haven't provided any reasoning other than "It doesn't perfectly match the game so its wrong". The idea is a nerf regardless, you blatantly ignored the other ideas as well. Also, I play as and against SWF all the time and bond is almost always on those builds for quick aura reads, aura perks are always useful.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Well that was a rip on my part lol

    I don't mind a nerf to swf if they do it correctly but they're smart enough to know they can't remove swf.

    I'm not defending swf because I want to bully killers. I'm defending swf because I know that getting rid of it would kill this game. The point of playing a multiplayer game is to play with your friends.

This discussion has been closed.